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Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Tomorrow our company's softball team is playing the Morristown Fire Department. I am cooking dinner for the team. I used to teach Italian cooking about 15 years ago in Sayville, NY and will make many yummy Italian dishes. People are under the misconception that people are always cooking at the firehouse. I think we are always eating if you ask me.

Added by Denise Imperiale on June 4, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Giving up but still hoping that it would work

I tried to over look all the extra stuff he was getting on the side. That worked until I figured out what he was doing.

He was feeling very guilty about the extra candy he was getting and then decided not to take responsability for wrecking the marriage so he was going to make it look like it was all my fault. The head games were almost more than I could ever take.He would go into another room at the firehouse or at the ER where he worked and call me ,talk for a minute or two then he would… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 4, 2008 at 1:17pm — No Comments

RE: Medic Shift

First thanks to all who commented I really appreaciate it. Medic shift last Sunday was a Blast ,before I knew it the 24 hours were over and it was fairly slow with only one seriuos call all day, the only bad thing with the one station was they have no cable and TV reception sucks there, and with the first part of the day being really slow. Then I went to my normal duty post and of course they have cable there but nothing was really good on tv and the night was slow with only 1 call all night, A… Continue

Added by John on June 4, 2008 at 9:36am — 1 Comment

It's CPR/AED Awareness Week!

Did you know that it is CPR/AED Awareness Week? I didn't.

I don't care if your title is PIO, EMT, CFR or PEON - take advantage of this opportunity to bring the importance of CPR training and public access AEDs to the forefront of your community. It's not too late.

Right on the heels of EMS Week, ride the coat tails and write something up that starts with: "This culminates CPR/AED Week..."

Here's a quick article from that will help you fill in… Continue

Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on June 3, 2008 at 11:15pm — 2 Comments

Story about a diffrent X

Ok no one knows how life is with a 15 year old girl who has fell in love with one person .Many people would call it young love but for me he was the one person that I thought would be there for me .I guess for him it was a game but for me he was my evrything. I wanted to do everything right .He was my first love I guess all the things he said to me were a lie .I fell in to his trap .He asked me if I really even knew what love was and I told him I didn't know at the time after awhile I quit… Continue

Added by Madison on June 3, 2008 at 9:56pm — No Comments

What I wrote about an x

The Pain from Confusion

The pain grew stronger with him not knowing. As much as she wanted to tell him she could not find the words. She loved him so much. The girl from his past made her feel weary. He never knew how much she agonized over the thought that the girl from his past some how find her way back into his future. Even though she would tell her self that nothing was going on. She would look at the messages and wonder. She always told herself to just trust him and that no… Continue

Added by Madison on June 3, 2008 at 9:55pm — No Comments

For my boyfriend

You know what, I used never trust you made me trust again. I couldn't let myself fall in love till I meet you. You made me find strength when I thought there was none left. You made me find myself when no one else would. I feel like I am floating on the air I breathe. If words could explain it then I wouldn't know love. You are my life my soul mate and my best friend. When every one else bails I know I can count on you to be there. You make me believe that I am important even when I know that I… Continue

Added by Madison on June 3, 2008 at 9:54pm — No Comments

Being Perfect

This part of being the wife is the hard part.Its hard for the kids too. Expectations run high at home.Wait until they make captain and they are very used to bossing people ! Your husband has been up all night on a big fire.He comes home to an empty house the kids are at school ,you are at work. Count your blessings ! he is now the most onry person on the planet.Up all day, Up all night .It is cold and ice was everywhere they walked or moved, it formed on their helmets,the hoses, the turnouts… Continue

Added by Susie Young on June 3, 2008 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Looking for donations

Hey fellow firefighters, I`m looking for some help on getting some LDH 4" or 5" donated to us to help out on our PIAL rating. We have lots of 3" to trade out if needed. We are going to the LDH to help out on the water supply side of the rating. So if there is any way that any one can help out please contact me and let me know if you can. If your located out-of-state, then we will be willing to pay for cost of shipping. If in state we would be glad to come pick it up. Once again thank you for… Continue

Added by Kirk on June 3, 2008 at 12:31pm — 1 Comment

Fire Training

As of April 26, 2008 I have completed FFI & FFII. The class will by going through Graud. on June 7, 2008 at pm at the Berrien Spring Fire Dept. where clases were held. So per State Regs. I am Now A Firefrighter. I have benn on the Baroda Fire Dept. for a year now and I have gone to Fire calls and was able to help on the outside but now I am able to go in and fight form the inside now.

