Matthew Cosgrove
  • 42, Male
  • Guyton, Georgia
  • United States
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  • Timothy franklin hileman
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Matthew Cosgrove's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Training Officer, Lieutenant, Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Guyton Fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Started in Englishtown, NJ. Now on Guyton Fire Rescue.
My Training:
Firefighter 1, First Responder, Structeral Fire Control, ICS (NIMS). Haz Mat Opps, Pump Opps, Extraction Tech and Instructer, Rescue Spct.
About Me:
I'm a laid back kinda guy till the pager goes off. I like to work on old cars and trucks. I also do most of the repairs for Guyton Fire.
Day Job:
A Road Tech. I'm a mechanic in a van with a fancey name!
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It called to me when I was 15 and I became a Jr. member in Englishtown. I've never left the fire service since.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love to help people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
wow, theres a lot. from the public to some of our own...thats tough.

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Matthew Cosgrove's Blog

the thanks we get...

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 7:52pm 7 Comments

I've been in the fire service for 10 years...Up till now I have only heard stories of stuff like this.

Two days ago I recieved a call of a pile of trash on fire and left unattened. I rode over and spoke with the homeowner. He was a great guy who had a hose out and didn't have a problem with me coming over to check up on his pile. He was there with it. His truck was parked on the side of the house, whoever called it in probly couldn't see his truck. At that point all seemed to be over, he… Continue


Posted on September 11, 2008 at 1:22pm 3 Comments

Okay, a year ago I applied for a position as a paid Firefighter/EMT. I went for the written test and interview...I guess I did okay on them but I didn't here back for some time...I stoped going to the gym because $ is tight...I got a call last Friday that I would have my phyical agility test on Tuesday. I trained all weekend and passed on Tuesday night. I'm still sore but have a smile from ear to ear!! Not sure what is next but I'll be ready for it!! I'll say this..I was more nervos for that… Continue

I know this has happend to others out there...kinda funny now.

Posted on July 6, 2008 at 9:46am 2 Comments

Okay, last nite at 2045hrs my engine was heading to the local highschool to do a fire watch for the fireworks... We had a full engine of members and our girlfriends/wives/kids. We also had sevral personal cars just incase we had a call. Well, just before the school we get a medical call for a young girl who fell from 12 feet in the air. We just run our own cars as first responders. So we pull the engine over and myself and my capt jump out and swap from the engine to his truck (driven by his… Continue

Firefighters doing city workers jobs...

Posted on June 26, 2008 at 10:44am 11 Comments

In some of my past posts you will see my department went from vol. to a Public Safety department with the cops. We are also a combo department now M-F 7am-5pm we have part time guys in house. Our City manager (who is also Public Safety director and chief of police) has stated that the Firefighter on duty will now be doing city worker types of work like turning off peoples water, assisting in changing out sewer pipes, cleaning up yard debris, mowing public parks...ect. This is the dumbest thing… Continue

Knowing what you are doing...CPR.

Posted on June 9, 2008 at 1:00pm 2 Comments

In a CPR class its easy. Just remember 30 and 2 and your done. (okay....not that simple) However, fast forward to your first patiant by yourself. You walk in a room and forget everything. As a first responder(or new EMT) this will happen on your first few runs. It happend to me this past weekend. I was told to pratice and pratice. This all paid off on Sunday. I walked into the room and found my patiant laid out on the floor. In a blink I checked for a pulse and breath -none. Next thing I knew I… Continue

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 6:40am on March 12, 2009, Kacey said…
That's ok! I'm glad you are doing good. And staying busy too?
At 12:38pm on January 27, 2009, Kacey said…
Hi! How are ya?
At 12:25pm on January 22, 2009, Norman E. Flanders said…
Matt, E-mail me and I will send you our SOP/SOG"s the complete set. Take it and use it to improve yours. Norm
At 8:35pm on June 4, 2008, Donnie Johnson said…
Thank you, I am going to do the best that I can. I live in a small town of less than 2000 people and main street end at someones drive way so you the idea how close everyone is in this town.
At 9:10am on May 25, 2008, Tim said…
thanks for the comment Matt, I was very frustrated as you saw in that post after getting the immature posts that I got, I was simply looking for advice on how to deal with the individual not not looking to get affermation that i was right. Anyway thanks a ton for the advice, and stay safe out there!!!!
At 9:01pm on May 8, 2008, Jim Seargent said…
Thanks for the words and the sentiment. I'll suggest the backcracker.
At 8:15pm on May 7, 2008, Marie said…
thanks :)
At 4:41pm on May 7, 2008, Marie said…
thanks for the advice :) I am so totally never using them again!
At 7:33am on May 7, 2008, Will2745 said…
my first comment...get rid of the black background so people can see EVERYTHING on your pages
At 8:49am on April 8, 2008, Daniel Hull said…
Nice hat !!!

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