April 2009 Blog Posts (166)

Denver Academy

Hey not too long ago, there was a 'blog" about a retired Denver Firefighter that had made a movie about a recruit class going through the Rocky Mountain Fire Academy.

I purchased the DVD and I must say I was impressed. It goes through the entire 5 month acadmy of 24 cadets.

There is a second disk that has special features such as "hell night", "recruit lounge" and "The Denver Drill".

If you know anybody who is interested in starting a career in the fire service,… Continue

Added by Jake Fireman on April 5, 2009 at 1:33am — No Comments

Rolling the Window Down on Safety

From my newborn All Hazards Contemplations blog:

Skip Kirkwood's Jems Connect blog had an excellent post about the recent multiple shootings at the nursing home in Carthage, NC, Binghamton, NY, and todays triple police officer murder in Pittsburgh, PA. Skip made some excellent points about how to approach dangerous scenes.

Skip's post triggered reminders of some old street safety… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on April 4, 2009 at 10:57pm — 2 Comments

Need a siren

I am in need of a siren and speaker. The only problem is I don't have a lot of money with a wife and 2 year old daughter. Plus we just had to move. Is there anyone who can help me?

Added by Firefighter 3205 on April 4, 2009 at 8:59pm — 2 Comments

Brother FF in need of prayer

One of my officers, who prefers I dont give his name, is suffering from serious back and shoulder problems. Anyone who believes in the power of prayer, please keep this brother FF in your thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and Thank you

Added by Dustin J. Millis on April 4, 2009 at 7:45pm — 9 Comments

To The Easily Offended

In my blog at Firehouse Zen today: I mentioned a great homily by Father Chris where he spoke about getting the message out (you know, THE Message). I specifically discussed one of his points about how, when someone in today’s society doesn’t agree with you, the expectation is that they have a “right” to be offended.

There are a lot of people who should pretty much… Continue

Added by Mick Mayers on April 4, 2009 at 4:09pm — 8 Comments

LEOSAD: Rumors of Its Death Greatly Exaggerated

Notes from the IAFC’s WUI 2009 conference

We Americans, never quite comfortable with the Australian Leave Early or Stay and Defend (LEOSAD) concept to begin with, are less so now. The Victoria Fires that killed at least 173 people in southern Australia in February have given us, at least, pause as we consider applying this policy here.

But let me not generalize about Americans and take responsibility for myself. Among the first things I said to Keith Harrup,… Continue

Added by Crawford Coates on April 3, 2009 at 3:16pm — No Comments

Why so much drama? Where is the brotherhood now?

You know, it seems to me that as more of the "leather lungers" retire from the fire service and a new generation starts to work its way through the ranks, the brotherhood has started to fade. It seems, at least in the area that I live in, that the younger guys are more interested in their own agenda and cutting down everyone else than they are in taking pride and being part of this great family. They smile to your face and as soon as you leave they talk bad about you and stab you in the back.… Continue

Added by Firesqwasher357 on April 3, 2009 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

Brotherhood - Who are we kidding?

I find it fascinating as I search through the various discussion threads at the number of threads that find themselves debating passionately who is better paid or volunteer. We have always hung our hat in the fire service on the fact that we "are all brothers", "you go, we go", etc., etc. Ironically, the brotherhood term gets thrown around the most when one of us makes that ultimate sacrifice doing what we do. I say ironically, because I have unfortunately been very close to the action for… Continue

Added by drew on April 3, 2009 at 12:58am — 14 Comments

Iam Responding

Our department has just recieved iam responding where if you call it will show up on a screen that u are respong and you can make it say out of service and the cool part is it tells about you and your ETA.

Added by Brandon Dove on April 2, 2009 at 10:22pm — 6 Comments

Common sayings at the Fire House

1. Stay ready and you wont have to get ready

2. If you don't look professional you're probably not

3. A ball player is not PRO until he gets paid to be a ball player

4. No cook'in like fire house cook'in

5. I am a fire fighter because I would rather be in a raging fire than in a shoot out

Added by Yank2441 on April 2, 2009 at 9:08pm — 7 Comments


1. Working Fire BY: Zac Unger

Added by Kayli Borell on April 2, 2009 at 8:46pm — 5 Comments

Smoke Explosion Injures 2!

