Tiger Schmittendorf
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Tiger Schmittendorf

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Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Fire Chief/Commisioner
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Erie County Department of Emergency Services-Fire Safety Division
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Nationally Certified Fire Instructor
About Me:
Tiger Schmittendorf serves as Deputy Fire Coordinator in the County of Erie Department of Emergency Services which manages three training facilities, 45 fire instructors and the training of 97 fire departments and 5,000+ firefighters.

He is a Nationally Certified Fire Instructor and a firefighter since 1980.

Schmittendorf brings 15 years of experience in engineering, sales and marketing management to marketing the product he loves: the fire service. He specializes in recruitment and retention, marketing, training and management consulting for counties and fire departments around the country.

He suffers from an extremely dry sense of humor and routinely makes an ass of himself, often in public.
Day Job:
Deputy Fire Coordinator
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up across the street from the firehouse and was a part of it from age 8. I couldn't wait to become our department's first junior firefighter when I turned 17 and then an active firefighter a few months later when I turned 18.

I proudly enjoy helping people but any firefighter who tells you they don't love it for the adrenaline rush... is lying.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
In addition to the great experiences I've enjoyed as a volunteer firefighter, I've been blessed to be able to make a career of it. There isn't anything I'd rather do. This is the best damn job in the world.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters.

I believe the survival and success of the Volunteer Fire Service relies on our ability to create more opportunities, for more more people, to volunteer less time.

Welcome to My World:

Here's my definition of brotherhood in the fire service:

"It doesn't matter that we wear different patches on our left sleeve. What's important is the fact that we wear the same patch on our right sleeve: the red, white and blue one - the one with the stars and stripes.

That's what brings us together and keeps us together. No one can ever take that away from us.

The fire service is what's right about America."

- Tiger Schmittendorf, February 25, 2005

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Tiger Schmittendorf's Blog

Joining Forces

Posted on March 25, 2012 at 10:54pm 0 Comments

Bunk-In or Just Bunk?

Posted on February 7, 2011 at 11:26am 3 Comments

Recruitment Effort Goes Statewide in NY

Posted on January 11, 2011 at 10:00am 0 Comments

Not Your Typical "Truckie"

Posted on January 11, 2011 at 12:24am 0 Comments

A December to Forget?

Posted on December 29, 2010 at 8:00am 1 Comment

Comment Wall (578 comments)

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At 4:56am on September 11, 2010, lutan1 said…
Tiger, given your PIO experience, I'd welcome some feedback and input on this discussion-

Curious to know your thoughts...
At 2:24pm on September 9, 2010, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello. stay safe
At 8:48pm on December 31, 2009, Kirk D. Baughman said…
great photos. Did you do all the work your self?
At 2:56pm on December 28, 2009, Norman E. Flanders said…
Hi Tiger, Thanks for the invite.
Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
At 1:51am on October 19, 2009, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello, be safe out there brother
At 5:37pm on October 18, 2009, Scott Runkel said…
Hey Tiger,
I know your very busy so I'll keep this short. I plan on having an informational meeting about Hancock Hope at my Fire Department's station (Alplaus, located within Schenectady County, Town of Glenville) within the next month or so to discuss the next trip to West Hancock next July/August. I also have a lot people interested in joining Hancock Hope, who may not be able to go on the trip, and will be providing them with as much info as I know. I was wondering if you'd be in the area or be willing to be our guest speaker. I know I had talked with Dan Mackajena (old HH president) about 2 years ago about coming out here and doing the same thing, but then he resigned, so it all fell through. Anyways, it would be on a weekend, mostly likely a Saturday or Sunday in November, with a Power-Point presentation of HH's Mission statement, pictures that I've taken during my trips to WHFD, and some other things. Also Lunch will be provided. Let me know if your interested and if so, what weekends would work well with you.
I appreciate it and look forward to hearing from you.

Lt. Scott G. Runkel
Town of Glenville Fire District #2
Alplaus Station
At 12:32am on October 18, 2009, Bradley c1507 said…
a friend of mine showed me a video of the pipes and drums it was so awsome to see and hear them preform it was breath taken by the way how is the dennis allen project doing ? god speed and peace be with you my brother
At 7:50am on October 8, 2009, Scott Runkel said…
Hey Tiger,
Just wanted to up-date you on the Hancock Hope out of the Capital Region:
You probably having been getting some e-mails from people whom I work with @ Mohawk Ambulance Service and from local Fire Departments out here. That's because I've assembled about 10 people who are willing to join the Hancock Hope team-specially the Emergency Response Team. I've had them e-mail you since your like the acting director-if there is someone else we should be coordinating with please let me know. Otherwise, I'll keep having people who are interested in joining HH keep e-mailing you. Also I've been keeping records of all their training, including mine-so that if we do happen to get activated for a response, I can just make copies and give them to the people we will be working with. Also, not sure if you knew, but me and another guy, Dave Giokas, a FF and EMT, recently went down to WHFD in late July/August for 9 days to help out Chief Jones. It was my second year and we've been invited back next year-so I'm planing to have my team (10 people) come down with us to give them some idea exactly what HH does. If you have a up & coming event even if it's local we'd love to join. Also if there are any projects (ie raising awareness, raising funds and collecting donated equipment, etc) that you would like for my team to under-take just let me know. Like I said back in March/April I'm really looking forward to helping HH get back off the ground and I have a team of about 10 people who are rip', roaring and ready to go. Thought I'd just shoot a message to you-since I haven't heard from you in a while.
Thanks and God Bless,
At 10:35pm on September 7, 2009, LadyChaplain said…
Anything new and/or exciting going on?
At 3:37am on August 13, 2009, Scott Runkel said…
Hey Tiger,
Don't know if you check this alot, but we've been missing each other's comunications. I'm still very intertested in helping get Hancock Hope back off the ground. I have about 8-10 other people throughout the Capital District who are interested in both my annual trips to WHFD and to be added to the list of the HH Emergency Response Team (ERT) for future deployments. I will have them E-mail if you think this is best. I've already showed them HH's web site and explained what I thought were requirements as per my discussions with Dan M-when he was Pres. of HH. I'd really like to connect with you and lay out some ideas as well as make sure I have my "I's dotted and my T's crossed". Like I mentioned in April I'd like to take the role of Logistics Coordinator for the Capital District area with regard to HH if that's possible. Let me know either way and I'll E-Mail you with a list of who I've got and what their Qualifications are.
Scott "Runx" Runkel

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