Why so much drama? Where is the brotherhood now?

You know, it seems to me that as more of the "leather lungers" retire from the fire service and a new generation starts to work its way through the ranks, the brotherhood has started to fade. It seems, at least in the area that I live in, that the younger guys are more interested in their own agenda and cutting down everyone else than they are in taking pride and being part of this great family. They smile to your face and as soon as you leave they talk bad about you and stab you in the back. The respect for those in charge is gone. I got into the fire service because of the family atmosphere that was at the volunteer department where my grandfather was the chief. I was always told that your FD family would always do everything for you and never cut you down. Well, that doesn't appear to be the case. I don't know if it is just me or if it seems that more and more of the younger generation coming into the service are looking out for #1 and no body else, or maybe I've just had a bad experience lately. It just seems that there is more drama, name calling and back stabbing than ever before. All I have to say is: Grow up!!! Get with the program, and if you have a problem, go to that person and solve it. Quit making someone else look bad. Because when you do that, you make your whole department look bad. Lets bring back the family and brotherhood, and make this the family we always heard of and dreamed about becoming part of.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

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Comment by Troy Bass on April 4, 2009 at 7:14pm
Remember- Safety comes first! And that Start with YOU, Meaning every one. I you let gossip and drama take over. You will loose the safety of the fire-house, fire-ground to and from. Brotherhood is taught by the Elders "Gray Beards" and the old firefighter with that crooked finger that give advice now and then. Maybe it time to start listening insted of complaining. Brotherhood is also earned by the troops you are around. Respect for one another is very inportant. Not all the time will you agree with each other and may have to set an opinion asside and learn to agree to disagree. If safety is a factor, No Mater Who You are or the Rank You May Hold....Safety First Yes I can go on and You get the point. Selfishness will hinder you and others around you. Be Safe!! Good Luck !
Comment by Cory Deaton on April 4, 2009 at 1:44pm
I would like to say that I have been in the fire service for going on 4 years. When I first got in there was no drama no name calling no back stabbing and life was great. Now everybody that you talk to talks behind peoples back and its stupid and very very childish. The way I was raised is respect your elders and if you have a problem with someone say it to them not someone else. I'm 24 years old I listen to everything that my senior firefighters or my officers haft to say. To me brotherhood is a way of life not just a word. I'm sorry that my generation is a bunch of idiots and dont listen and dont take the job serious but there is still some of us out there that take the job to heart and still care. Hopefully someday we can get back to the way it was the good times.
Comment by barbara sparr on April 4, 2009 at 3:34am
I have seen the same thing.I am a volunteer Firefighter/Medic and am proud of the service to my community. Even though I am WOMAN and there are certain things that I physically can not do I can contribute. I do see the younger guys being me disrespectful to the older 'forefathers" the founders of the department. I think when they joined there was a mystic about saving lives, rescuing people from burning buildings being a hero to your family and friends. The building code changes have decreased the number of fires and rescues so I think the younger guys are looking compete for attention within the "family". As far as I am concerned you all are heros! Quit starting fires in the fire house we all know who destructive a fire is.... thanks for listening.
Comment by Jake Fireman on April 4, 2009 at 12:08am
Good words sqwasher. Too many of them are too true. I havent been in the fire service anywhere near the longest of any of my co-horts out there, however it is changing. Just as it did when it was "our" time. The biggest difference I see is respect. When my age group took over from the last we respected them, we respected 'their' ways, we respected the foundation that they had put down before us. For that matter the foundation that many generations had put down, bled for, died for. Now...it's all about "me". What can you do for "ME". I had a candidate turn that to me in an oral exam one day. He looked at me and said...."Captain----, what is this department going to do for me, IF I come work here?". The answer was simple. "Thank you, you are excused".

I really don't know what happened and I wish I did. Everybody talks of the "brotherhood" ...nobody really wants to join. It's hard hard work to be in this family, but the rewards are great. You just have to put in the work first. It's like it is some puff of smoke that everybody wants to grab...but they just let it drift away.

Now I know for many out there this is not the case, but you said it...with the generation now retiring...a lot is lost. When it's gone it wont be back. It's up to men like you and Jason koonz and many others like you, who see the importance of it to keep it going. To make it stay the way it is, has been, and always should be.

And to quiet you others out there...I know it is not exactly the way it 'was', Hell it's probably not even the way we think it "is". But whatever all those things are and were...they will soon be gone.

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