Added by Donnie Johnson on June 3, 2008 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

warehouse fire

check out this link

Buffalo Fire continues to battle warehouse fire

Posted: June 2, 2008 11:00 AM EDT

Updated: June 2, 2008 10:50 PM EDT

Video On Demand

Neighbors react to warehouse fire

Update: Buffalo Fire continues to battle warehouse fire

Bonus Video: Warehouse fire press conference

Bonus Video: Aerial view of warehouse fire… Continue

Added by steve price on June 3, 2008 at 12:10am — No Comments

Parkersburg Tornado 5/25/08

Hey All:

Most of you I am sure have heard about the devastating F5 tornado that hit Parkersburg, Iowa on the afternoon of Sunday May 25th. My department was one of the first to arrive on scene 20 minutes after the storm. We are only 20 miles north of Parkersburg. It took my breath away to see the carnage left behind. Walking wounded trying to pull themselves out of their homes and looking for loved ones. My department found the first 2 deceased people that being an elderly couple… Continue

Added by Mitch Nordmeyer on June 2, 2008 at 10:01pm — No Comments

FDNY Firefighter Dies at 35 - 9/11 Casualty

FDNY Firefighter Sean McCarthy Dies At 35 - 9/11 Casualty

News sources are reporting FDNY Firefighter Sean McCarthy has died of complications related to Cancer. Sean was in a family of FDNY firefighters, a lifetime resident of Bellmore, and only 35 years old. One of his brothers told Newsday that Sean developed asthma and an enlarged gland after working at the site of the World Trade Center after the attacks.

Sean joined the FDNY in 1996 and was assigned to Engine Company… Continue

Added by Firefighter Spot on June 1, 2008 at 8:16pm — 7 Comments

Fat Boy on P90X

I think I am bearing a close resemblence to the happy buddha. I officially started the P90X program today. I would post a pic., but I think everybody my yack. I am in the lean program and will stay within the series required to lose my portly statue. mmmmmmmmmm..protein shakes and diet pills. Bring it!

Added by M Clark on June 1, 2008 at 6:27pm — 3 Comments

TNT: The Accidental Runner; T-Minus Two Weeks And Counting....

We had our last long run this past Saturday in preparation for the Half Marathon. We were slated to run ten miles, and after that, beginning next week we do a major taper down to six miles and then......(cue the Theme music from "Jaws") it's that time....

I want to throw out a HUGE thank you and hugs to the following for helping me with my fundraising, with emotional support, and for listening to me bitch about training with patience and a solid slap upside the head when… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on June 1, 2008 at 6:24pm — 9 Comments

Upcoming Final Exam!!

Hi there, upcoming wednesday I have my final exam to finally become a fire fighter!
Please keep all fingers crossed! I heard last week there where 12 students having their exam, and only 2 passed it!!

I do have to admit that Im already a bit nervous, but that problem I have had all my life with 'exams' in general!! :S

So when I passed the exam, I will let you all know immediately!

For now take care and stay safe!!

Added by Jolande on June 1, 2008 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

Daily Dumbass May 31 2008

Today’s dumbass award goes to 409 people at once!

People can just be plain stupid. Computer specialist Didier Stevens put up a simple text ad on the internet offering downloads of a computer virus for people who did not have any. Surprisingly, he found as many as 409 people clicking on the ad saying “Is your PC virus-free? Get it infected here!” during a 6-month campaign on Google. There was no actual virus involved - just proving a point.

This was taken from KCMQ (a local radio… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on May 31, 2008 at 10:53pm — No Comments

I Passed..

So today i took my fire dept agility test for the jackson fire dept and i over halfway there to gettin hired.i hope i get it!! theyre hiring around july 1st

Added by Caleb:EngineCo12 on May 31, 2008 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment


Added by charline forsythe on May 31, 2008 at 9:43pm — 2 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

What a day to write Notes from a Rookie Firefighter! Today I went to a drill and for the first time wore a mask with my hood over the front of my face. At first I admit I was hot and nervous, but then my mentor and one of the young firefighters showed me the proper way to put on the mask, and how to feel the suction to see if it's on correctly. For a woman fitting into men's gear, it can be tough at times, but the proper placement of your mask is so important.

I learned how to follow… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on May 31, 2008 at 9:24pm — 3 Comments

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