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Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

I am slowing down my real estate business to get ready to go to school at the Morris County Training Academy. I am very nervous about leaving my kids home and not be available. You know how kids call you ALL the time. But the funny things about kids is that they are always fine, right? Moms stress too much about them, no matter what age. They will probably just sit home all day playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

Anyway, here's the link to the Morris County Training Academy in case you… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on June 10, 2008 at 12:14pm — 2 Comments

FINALLY getting paid to play

Well I guess all this insane training I have been doing since March has finally paid off. My department has hired me part time (like all the others who are getting paid). June 4th was my first day as a paid FF. We dont run much, the paid staff is there to make sure that things that needing to get done are done. But still, its a paid position which just tickles me to death. :)

Yall be safe out there...... Be good becareful be safe


Added by Wolfy Lang on June 10, 2008 at 8:28am — 3 Comments

Knowing what you are doing...CPR.

In a CPR class its easy. Just remember 30 and 2 and your done. (okay....not that simple) However, fast forward to your first patiant by yourself. You walk in a room and forget everything. As a first responder(or new EMT) this will happen on your first few runs. It happend to me this past weekend. I was told to pratice and pratice. This all paid off on Sunday. I walked into the room and found my patiant laid out on the floor. In a blink I checked for a pulse and breath -none. Next thing I knew I… Continue

Added by Matthew Cosgrove on June 9, 2008 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Know and Understand WHY You Do It.

In a recent blog I wrote, titled "Know What You're Dealing With, Or Don't Do It!!!!", I challenged emergency services members and industrial ERT's to know their core business. To understand what they do. To understand what they're dealing with and likely to face when called.

If you want to get a bit of background to this blog, you can read it at http://www.firefighternation.com/profiles/blog/show?id=889755%3ABlogPost%3A622050

I was recently contracted to deliver Confined… Continue

Added by lutan1 on June 9, 2008 at 4:00am — 6 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Morristown, NJ had a thunder and lightening storm tonight and it poured for awhile. It reminded me of a fellow firefighter yesterday who shared with my husband and I the reason he became a firefighter. When he was a young boy, his home was struck by lightening.

People may wonder why I became a firefighter. I would like to share the reason why.

When I was 30 I lived in Sayville, New York, a small fishing town on the eastern end of Long Island. I tried to join the volunteer… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on June 8, 2008 at 10:20pm — 6 Comments

First day of Fire Recruit class

I start my first day of the recruit class for the fire dept, and i would have to say going through the process was long and stressful, but i feel that it will be worth the stress in the end. I will let you know how it goes.

Added by Meds on June 8, 2008 at 4:45pm — No Comments

Short blog post about my Final Exam

I PASSED!!! Yes, I've managed it.. I passed the exams!! I was one of 6 who passed out of 12.. so not bad huh!? :) Ok.. 3 quitted before the exams.. and 3 failed.. but I'm just so glad I got it!. Now I only have 2 internal lessons (local) about technical rescue'procedures' and learning 2 trucks.. (where everything is located, put away?)... and then I can go out on calls!

bye bye..

Added by Jolande on June 8, 2008 at 4:38pm — No Comments

RMFD mourns loss of FF C. Marrow

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Rocky Mount Fire Department is mourning one of their own today.

Clayton Earl Marrow, 29, died Thursday morning of a heart condition. Marrow, a firefighter and emergency medical technician, collapsed at home after returning from a run.

His last post was at Station 5 on Springfield Road.

"We have not experienced an active member dying since 1983," said Fire Chief Keith Harris. "That's why this has been such a shock. Really,… Continue

Added by Christy on June 6, 2008 at 2:16pm — 1 Comment

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Last night I cooked dinner for our firehouse and Morristown NJ softball game. Our company won the game, but that's not really what the event was about. It was about participation on a team, and working together for a common goal which is what the fire department is all about.

While I was setting up for the game, I was with the old timers, whom I spend every afternoon with at Station 4. No matter what problem you have, or question you have, the old timers have a good and sometimes… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on June 6, 2008 at 7:00am — No Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Tomorrow our company's softball team is playing the Morristown Fire Department. I am cooking dinner for the team. I used to teach Italian cooking about 15 years ago in Sayville, NY and will make many yummy Italian dishes. People are under the misconception that people are always cooking at the firehouse. I think we are always eating if you ask me.

Added by Denise Imperiale on June 4, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

It's CPR/AED Awareness Week!

Did you know that it is CPR/AED Awareness Week? I didn't.

I don't care if your title is PIO, EMT, CFR or PEON - take advantage of this opportunity to bring the importance of CPR training and public access AEDs to the forefront of your community. It's not too late.

