Dustin J. Millis
  • 36, Male
  • Hebron, Indiana
  • United States
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  • Brian Moyer
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  • Barbara Leach
  • Jesse Cavaness
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hebron Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Mandatory fire training, Firefighter 1 and 2, EMS Academy, firefighter rescue, swift water and ice rescue
About Me:
I havent been in the fireservice a very long time but i love every second of it. I enjoy helping people and the thrill you get every time that tone drops. I love being outdoors... hunting, fishing, riding horses. As long as I'm outside, I'm happy
Day Job:
Mon-Fri--Landscaper, Weekends--midnite shift security guard, any other time--construction sidejobs... the work never stops
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Ive always wanted to be a firefighter. I want to be the one thats there when the bad stuff happens. (thats the best way I can put it LOL)

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Dustin J. Millis's Blog

Patriot Day

Posted on September 11, 2009 at 12:12am 2 Comments

Today is Patriot day, September 11th, 2009. Eight years since the 9/11 tragedy. Eight years since thousands of people lost their lives in a matter of less then two hours. Sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. All lost in what seems like the blink of an eye. All lost for reasons we may never understand. My heart breaks for the families and friends who all lost someone that day. They watched the news in terror; just waiting, hoping, praying for someone to walk through the door just one more time.… Continue

Never Appreciated Till Needed

Posted on July 28, 2009 at 2:52am 4 Comments

Hey kids,

just got back from a call and had to talk about it.

I think just about every ff knows that we are never really appreciated by the public until they need us. Thats fine, I'm not a ff for the public's adoration. I do it because I love it!!!!!

Anyway, When I was still in high school, a few years back now; there was a kid that thought he was just the hottest shit on the planet, the typical jock type that just always found a way to piss me off. lol anyway,… Continue

FFN Biggest Loser Challenge: Time to post some results!!!

Posted on June 9, 2009 at 1:02am 0 Comments

Okay kids, I've given you all awhile now to start your weight loss adventures. Its time to see you have done so far. Use this page to post your results so far. If you are just starting, feel free to post your starting and goal weights here or at the original blog. I'll start... If you remember, my starting weight was 178. I'm down to 176. Yeah its only two pounds but I was really wanting to lower my BP; which started at 158/102... Just took it... down to 146/88. So I've still got some work to… Continue

FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!!

Posted on May 28, 2009 at 3:50am 84 Comments

For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and… Continue

Modern Technoligy: Friend or Foe to a Firefighter

Posted on April 24, 2009 at 1:39am 0 Comments

In a world of IPhones, sattelite radio, plasma tv's, and even cell phone service at the top of Mt. Everest; it is hard to imagine where our technolically crazed society will stop. New advances are made almost daily it seems.

Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing a variety of new products that we as firefighters have the possibility to encounter on a daily basis. I will present to you a topic, then proceed to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of the item. The… Continue

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At 3:28am on December 31, 2009, Christian Cossey said…
Everyone's teams go through a rut lol. Just got stick by them I guess. I don't even know how my teams are doing. I turned my cable off because I never use it. The only time I catch some of the game is when it's on at a friends house or the bar.
At 3:15am on December 31, 2009, Christian Cossey said…
That's good that you spent time with the family. Hope work is fun tonight lol. So you're a hockey fan? Who's your team? I'm a Red Wings and Avalanche fan.
At 2:57am on December 31, 2009, Christian Cossey said…
Thank you for the add. How's it going? Hope you had a great Christmas.
At 7:39am on October 2, 2009, Chief Dino said…
Hey Dustin,
How are things in NW In. I'm originally from Hobart and my sister lives in Crown Point. You guys have some nice rigs in Hebron. TCSS - Shawn
At 12:18am on August 3, 2009, ethan payne said…
welcome to the group FFN sports nutz
At 6:17am on June 28, 2009, Tammy said…
Hey thanks for offering your assistance! I really need it, our membership meeting is 12 hours away and I am still staring at a blank piece of paper, LOL. Well any suggestion would be great! Have a wonderful day!! TCSS~Tammy~
At 12:41pm on June 19, 2009, Mallory Turner said…
Hey thanks! Yeah anything would help really, I feel like a nerd with an inhaler :)
At 7:56am on June 3, 2009, Frank Joseph DiMarco said…
I did say "a little" and I was just trying to give my perspective on why I joined. But hey, the last thing I want to is come across that way. Thanks for the input, maybe I'll change that line.
At 12:33pm on March 10, 2009, Rae Ann Ozelis said…
haha! no you did not piss me off! it was great talking to you as well! hit me up whenever!
At 2:19pm on March 6, 2009, Cody Baker said…
Well I kinda wanted the light for when I had my own vehicle But thats ok tho I will just wait and buy my vehicle and buy my lights and siren. I can wait.... Anyway talk to you later....

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