Hello all,
I am not sure if you saw my new topic i posted but yesterday was exactly what I was talking about in the posting. Smart assed, know it all rookies. I wanted to punch this guy in the mouth. Absolutely no respect unless you are on of his drinking buddies. I have no respect for this guy because he is like a remora on his training officers ass at all times, on and off the job. Very in your face and loud. It makes for a very uncomfortable and tense shift. Well for me at least he seemed satisfied. Jerk! He told me if I don't like the way things are done at our station then maybe i should leave. Me leave? This turd has been on the job of 2 years as of last week and he is telling me how things are going to be. Of course, all my "brothers" just sat there and did not say a freaking word while this guy was ranting. Whew.......I feel better now sorry to go on and on but damn.

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Comment by Ittywah on May 29, 2008 at 12:14am
I hate people like that... have known a few myself..... The only polite classification for someone like that is "JERK"... all others classifications would be bleeped. Dont worry, what goes around, comes around and this fellow will get "his"... just be patient and don't let him have the upper hand.
Comment by Rachel T. Corey on May 28, 2008 at 11:56am
Honey don't take his shit. Not now, not ever. If your brothers and sisters wont back you up (give them another chance by TELLING them how that made you feel) I think the chain of command is in order. Its one thing to bust balls its a total other story when he/she comes in and acts all "hero" on ya. Just remember every department has at least one or two. But your brothers and sisters need to back you up. Period.

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