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Wherever you may be tomorrow...... Whether you are Overseas in the shit, or conus. I wish every single one of you leathernecks a "Wonderful Birthday". SEMPER FIDELIS..."ALWAY's FAITHFUL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by Juan Trevino on November 9, 2009 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Approaches to more effectively & safely attacking high-rise fires

High in the Sky

Approaches to more effectively & safely attacking high-rise fires

Editor’s note: Over the years, complex high-rise fires have challenged some of our most seasoned firefighters; these fires include the First Interstate Bank of Los Angeles, Four Leaf Towers in Houston and The One Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia. Some of the most extreme issues deal with wind-driven fires, limited access for civilian rescues, complex air management requirements and… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on November 9, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

The best advice I got from an old firefighter was:

We have such a wide variety of ages in the membership here at Such diversity offers the great opportunity to pass along nuggets of knowledge from the old, grizzled, sometimes cranky old veterans down to the younger firefighters who represent the future of the fire service.

Some are good, some are just plain funny. But, I've found that I can learn more from just listening to an old Chief talking then I can learn in any… Continue

Added by on November 7, 2009 at 4:08am — 4 Comments

My Decision....

So as you know from my last posting that I have taken a break from firefighting. Well after I have my surgery on December 1st and recover from rehab and such I have decided to return to the department. At the age of 21 I have seen a lot of things people twice my age will never imagine of seeing, but even with that, my heart is in being a firefighter. So around the summer season of 2010 I will be returning and be back where I belong and this time it's for good. It feels so good to know I will be… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on November 6, 2009 at 6:36pm — 1 Comment

Executive Leadership with Chief Brunacini

For new and aspiring chiefs, it can be very overwhelming when you step into that top position. There is no playbook to guide you, rather, you often must go on your gut instincts and own experience. There is no substitute; however, for the chance to sit down with other chiefs, particularly those seasoned veterans who have been through it both good and bad times and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Now you have a unique opportunity for one-on-one time with the best… Continue

Added by Kate Ruhe on November 5, 2009 at 1:32pm — No Comments

Random Thoughts from a Linear Thinker

Happy Guy Fawkes Day.

Added by George A. Laiacona III on November 5, 2009 at 12:13pm — 1 Comment

Class A Foam Makes for Speedy Attack on Vehicle Fires


Quick Knockdown: Class A foam can make for a speedy attack on vehicle fires in rural areas

Story & Photos by Keith Klassen

Although vehicle fires are a common response for any department, they can be more challenging for rural departments where longer response times and distant water sources are common. In those situations, Class A foam can be an extremely helpful fire attack option.

Class A… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on November 5, 2009 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments


October 13th we will have our second chili cookoff. Last year had a good turnout and raised money for MDA alittle over 4,000.00 actually. This year we are going to raise the money to replace the rescue tools. Come join in the fun.
UPDATED We raised right at 8,000.00 doubling last years mark! watch for our next fundraiser We are trying to get to 40,000.00 to purchase a new set of jaws equipment.
Equipment purchased and making plans for 2010 cookoff.

Added by CHIEF 802 on November 5, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Lines in the Sand

The mascot of our Tower Ladder, like so many other companies, is Yosemite Sam. It is one of his many cartoon appearances that gave me the name for this blog. OF course it is the one with Bugs Bunny daring him to cross repeated lines in the sand, which he does, eventually falling off a cliff. For those of us old enough to remember the Gulf of Sidra, we know that countries often draw similar lines in the sand. I am however writing about lines drawn in the sand right inside the firehouse and… Continue

Added by Alan Shaw on November 5, 2009 at 4:19am — 8 Comments

Candlemoth Syndrome

How many firefighters have experienced Candlemoth Syndrome? I know I have, particularly when I was younger and less experienced. Candlemoth Syndrome is a firefighting cousin of Target Fixation, where firefighters are drawn closely to the fire in disregard for proper firefighting tactics and for firefighter safety.

