Allen Wahlstrom
  • Male
  • Richland, Washington
  • United States
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  • Alexander Korsunsky
  • SideCharlie
  • stephen shiber
  • Terry Merrell
  • Tammy H.
  • RESCUE 540 WPIN412
  • Scott Crowell
  • cassandra vaughn
  • Michael Meadows
  • John Barrett
  • Harrison Gold
  • WestPhilly
  • Loyd Dittfurth
  • Dave Howard
  • Lars Ågerstrand

Wally's Place

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
UMCD FD Oregon
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Aledo VFD in Aledo, TX 1983-1988, 2005-2006
Federal Fire Service:
NAS Dallas 87-90
NAS Pensacola 90-92
Carswell AFB 93-94
Ft Stewart/Hunter AAF 94-98
Ft Hood 98-02
NASCC 2006-Present.
Gatesville FD 1999-2001
Gulf Breeze FD 1991-1992
My Training:
Driver/Oper - ARFF Structural Aerial Tender
Wildland I
Rescue Tech I
About Me:
Grew up in a fire service family. Uncle was the Chief in our town, so it was expected I would go into the fire service.
Started at 16 with Aledo VFD and went paid in 1986 with the USAF,
DoD Firefighter from 1987-2002, and 2006-Current.
A-Shift Union Stew'

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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The Family Biz...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Well this has changed...
firefighter fitness, training, and traditions...

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Allen Wahlstrom's Blog

Be a Sponsor, Make a difference…

Posted on November 5, 2010 at 8:00pm 2 Comments

Be a Sponsor, Make a difference…

Pro Development Team (FFCA PDT) uses cycling to spread the word about our professional rescuers

suffering chronic to terminal illnesses, especially those that can be

attributed to exposure during the months after 9/11. First

Responders everywhere are at risk for health issues that don't go away.

For many it’s a chronic cough or…


50 pounds

Posted on March 15, 2010 at 11:30am 0 Comments

Sometime on Friday I hit 1100 miles for the year. I am about 3 weeks ahead of last years 1000 mile point and by April 9th I should have 1500.

My weight has fallen to 197 and the goal is 180 by June 1st. The cool part of this whole thing is I will be 50 pounds lighter some time this week, of course that depends on my mileage and how many cookies I eat!

This is a huge water mark for me as I have had a hard time breaking down the 200 pound barrier. That finally…

FFCA - Giving Back

Posted on January 31, 2010 at 3:30pm 3 Comments

A year ago I began the journey to get myself fit.

On Jan 8th last year I was 245 pounds, or a little more, honestly Im not exactly sure myself... the scale was not my friend, so I didn't tend to visit it very often.

I have blogged on my weight loss several times, so Ill be brief on this part.

I truly needed the weight loss. Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Pulmonary issues all run in my genetic family tree and I was well on my way to joining the 70's… Continue

The fat guy hits 200... or how I lost 45 pounds and lived to tell about it

Posted on December 15, 2009 at 2:30pm 1 Comment

The MNCG between Texas and Alabama marks a big day for me. It is the 1st anniversary of my quest to be a fitter, happier, healthier firefighter, dad, friend and person.

On January 8th 2009 I started eating better, working out (very slowly at first) and taking the supplements that have helped me fight the urge to binge on chips, fries, pizza, cake, etc. They have also given my body the nutrition I was not getting in my diet (not on a… Continue


Posted on October 31, 2009 at 2:58pm 5 Comments

October 21, 2009 - 2:19 pm

What a year 2009 has been. In January I decided to get off my rear end and get back in shape, and 40 pounds and a couple thousand miles on the bike later, I am almost where I want to be.

(resting HR 55, BP 110/70, and cholesterol sits at 155)

Things changed on a more drastic level in March when my beautiful wife informed me we were having a baby in October! Now I know, I already have 4, how drastic can another one be?… Continue

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At 5:07pm on December 15, 2010, res193cue said…
Hi there Allen!

Always fun when people with relatives or family from Sweden contacts me :)
But this is the first time someone has their roots in Uppsala!

Thanks for the invite.. Merry christmas to you too!
At 11:27pm on October 4, 2010, frans said…
hello, nice to meet You, Sir.
At 2:27pm on March 30, 2010, Tammy H. said…
Thank you for your request and your msg. And you are welcome. I love what I do
Semper fi
At 10:32pm on January 28, 2010, Loyd Dittfurth said…
well Amarillo is a big town I got some friends there and my mom, brother, and lil sister live there
At 11:13am on January 18, 2010, WestPhilly said…
At 3:03pm on January 10, 2010, WestPhilly said…
Congratulations to the Arlington Cowboys. (Thank God the Eagles didn't lose to Dallas!)
At 2:47pm on January 2, 2010, Joseph McMahon said…
Thanks Wally. Nice webpage you have. Thanks for the welcome...

At 11:25pm on November 18, 2009, Jason Daoust said…
That would be cool, what is his name and what is his time frame
At 12:33pm on November 17, 2009, Jason Daoust said…
Do you know when you guys will be hiring,my friend mike works with you
At 3:48pm on November 7, 2009, Capkurt said…
Well, it's not OK to be a Vikings fan anywhere! Just kidding, just a little bitter over our former savior:( I would venture a guess there are a few more Viking's fans around in that area of the state than just you. MN proximity and all. They have an awesome team this year with all the old vet's and the new stars they have. Out played the Pack in all aspects!

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