I moved to my small town of Guyton a few years ago and just as I was comeing in they were sending a younger boy (16 yo) away from the jr program. They kicked him off the dept for failure to follow direct orders. 2 years later he joins as a rookie at 18. A few weeks later he is kicked off the dept for the same thing. I was just a pee-on at the time and was glad to see him go. 1 year later he goes to a near by dept and joins, he again talks back to his officers. Later they find out he has no certs!! Yup you guessed it, after some time away on suspention he back talks an officer and Cheif! Again he is kicked off. Last nite he comes back to Guyton and tries to join. I have never seen everyone say no so quickly! We had a vote on paper and he had no one on his side. I hate to see it but after 3 strikes...Your out!
Has anyone else had this problem? What was the out come?

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Comment by Matthew Cosgrove on May 30, 2008 at 7:51am
I guess we all have one that was just way to much of a problem and dosen't realize it.
Comment by Rachel T. Corey on May 28, 2008 at 12:15pm
Those people, male and female, have joined for the wrong reasons and wont last no matter where they go. Had a rookie once holler at females from an engine," hey want some of this? Ive got a charged hose for ya!" Yeah he is gone and doesn't understand why. (not to mention
screeching tires and going 70 in a 25 to a call. I don't think so)
Comment by Rescuefrog on May 27, 2008 at 2:00am
Sorry I am unable to edit last post. Should be not happy about the driving
Comment by Rescuefrog on May 27, 2008 at 1:59am
We had a 19 yr old I know everything about anything and apparently thought that no one else new anything. He just got his license went through EVAP and they were going to let him drive the trucks. I was happy and refused to ride in the trucks. they got the hint and said he could drive on the back (not code), Since he joined, things ended up missing or should I just say misplaced!. He drive his car he bought last fall 50 in the 25 zones and say he doesn' care. This same kid argue with me over radios and said he was a ham op and so I threw out a few questions to him and guess what he had no clue. Out on a small brush fire he laugh and told me he almost past out (he did very little work on the hand lineless than 15%) and thought it would be funny that I would have to drag his f** B*** out of the forest. Finally this kid stole car cleaning supplies or sorry I mean left them on the counter and someone else took it. Finally after that he was gone. He was telling people he joined the next dept over but we all know better since we know them pretty well and they said no way! Why they never learn is beyond me.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on May 22, 2008 at 11:41am
We had a probie that was speeding through a construction zone..He say the police care and turned on his Blue lights...well the cop called the chief and guess what....he got suspended for 30 days and at his vote didn't get in...and believe it or not he was surprised..!! also he never attended ANY training while he was there,,even dropped out of FF1...surprise!!!!

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