Bruce C Ziebarth
  • Male
  • Columbia Missouri
  • United States
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"Keep doing what you've always done and you will keep getting what you've always gotten"

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Military/Federal Response Agency
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Boone County Fire District Columbia, MO
Years With Department/Agency
1 year 4 months
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I am also a Member of Missouri Task Force 1. Which is a Federal Urban Search & Rescue Unit.
My Training:
Boone County's Recruit Class (FFI&II equivalent)
Fire Officer I
Structural Collapse Technician
Intro to Technical Rescue
Hazardous Materials Operations (in Tech right now)
Planning Team Manager
ICS Instructor
Vehicle Extrication Technician
About Me:
I began in Emergency Services with our State Health Department in their Center for Emergency Response and Terrorism. I got a taste of emergency response and management and loved it. But, I wanted more action. I applied to and was accepted for Missouri Task Force 1. Then I joined the Cole County Volunteer Fire Department (at that time I was living in Jefferson City). In January of this year I moved to Columbia Missouri so I could apply to Boone County Fire District. They offer alot more training than my department in Cole County did. I have taken hundreds of hours of training over the last two years. Currently, I am in EMT-Basic class. This last weekend I had the first 16 hours of Hazardous Materials Technician.
Day Job:
Emergency Planner
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Action, excitement and to help people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
There are always new things to learn.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
For volunteer fire departments is finding enough time for training. Especially if your are running any kind of search & rescue mission. Keeping up on all the training requirements can be intense.

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Bruce C Ziebarth's Blog

FEMA Asks Trailer Users to Start Paying Rent

Posted on October 30, 2009 at 12:18pm 4 Comments

FEMA's trailers have become a symbol of FEMA's potential disorganization. Many remember the photos of FEMA trailers standing unused in parking lots, while citizens are in need of homes. Last year's fermalgyheide incident, involving FEMA trailers, did not help reduce this stigma. FEMA's trailer program has once again been thrust into the spotlight.

After last year's flooding, many Iowans were left either with homes in disrepair, or without home altogether. Many of these citizens were… Continue

Swine Flu Preparedness for Schools

Posted on April 27, 2009 at 11:36am 1 Comment

Swine Flu Preparedness for Schools

The recent declaration of a public health emergency over the swine flu cases in the U.S. and Mexico highlights the importance of public health and [pandemic planning. An influenza-based public health emergency and/or pandemic has always been a question of "when" not "if" and while it was assumed a new strain of /avian flu would be the culprit, experts emphasized a pandemic can be caused by any new virus.…


Google Map Lists School Incidents

Posted on April 24, 2009 at 5:00pm 0 Comments

The company I work for has started an interactive map listing school incidents. It is updated daily from events throughout many different feeds. I have found it useful for example incidents, planning information, and case studies. The map has a large amount of functionality. You can choose the dates to view incidents for, zoom in and out, move around the country, and view the incidents by type (i.e. bomb threat, lockdown, etc.). I thought… Continue

Should EMS Be Part of Public Safety?

Posted on March 23, 2009 at 12:38pm 3 Comments

I was doing research for an emergency plan that I am working on. I ran across an article titled "Should EMS Be a Part of Public Safety?" Here is an excerpt:

"One of the biggest issues facing EMS is that we’re not sure what we really are. Is EMS health care? Is EMS public safety? Is EMS public health? In its recent publication, the National Institutes of Health determined that EMS actually has components of each of these ( see Figure 1 ).[1] The responsibilities of each of these three… Continue

Guy Gets Arrested for DWI and Gets Another One!

Posted on February 7, 2009 at 6:00am 2 Comments

"A man in upstate New York managed to get two DWIs on the same night. The first arrest happened after Joseph Kelly drove drunk to police headquarters to ask for directions. The police could tell he was drunk, and gave him a breathalyzer, which he failed. They processed him and sent him to a hotel in a cab to sleep it off. In another amazing bonehead move, Joseph made the cabdriver stop so he could run back to the parking lot his car was at so he could drive again. He was spotted driving… Continue

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At 7:18pm on March 25, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
Hey hey Interested in trading patches?
I work for Daisy Mountain Fire Department, just outside of Phoenix, Az. Please let me know if your interested so i can send you one and send you my info. Thanks, STAY SAFE!!
At 12:14pm on January 19, 2009, April W. said…
I agree the holidays were crazy. I am doing pretty good, its kind of interesting to hear about the county once your not part of it. Did you ever get your EMT liscense?
At 1:16am on December 9, 2008, April W. said…
Just wanted to drop in and see how you are doing?
At 8:01am on July 19, 2008, Michael said…
I am not sure what team he is on . I think search and rescue. I wear a size large. Put your size in the package with a return address. Michael Wojick 5316 Blow St. ST. Louis MO 63109
At 12:00pm on July 18, 2008, Michael said…
Thanks Andie is on some strike force team out their. He works here for the city now. Beachamp is a good guy he is from my home town Pike County MO. I trade shirts u know.
At 11:54pm on July 17, 2008, Michael said…
Whats up Bro
How is Beachamp doing?
U know Andy Moorie ?
At 3:24am on March 14, 2008, Nathan Bias said…
At 12:01pm on February 29, 2008, Shandan said…
hey just woundering how was doing havent heard from you in a while .. Hope all is well
At 1:27pm on February 21, 2008, Reggie Cervantes said…

What: Emergency Rally for 9/11 Health
When: TUESDAY February 26, 2008
Where: The United States Capitol, Washington, DC
10:00am to 12:00pm

12:30pm to 1:30pm
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Please join us. We are fighting to stay alive.
At 1:17am on December 5, 2007, April W. said…
Hey! Wow thats exciting that I ran into you on here. How have you been? I've been okay. Trying to get through EMT class. Anyways, hope to hear from you soon. Be safe.

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