According to The Secret List, two Cleveland (Ohio) firefighters were injured on Thursday while operating at a dwelling fire. Firefighters say the fire took off quickly through the dwelling, and the two firefighters were injured when there was a smoke explosion as they opened an attic door. The firefighters, who were conducting a floor-by-floor search of the house at the time, suffered second-degree burns and were taken to MetroHealth… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on April 2, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

The Big Idea

Notes from the IAFC’s WUI 2009 conference

In my last blog post about WUI 2009, I mentioned how impressed I am with the fire service’s level of engagement in big-picture issues, exemplified by global climate change. This impression is due in large part to Timothy Murphy, deputy assistant director of the Fire and Aviation Directorate as the Bureau of Land Management, and his presentation on the 2009 Quadrennial Fire Review (QFR).

The QFR is a review of trends in… Continue

Added by Crawford Coates on April 2, 2009 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Love Affair With Buffalo's Firefighters Ends

Citizens demand that Firefighter overtime be eliminated.

BUFFALO, NY (April 2, 2009) -- Crooks, the millionaires club and greedy old men. Nope, these aren’t remarks about the scoundrels who have set this nation’s economy in a tailspin. Rather, they are comments being voiced by the citizens of Buffalo, NY about city’s firefighters, who find themselves defending the fact that they accepted $10 million last year in overtime.

Although I'm not a Buffalo resident, our small East… Continue

Added by Lou Angeli on April 2, 2009 at 11:06am — 9 Comments

apartment complex fire that burned to the ground


Added by Mary on April 2, 2009 at 11:03am — 1 Comment

rookie fire fighter inst.....

hi good day for every one am new here hope you help me sometimes what ever my question ..i would like to get this opportunities to thank my all instructor i hope you read this you guys are good
am here to help other people....

Added by sinangote on April 2, 2009 at 6:11am — 1 Comment

WERE ALL GONA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well if that title didnt get your attention then I dont know what will!!! lol

Isnt it funny how little kids who can hardly spell their own names somehow make us scratch our heads for hours by just saying one sentence? I have a much younger brother who seems to get smarter and taller by the day and a few nights ago he dropped a line on me thats kept me awake for nights.

Let me give you some background... A neighboring dept. is having a life fire training this saturday, of… Continue

Added by Dustin J. Millis on April 2, 2009 at 3:01am — 3 Comments

Airline humor, just for fun

Subject: Airline comments




> >I never get the airline staff with this kind of sense of humor!

> >

> >

> >>

> >> Airline Announcements?

> >> United Flight Attendant announced, 'People, people

> > we're not picking

> >> out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!

> >> *************************************

> >>

> >> On… Continue

Added by Kevin on April 1, 2009 at 10:32pm — 2 Comments

Out of work. Any private jobs out there?

Hello all. I am new here but have been in the fire service for quite awhile. I am fairly new to my current department (I am an Engineer) and because of budget issues here in California, I am being laid off and am not eligible to be rehired this year.

Due to other circumstances, I am in fairly tight financial straits and need to find work quick. Most of my background is in rural local government with a good deal of urban-wildland engine time. Does anybody know if there are any private… Continue

Added by Big White Dog on April 1, 2009 at 9:37pm — 3 Comments

How To CHANGE what TRADITION Has Built

As I sit here trying to build a plan for the future I think of what has happened over the last 41 years in the fire service. It was 1968 November my Father joined the fire dept in our small mid west town of around 1,200 people, I was 11 months old. He was told show up bring a CASE and be there at 7. So he did and I am sure he never thought that 41 years later so many things would have changed and how far the fire service has come. That night in Nov. he was handed his gear, which was a plastic… Continue

Added by Tim Zehnder on April 1, 2009 at 9:02pm — No Comments

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