Right on the heels of EMS Week, ride the coat tails and write something up that starts with: "This culminates CPR/AED Week..."

Here's a quick article from EMSresponder.com that will help you fill in… Continue

Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on June 3, 2008 at 11:15pm — 2 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

What a day to write Notes from a Rookie Firefighter! Today I went to a drill and for the first time wore a mask with my hood over the front of my face. At first I admit I was hot and nervous, but then my mentor and one of the young firefighters showed me the proper way to put on the mask, and how to feel the suction to see if it's on correctly. For a woman fitting into men's gear, it can be tough at times, but the proper placement of your mask is so important.

I learned how to follow… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on May 31, 2008 at 9:24pm — 3 Comments

Medic Shift

Well all I am aboout to embark on my first 24 hour Medic shift. Our department runs the medics on a 12 hour shift except on weekends when they have openings for day shift medics to work extra hours. One of our Captains called and asked if I would be able to do a 24 this Sunday and I said yes. So we will see how this works Yippppeeeeee.
I will post more on Monday after the shift.

Added by John on May 31, 2008 at 12:31am — 3 Comments

yays :) I'm back!!!

After some lengthy discussion (I can be quite convincing when determined to be) my FD doc was willing to clear me to ride fireboard as long as I'm on a 3 rather than 2 person ambo crew so that I dont have to lift Pt's

So I had my first FD shift in over 100 days yesterday :) it was very very VERY good to be back!!! ..... granted we got the big goose egg as far as number of calls goes, but hey, i was back!

I'm at an aide tent for a festival in a more sketchy area of my… Continue

Added by Marie on May 31, 2008 at 12:04am — 1 Comment

Being The wife Part 3

Now I know how a gold fish feels. He now has all the stuff(except the last load). He is now just driving by to check on the house he says. He brings his girlfriend and now together they are stalking me . I think that she drives by when he isn't with her to make sure he is not with me .I should have posted a sign that says "Look into your future".

The way I know that she and he are driving by is we lived at the end of a dead end circle. It is pretty hard to hide a big dodge diesel truck… Continue

Added by Susie Young on May 28, 2008 at 3:37pm — No Comments

A video worth watching

As we come up on the anniversary of the tragic loss of nine brothers in Charleston, my battalion officer played a video for me. I'm not going to lie, I was crying like a baby right in the station. Its sad, but, powerful and motivating.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=8GQ4xsn0d_I

Its a real reminder that everything we do can affect those around us, even if we are gone. You'll have to cut and paste the link, but I promise it is worth the effort.

Added by Heather Langston on June 6, 2008 at 8:55pm — 4 Comments

Honor Guard

As you can see from this post I survived yet another plane ride. Hooray! Both flights were actually very good flights with hardly any turbulence. I definitely didn't feel like the wings were about to break off and I could understand what the pilot and the flight attendants were saying, so all in all it was a good flight.

I had to go teach at an honor guard symposium for firefighters and police officers. The Lewisville Fire Department's… Continue

Added by Wendy Norris on June 7, 2008 at 12:08am — 3 Comments

TNT: The Accidental Runner; T-Minus Two Weeks And Counting....

We had our last long run this past Saturday in preparation for the Half Marathon. We were slated to run ten miles, and after that, beginning next week we do a major taper down to six miles and then......(cue the Theme music from "Jaws") it's that time....

I want to throw out a HUGE thank you and hugs to the following for helping me with my fundraising, with emotional support, and for listening to me bitch about training with patience and a solid slap upside the head when… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on June 1, 2008 at 6:24pm — 9 Comments

Great PR Article

I found some past issues of National Fire-Rescue magazine at the firehouse over the weekend and started reading them in my "library" at home. You know the one I'm talking about, the one adorned in porcelain and shower curtains.

I found a great article on generating public awareness that hits home in so many ways. We do a ton of PR at Evans Center, sometimes to the extent that I think we're becoming "over-exposed," but I still think we can do better.

This article touches on the…


Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on May 27, 2008 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

Rough shift

Hello all,

I am not sure if you saw my new topic i posted but yesterday was exactly what I was talking about in the posting. Smart assed, know it all rookies. I wanted to punch this guy in the mouth. Absolutely no respect unless you are on of his drinking buddies. I have no respect for this guy because he is like a remora on his training officers ass at all times, on and off the job. Very in your face and loud. It makes for a very uncomfortable and tense shift. Well for me at least he… Continue

Added by firegirl1 on May 27, 2008 at 3:11pm — 2 Comments

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