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You haven’t got much sleep

You’ve been on call all day

You turn the lights off

And head for your bed

Finally falling asleep

Then the alarm goes off

And the lights turn on

Its time to save another

From the flames that burn

You try to help,

But the fire is to much

As you watch it go up in smoke

You fell bad they lost their home

But its just another call

You saved the people inside

To you they… Continue

Added by Kayla Bartlett on May 22, 2008 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

Just Like You


Your always wearing your gear

Always saving lives

Never getting any sleep

Not wanting to be a hero

Just a normal person

But to the kids you’re their hero

They want to be just like you

So keep your head up high

When the papers say crap

Cause in the end that don’t matter

You’re the one who risks their life

Just to save those who don’t give a crap

Just remember that kid,

That wants to be just like… Continue

Added by Kayla Bartlett on May 22, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Making Something out of Nothing?

Even the best of PIOs-Public Information Officers go through a dry spell and struggle for something newsworthy to promote once in a while. Some call it writer's block. Others call it a brain cramp.

It only takes a little imagination (or inspiration) to get put of this slump, even when you don't think you have anything that's of relevance to your target audience: the public.

I half-jokingly say that if someone goes to the bathroom in our firehouse - we write a press release… Continue

Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on May 21, 2008 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Thank You Chief Doug Phillips and the Ft. Johnson Fire Department

b>b>Thank You Chief Doug Phillips and the Ft. Johnson Fire DepartmentThank you Chief Phillips,

Chief Doug Phillips and the Ft. Johnson Fire Department has donated to Eastlake Fire Department 8 complete S.C.B.A's spare tanks, parts and testing equipment. That kind of generosity is unparalleled except within the brotherhood of firefighters, two departments 840 miles apart, with the only common bond of our choice of volunteering out lives to the service of the Fire Department.… Continue

Added by Eastlake Fire Department on May 21, 2008 at 8:20pm — No Comments


Hello All,

Just wanted to say hello and hope you all are well. Things are in kind of disruptive in my station right now. We have people transfered and new people in. The only thing that gets me are the rookies that come in acting like they have 20 years on the job and are disrespectful, know-it-all's. Also, you have to be careful because you cannot approach them anymore, the fire service is so touchy feely now. Their big thing is not creating a "hostile enviroment'.… Continue

Added by firegirl1 on May 21, 2008 at 7:20pm — No Comments

When a Firefighter Faces God

When a firefighter faces God -

The firefighter stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass

He hoped his shoes were shining, Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, you firefighter, How shall I deal with you?

Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?"

The firefighter squared his shoulders and said," No, Lord, I guess I ain't

Because those of us who fight fire, Can't… Continue

Added by Michael Fish #89 on May 21, 2008 at 1:52pm — 2 Comments

Lets Re-think the Future of Fire Training

Friends, Brothers Sisters, and everyone interested in keeping knowledge up to date.

I have a dream, and that dream is to have a Volunteer Fire Service that holds training and education on a pedestal and worships it daily. A fire service that understands the importance of continuing education and practicing BASIC skills on an annual schedule. A fire service that is no longer concerned with ego and image and is MORE concerned with the service it provides to its residents...Isn't that what we… Continue

Added by Moose on May 21, 2008 at 11:29am — 12 Comments


Just wanted to throw this out there real quick - I apologize if Im a little slow in responses I promise Im thinking of you all life has been throwing lots of curve balls lately!!!! Just an update I got a letter from Rochester Fire Dept about a week ago they are extending the eligibility list until June 2009 wooohooo I still have a chance:) Take care be safe out there and know everyone is in my prayers. Much love to my brothers and sisters!!!

Added by Christina on May 21, 2008 at 10:52am — 1 Comment

The Continuing Chronicles of the FNG(irl): Probie Blues

I knew we were doing a live burn training at the Tower last night, but my participation (and that of my other fellow probies) was in question until our Chief reviewed our SCBA hours....

Close, but no cigar. Red Tag City.

Anticipating an evening of basically sitting on my can at the side of the truck and watching the rest of the guys have all the fun, I took a shower and got ready to head out . My friend said before I left "Why are you taking a shower before drill? "… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on May 21, 2008 at 9:00am — 24 Comments

Sometimes its harder than you think....

I have not seen a huge amount stuff in my short career as an EMT, but I have seen a few things that would bother some people, but nothing that has really affected me. When you think of what would bother you, you always think of kid calls, or a mass casualty, or something along those lines, never did I think the following story would have such an impact on me.

The story starts about 9 months ago when a lady I worked with was diagnosed with Lukemia. Now this was a woman that I have… Continue

Added by Samantha Keele on May 21, 2008 at 3:37am — 1 Comment

Heres your sign! JOKE

I can't take credit for this someone forwarded it to me.