The definition of "… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on November 4, 2009 at 7:33pm — 7 Comments


Today we had a problem with a lady in the area which I'm sure 90% of all volunteer departments have some crazy person that think they they're your boss cause your there for the community well our tanker had a dead battery so we had it out chagring it and doing drivers training to charger this lady hits the roof saying "I'm glad to see my F***'in taxes dollars going down the F***'in drain for that Fat Son of a ***** to just drive around" so i explained that we pay for all gas and the truck is… Continue

Added by Alex wbfr 316 on November 4, 2009 at 6:00pm — 8 Comments

It's Your Job! Company officers ensure quality training

Company Officer Development

Quality Assurance: As a company officer, you are responsible for the successful training of your crew

By Kurt Ederer

Success in the fire service means providing quality emergency response and great customer service while ensuring the safety of both your firefighters and the public. It means keeping up with technology and staying ahead of the ever-increasing challenges of saving life and property. To do… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on November 4, 2009 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...November 4, 2009

Read more about OSHA's proposed ruling on combustible dust and let your comments be heard.

Added by Denise Imperiale on November 4, 2009 at 8:12am — No Comments

Australia uses unique approaches to protect firefighters from carcinogens & heat injury

After the Fire’s Out: Australia uses unique approaches to protect firefighters from carcinogens & heat injury

Story & Photos by Kriss Garcia

Recently, I traveled to Australia for the second annual meeting of the International Fire Instructors Workgroup (IFIW), a loosely organized group of fire practitioners from across the world. The group’s mission: to participate in an annual informal meeting aimed at blending cutting-edge international expertise through the… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on November 3, 2009 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

Study recommends frequent rest for fire service instructors

Accept Your Limits: Study recommends frequent rest for fire service instructors

By Stefan Svensson

Recent studies conducted in Sweden have led to changes in the way live-fire instructors conduct training. The results of these studies were presented at the International Firefighting Safety Conference, held in conjunction with the International Fire Instructors Workgroup meeting in Australia earlier this year.

The studies measured consequences due to… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on November 3, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

Nothing Can Stop You for Choosing

Since I was still a kid, I always think Is it up to us to choose our life. I always heard from the poor poeple saying that life is always tough for them and they don't have a choice but to work hard to get what they want. Is that entirely true, and do we really have to work so hard just to get what we want? After growing up, I am in the same situation as well as people around me. Then I ask myself another question, when the time we get what we think we want, is that really what we…


Added by David Gan on November 3, 2009 at 1:29am — 2 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...November 2, 2009

Today is a day I will never forget. The Morris Township Fire Department was invited to… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on November 2, 2009 at 7:06pm — 1 Comment

30 Minutes a Week of Training is Unfair, "Unreal"...

I had just finished reading a depressing thought I found on facebook by Christopher Naum:

“There’s an awful lot of time, energy and resources being committed and directed towards fire service safety. Is anyone really listening? Does anyone really care?” Are we just running against the wind?

Almost immediately after reading that, I… Continue

Added by on November 2, 2009 at 1:36pm — 6 Comments

The Story of the Maltese Cross

The Maltese Cross

The badge of a fireman is the the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection . . . a badge of honor; it's story and tradition is hundreds of years old.

When a courageous band of Crusaders, known as the Knights of St. John, fought the Saracens for possession of the Holy Land, they encountered a new weapon unknown to European warriors. It was a simple, but horrible device of war, it wrought excruciating pain and agonizing death upon… Continue

Added by Michael J. Gregory on October 31, 2009 at 9:53pm — 7 Comments


October 21, 2009 - 2:19 pm

What a year 2009 has been. In January I decided to get off my rear end and get back in shape, and 40 pounds and a couple thousand miles on the bike later, I am almost where I want to be.

(resting HR 55, BP 110/70, and cholesterol sits at 155)

Things changed on a more drastic level in March when my beautiful wife informed me we were having a baby in October! Now I know, I already have 4, how drastic can another one be?… Continue

Added by Allen Wahlstrom on October 31, 2009 at 2:58pm — 5 Comments

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