Gordon Hennigs
  • 63, Male
  • okanogan
  • United States
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Gordon Hennigs's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Okanogan Washington
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
farmedic, extrication technition, IC type 3, leadership 1 and 2. operations and tactics. advanced fire investigator structural, motor vehicle, wildland, electrical. fire code administration. Fire officer 1. art of reading smoke. building construction and the fire service. emergency vehicle operation. CDL class A. ICS 100, 200, 300, 400. NIM's 700, 800, Weapons of mass destruction, haz-mat identification. swift water rescue.
About Me:
Joined the fire service in 1981, engineer by 1983, continued to work towards an officers position became the president of the association in 1986, became a captain in 1988. then in 1990 I became an Assistant Chief until August of 1997 when I was offered the full time Chiefs position by the City of Okanogan which I currently hold. I have been the president of the Okanogan County Fire Chiefs Association since 1998. I look forward to some day moving to a larger department with paid staff or moving our department to a combination department. Some of my goals here our to some day have a new station, a 100ft platform, 1 engine company staffed 24/7 paid with volunteers to respond 2nd out.
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was 18 and it seemed like the thing to do, all the excitement, helping the communitee. It has turned into a great career. worked my way up through the ranks as a volunteer and then made the career choice to take a full time position as chief
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the people I work with, and the challenge
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Shortage of Volunteer firefighters and increasing call load.
Safety why we continually make the same mistakes that injure and kill firefighters.

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Gordon Hennigs's Blog

August 14

Posted on August 14, 2008 at 7:24pm 0 Comments

What a kick ass fire season it has been already 20 calls since the first of August the troops are starting to show the wear and tear a little. Are grocery bill for the first week of August was over $800.00 feeding the department. Everybody is getting a little nervous we continue to get smoke calls almost daily everything is tinder dry and temperatures are soaring into the upper ninetys and one hundred degrees this week. A mean light show moved through the area early Saturday the 9th of August… Continue

end of July

Posted on July 30, 2008 at 10:37pm 0 Comments

Wow it’s been a while since I have made it to the page to post any thing that’s not good to much work and not enough play makes the Chief a boring and cranky boy. So all you probies out there need to be on your toes. It has been a heck of a month some where around 30 calls this month and on top of unbelievable amount of meetings and yearly ladder and pump tests it has been truly crazy. We were all shocked to hear of the deaths of two Washington state firefighters this is truly a sad occasion,… Continue

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At 2:38pm on July 20, 2009, Bill Vallance said…
we don't have any numbers for state!! WE DON'T GET FIRES!!! No fires today - I'm on EMS duty all day!!!! Let's go on a ride!!
At 1:19pm on July 17, 2009, Bill Vallance said…
WTF - just a note to let you know i have been here!! HOT HOT HOT today . . . only need a fire to make it a bit hotter . . . don't forget to invite us!!
At 6:32pm on October 6, 2008, tab said…
Things are great here. It has been a beautiful sunny day still no rain but hopefully soon. Have a great evening and stay safe.....
At 12:51pm on August 18, 2008, Bill Vallance said…
how was your weekend> cooler? Beer driven? I had to sit on ambulance at hydros in Pateros all fricken weekend - hotter than hell!!!!
LIGHTNING TONIGHT!! don't forget to invite us up!
At 11:13am on August 15, 2008, Bill Vallance said…
Dyer Hill fire consumed 100 acres of wheat. Very hot, good flame length, slight wind . . . but we were able to contain. Combine had minimal damage. You hear my report to dispatch . . . pretty damn professional huh! Where's the State Mobe? Shady Pass?
At 4:19pm on June 1, 2008, Bill Vallance said…
I'll need a 20,000 dollar bonus before i can touch a motorcycle!!!
At 7:46pm on May 19, 2008, Bill Vallance said…

how's th back-to-work Monday going??? what time did you get back in-country?
At 11:08am on May 18, 2008, Tom Eades said…
Hi Gordon, hope you've made it home in one piece. It was great seeing you in Portland; I'm going to try to do that again next year!
At 9:13am on March 23, 2008, Susie said…
Actually missed 2 calls. 10 total for the month. Thanks for rubbing it in.
At 12:23am on March 23, 2008, Bill Vallance said…
maybe you could reschedule so you are there!?
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