Giving up but still hoping that it would work

I tried to over look all the extra stuff he was getting on the side. That worked until I figured out what he was doing.
He was feeling very guilty about the extra candy he was getting and then decided not to take responsability for wrecking the marriage so he was going to make it look like it was all my fault. The head games were almost more than I could ever take.He would go into another room at the firehouse or at the ER where he worked and call me ,talk for a minute or two then he would ask me to call him back because he had to go do something. I would call him back ,someone else would answer the phone, I would ask for him, (then all crazy stuff started)He would start on me for calling him at work, said that I was harrassing him blah blah then he would hang up on me. Ok that left me scratching my head wondering what that was all about ? Hour or two later he would call me back and same thing happened talk for a minute then he would ask me to call back. I did and repeat performance. OK I may be blonde
( and incidently quite pretty as so I figured out ) but once or twice doing this I was beginning to think one of us needed
prozac or something stronger.I was a big dope and thought that someone who professed to love me would never do this to me .Oh my gosh was I so wrong! There again there is the other side looks greener and happier.I figured out one thing through all of this. It is so easy to have an affair with someone that you don't have any responsability with .
yOU NEVER FIGHT ABOUT MONEY ! Its easy when all you need to do is show up, have sex and then go back to your life.If you need to yell at someone, you have your wife.The sex is great because they are about1/2 your age and they have not given birth to any kids and everything is still tight and perky.I got a little bit of revenge . I had a breast reduction and then my perky was awesome.( I am sure that the wench has hers in her armpits by now).I am still awesome.I think he wishes that he would have gotten custody of the new boobs rathers than the 2 dogs I gave him..
Once again "Be careful what you ask for husbands you may just get it " The girlfriend won't stay bright and perky forever then what ????

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