The Maltese Cross

The badge of a fireman is the the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection . . . a badge of honor; it's story and tradition is hundreds of years old.

When a courageous band of Crusaders, known as the Knights of St. John, fought the Saracens for possession of the Holy Land, they encountered a new weapon unknown to European warriors. It was a simple, but horrible device of war, it wrought excruciating pain and agonizing death upon the brave fighters for The Cross.

The Saracen's weapon was fire.

As the Crusaders advanced on the walls of the Saracens' city they were struck by glass bombs containing naphtha. When they became saturated with the highly inflammable liquid, the Saracens hurled a flaming tree into their midst.

Hundreds of Knights were burned alive. Others risked their lives to save their brothers-in-arms from dying painful fiery deaths.

Thus, these men became the first firefighters; and the first of a long list of courageous fire-fighters and first aiders. Their heroic efforts were recognized by fellow Crusaders who awarded each hero a badge of honor, a cross similar to the one firefighters wear today.

Since the Knights of John lived for close to four centuries on a little island in the Mediterranean Sea named Malta, the cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross.

The Maltese Cross is your symbol of protection. It means that the firefighter who wears this cross is willing to lay down his or her life for you, just as the Crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man so many years ago.

The Maltese Cross is a firefighter's badge of honor, signifying that he or she works in courage, pride and honor - a ladder rung away from death.

- anonymous

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Comment by Adam L. Culp on November 5, 2009 at 7:20pm
who says you don't learn something new every day
Comment by Erin T. on November 3, 2009 at 5:48pm
Carry On.
Erin T.
Comment by Doug on November 3, 2009 at 2:08am
Lutan, Michael's story is one of the first told in history of firefighting and the maltese cross. I've heard it before as well.
Comment by lutan1 on November 3, 2009 at 12:27am
Michael, have a searc through the forums- there's been an absolutely hhhhuuugggeeee debate over the origins and history of the Maltese Cross. I'm not sure how your info fits in wit hwhat was debated, but it may be worth the look...
Comment by chris jarvis on November 1, 2009 at 1:12pm
nice story
Comment by a. kyle austin on November 1, 2009 at 9:00am
another interesting sidenot tho the Knights of St John was the fact that in their language this type of fire and the method of using it was called Feu , there wer Knights that were assigned to extinguish the fire on their comrades and they were called Vigiles , because they kept a constant vigile on their comrades. In the state of Indiana i am certified as a Master Firefighter, so i adopted for my url on my space," Masteroffeuvigiles" meaning masterfirefighter.
Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on October 31, 2009 at 9:58pm
I never heard this story before. great story!

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