"Emergency's" Squad 51 to appear at Firefighter Cancer Support Network annual gala

Reservations are now being accepted for the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) Dinner/Gala “Fight Cancer With Fire”. The event will be held on November 10, 2009 during the IAFF’s “Redmond Symposium” at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles.

The event will start at 6:00 p.m. and guests will be greeted by the original “Squad 51” from the 1970’s hit television show “Emergency” proudly on display. Opening ceremonies will include a performance by the California Professional Firefighters “Pipe and Drums." Los Angeles news anchor and T.V. personality on the “Jay Leno Show” Rick Chambers will serve as the event emcee. The FCSN will present the 2009 “Spirit of Debbi Wood Award” given to the FCSN member who displays the passion and hard work demonstrated by Debbi Wood as she fought her cancer. The 2009 “Dallas Jones Memorial Award” will also be given to the fire service member who promotes cancer awareness and provides assistance to those fighting the many effects of this disease. Dallas Jones who lost his battle with cancer in 2008 was an icon in the fire service.

The evening’s entertainment will begin with a performance by the “Alley Cats” followed by the comedy of special guest “Paul Rodriguez”. Rodriquez is nationally known for his stand up comedy and roles on television and on the big screen. Silent auction items will be up for bid and Paul will be assisted by the beautiful Audrina Patridge during a live auction of selected items. Don’t forget to purchase raffle tickets and have the opportunity to walk away with incredible prizes including the all new Nintendo Wii game “Real Hero Firefighter” and meet the design team from Epicenter studios, a 46” HD flat panel T.V. will also be one of the many incredible prizes.

Early reservations are encouraged as the event will sell out soon, you can make reservations by visiting our FCSN On-Line Store. Each table seat 10 and attire for the event is business casual. You will be contacted by the FCSN after your reservation purchase for your meal selection and confirmation.

To make dinner reservations, we offer 2 options:
• Option 1 allows you to download and complete the dinner reservation form online, print it and then mail it with your check to the address noted on the reservation form. Please fill out the form completely as your dinner confirmation will be sent to you via e-mail. Click here to download mail-order form.
• Option 2 allows you to use your credit card to make dinner reservations directly from our secured on-line store.
Click here to be taken to our store.

For those who plan to spend the evening, a block of rooms have been set aside at the discounted rate of $249. The Hyatt Regency hotel is sold out; but, special arrangements have been made with the InterContinental Hotel (2151 Avenue Of The Stars, Century City). The rooms are held under the IAFF Redmond Symposium name; when making your hotel reservations please use their name. The reservation telephone number for the InterContinental Hotel is (310) 284-6500.

Come join the FCSN for a fun night and a great cause!

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