Christian Cossey
  • 36, Female
  • Louisville, KY.
  • United States
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  • Ron Ayotte
  • Douglas Alan Brinkley
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  • Daniel J Rocha
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Use to work for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I love slushies from 7-11. I'm deathly afraid of penguins. I don't know why, I just am. I have about a million different personalities. I'm the athlete, the musician, the writer, the photographer, the emo girl, the punk, and so much more. I try to find some form of interest in everything. I'm really good at turning boring situations into great fun situations. I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions. I'm not one for complaining. I'm running out of sympathy and I still don't sleep. I don't take anything lying down. Ummmm let's see, I'm 5'9" and 139 pounds. My hair color is always changing and I have hazel eyes. I love BMX racing. I became a professional BMX racer in January of 2007. I like dirt jumping, flatland and do some street riding on my bike as well. I also love aggressive rollerblading. I turned professional in rollerblading in 2006. I also love to MTB, skateboard, MX, wakeboard, snowboard, play paintball, baseball, and hockey. I also love playing every instrument possible. I can play the electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and piano. Monster Energy Drinks and Lucky Charms rock. I love just chillin' and watching movies and listening to music. I love to travel. I have been all over the United States, Canada, and Australia. I'd really love to go to Germany (No, I'm not a Nazi lol). I believe this society has gone to hell and not too many people care either. One thing I don't like about the majority of people is that they don't try to fix a problem until it's already too late and unfixable. I think the war we are fighting now is for a dumb reason. I lost a brother to this current war. I'm not a tree hugging hippie and I'm not an all out kill everyone type of person. I believe in fighting when it is needed, and fighting is not really needed that much. Most people just believe it is. Well guess what, it's not. Sometimes I wish people would just open their eyes and notice that such a great place is just going to waste. I highly doubt a lot of people would notice though. Half of them are just decaying in a world of greed and hate and they don't even know it. Right now I'm still in school. I have my AA in Journalism and I'm working on my BA in Criminology. I have my BS in Political Science as well. If there is anything else you wanna know about me just ask. Either message me on here or my Yahoo! IM is: cosseychristian My AIM IM is: kristencossey My MSN IM is:
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father was a firefighter and I grew up wanting to be him.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It just runs in my blood.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of training and paying attention to the situation.

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Christian Cossey's Blog

Update on my sister...

Posted on April 18, 2010 at 5:30pm 3 Comments

They found a heart donor for my sister yesterday. She went into surgery and the surgery went well. Now all we have to worry about for the time being is her body rejecting the heart which hopefully doesn't happen. So please continue to pray and pray that her body doesn't reject the new heart. Thank you for all of your support and prays.

The Rules Of EMS Very Funny

Posted on April 16, 2010 at 9:30pm 3 Comments

The First Law of EMS:

All emergency calls will wait until you begin to eat, regardless

of the time.

Corollary 1 - Fewer accidents would occur if EMS personnel would

never eat.

Corollary 2 - Always order food "to go".

The Paramedical Laws of Time:

1 - There is absolutely no relationship between the time at

which you are supposed to get off shift and the time at…

American Firefighter

Posted on April 15, 2010 at 6:28am 3 Comments

This is originally a Toby Keith song called "American Soldier." I changed some of the words around to turn it into "American Firefighter." I hope you guys like it.

I'm just trying to be a lover to my boyfriend. Everything to everyone. Up and at them bright and early. I'm all business in my uniform and turnouts. I'm dressed for success from my helmet down to my boots. I don't do it for the money, there's still bills that I can't pay. I don't do it for the glory. I just do it anyway.… Continue

Please Very Important Please Pray For My Sister

Posted on April 14, 2010 at 8:09pm 4 Comments

I am writing this blog in hopes that everyone out there will please pray for my thirteen year old sister who's in the hospital right now. When my sister was born she was born with a hole in her heart and needed a heart transplant. Before she was even a year old she went into cardiac arrest six times and we almost lost her all of those six times. Then a miracle happened, when she was eleven months old they found a heart donor for her. She had the heart transplant and has been doing well ever… Continue

The Guys At The Station Wrote This For My Boyfriend Lol.

Posted on April 11, 2010 at 1:00am 7 Comments

We are very dedicated to our work. We wear firefighter shirts everyday, even when we're not on duty. The fire department is our second home, and our second family. It often seems as if our lives revolve around the fire department, but it means nothing compared to our girl Christian. We are normally friendly people, but if you hurt our girl you will make us mad. We know our girl is growing up, even if we don't like it. She seems to like you so we'll tolerate you dating her, but here's a few… Continue

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At 2:43pm on February 16, 2014, peter laurimore said…

it been a long time but im back

At 6:16pm on March 24, 2011, Joel Ferrett said…
I'm doing good, I am now the accountability agent for my station and working on becoming a multi district accountability agent. How have you been?
At 1:53pm on November 6, 2010, Dale said…
thats no good im sorry to hear that, i hope your feeling beter =)
At 9:11am on October 7, 2010, Dale said…
physical rehab? what happend?
At 7:54am on September 8, 2010, Dale said…
At 11:18am on May 5, 2010, Stuart Telfer said…
Kristen i hope you have waiters your gonna need them the water is deep and just starting to go down. What are you comming to the area for? Do you have a place to live or are you looking for a nice area, if you need anything as far as where the good areas are or resturants or short cuts let me know and ill do what i can. If you want my phone # ask ill give it to you.
At 12:36am on April 16, 2010, Paul Dudan said…
Hi Christian! The wow, well I guess it comes from how powerful all of the things we do sound when you put them together. Almost similar to 'Cleaning this gun' by Rodney Atkins. It sounds like you are surrounded by great firefighters in a great station and I wish you all the best.
I was saddened to read your blog post about your sister. I hope they are able to find a donor. You are all in my prayers.
At 1:27pm on February 5, 2010, sherry miles said…
we are doing pretty good and i feel as my guys do and ill send that along to them thanks
At 12:35am on January 27, 2010, John Crabbe said…
Hi Christian, sorry took a bit to get back, but yep things are going OK in this neck of the woods. How about you?
At 2:14pm on January 23, 2010, Daniel J Rocha said…
Hey Christian, it's been going well. Just quite busy with studies. Awaiting the spring months!

Hope all is well with you too, take care and stay safe.


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