> I have 4 dogs & I was buying a large bag of Purina at Wal-Mart and was in

> line to check out.


> A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her that no, I

> was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because

> I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before

> I awakened in… Continue

Added by Ironhorse on May 21, 2008 at 1:29am — 3 Comments

3rd week of May

Worked till Tuesday afternoon then drove to Spokane WA. Wednesday morning left for Portland and the Fire Rescue expo the morning started off uneventful then we reached Biggs Jct and they had a small grassfire so we helped out the local fire dept. and put it out with the equipment that we were taking to the show for General Fire. At the show I had a great time visited with some old friends and met some new ones. I enjoyed talking with Tom Eades from Friday Harbor at the show. Looked at a lot of… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 20, 2008 at 7:56pm — No Comments


It seems there was a woman who received some bad news. Her husband had been in an automobile accident and was brain dead. The doctor told her some good news, though. They had perfected their brain transplant technique and that she was lucky there were three fresh brains in the brain bank from which to choose.

A large explosion had killed a firefighter, a captain and a chief. Having insurance, she requested the cost for each of the brains. The firefighter's brain was $10,000, the… Continue

Added by charline forsythe on May 20, 2008 at 4:58pm — 8 Comments


In a recent fire in Idaho, the city firemen were cooperating (to use the word loosely) with the Forest Service fire fighters. At one point, a city fireman told the following joke:

How does a Forest Service fire fighter handle a fire on the kitchen

He lights a back burn on the living room sofa.

Added by charline forsythe on May 20, 2008 at 4:33pm — No Comments

3 Strikes and your out!

I moved to my small town of Guyton a few years ago and just as I was comeing in they were sending a younger boy (16 yo) away from the jr program. They kicked him off the dept for failure to follow direct orders. 2 years later he joins as a rookie at 18. A few weeks later he is kicked off the dept for the same thing. I was just a pee-on at the time and was glad to see him go. 1 year later he goes to a near by dept and joins, he again talks back to his officers. Later they find out he has no… Continue

Added by Matthew Cosgrove on May 20, 2008 at 2:17pm — 5 Comments

What would you say that you learned to somebody 300 years from now?

Maybe I'm just a geek. There was a question that somebody asked me and I thought that it was very thought provoking. I would like to hear from everybody and what they think. The question. What would you say is your legacy to someone 300 years from now?

Added by M Clark on May 19, 2008 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Department of Vehicular Awesomeness

Lemme tell you a story, chilluns.

I grew up in New Jersey. You can get your learner's permit at 16 1/2 there, (at least, you could in need to correct me if its changed.....16.5 is waay in my rearview mirror) and you could have your full driver's license, no Cinderella 12am curfew nonsense, at 17.

I took Driver's Ed in 10th grade just like everybody else. I learned to drive in a brand-new dual control Chevette with less than 200 miles on it. It still smelled new… Continue

Added by Kimberly Robinson on May 19, 2008 at 3:19pm — 1 Comment

"More Than Meets The Eye"(my Transformation has begun)

Alot has happened in 6 months.Wife and son left,losing my home,my truck blowing up,etc.But things are happening becuse i'm making them happen.I Using my Training and Knowledge to do it.I got a job as a paid E.M.T.,I'm staying with family when i can,and paying up my debts.Going thru what i am and im about to,plus turning 30 on top of it,Transforming from who i was to who im going to be is hard and slower than i thought it would,but im in it for the long haul.Instead of "surround and drown" my… Continue

Added by Tony Leonard,Jr. on May 19, 2008 at 3:12pm — 3 Comments

Fire Officer Development-- Strengthfinders 2.0

Whether you are currently an officer, or aspiring to be one, understanding your strengths and how they apply to your leadership is important. We will spend several weeks delving into the strengths you bring to an organization. Based on the book Strengthfinders 2.0, this informal course is an opportunity to interact and engage your findings from the book. The key is the application. How do you begin to apply what is learned? We will investigate ways to apply the findings to your department. To… Continue

Added by Michael Finney on May 19, 2008 at 2:28pm — No Comments

I have to put that where?

For any of us that serve on volunteer or rapid deployment units storage of gear can be a real issue. You need to have all of your gear available but you can't look like Paris Hilton with a separate butler to carry all our bags. I'm always on the look out for any tips or pointers that can assist with packing equipment. I recently saw an article on packing for a trip. But, though that it also could apply to gear. I have reprinted the article below. Pleas post any ideas you have or tips you have… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on May 19, 2008 at 10:17am — No Comments

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