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7th Anniversary of 9/11 Remembered from an outsider eyes.

In commemoration of the 7th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. I would like to repost my last year blog for this commemoration at our homepage This how I remember 9/11.

6 Years ago, I was in Maybunga volunteer back then, on duty on our headquarters. We got word something going on New York so we tuned in to ZOE channel (now QTV). There, we were kind of confused of the unfamiliar landmark. Where is the other tower? The other tower was… Continue

Added by Michael Vito on September 11, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Just a little something I saw somewhere

A birth cert shows that you were born, a death cert shows that you died and a photo album shows that you LIVED!

Not sure who wrote it.

Added by FIREMEN BUTTS DRIVE ME NUTS on September 11, 2008 at 1:42pm — 1 Comment


Okay, a year ago I applied for a position as a paid Firefighter/EMT. I went for the written test and interview...I guess I did okay on them but I didn't here back for some time...I stoped going to the gym because $ is tight...I got a call last Friday that I would have my phyical agility test on Tuesday. I trained all weekend and passed on Tuesday night. I'm still sore but have a smile from ear to ear!! Not sure what is next but I'll be ready for it!! I'll say this..I was more nervos for that… Continue

Added by Matthew Cosgrove on September 11, 2008 at 1:22pm — 3 Comments

I really need help with this..

I am trying to have the Nova Scotia Gov. change the Highway traffic act to allow Volunteer Fire Fighters the use of Lights on their Pov's.

I have some response, I need more help with a questionare I have and copies of SOP'S, SOG'S Traning.

If any one can help please send your information to me at

Find the attached file, if you can answer it I will need your name, Dept and where your Dept is from.…


Added by Art Sutherland on September 11, 2008 at 11:16am — 8 Comments

Daily Dumbass September 11, 2008

Another Daily Dumbass from our local radio station. I thought everyone would get a kick out of this.

"A man with 5 previous DWI arrests was stopped for weaving in and out of traffic on Interstate 40 Saturday. The 31-year-old had an immediate excuse for the cop - he was weaving because his passenger had spilled his beer. At first the officer thought the driver was joking, but then realized he was serious. Not surprisingly, he was arrested -… Continue

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on September 11, 2008 at 9:43am — 6 Comments

Patriot Day

Today is Patriot day, September 11th, 2008. Seven years since the 9/11 tragedy. Seven years since thousands of people lost their lives in a matter of less then two hours. Sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. All lost in what seems like the blink of an eye. All lost for reasons we may never understand. My heart breaks for the families and friends who all lost someone that day. They watched the news in terror; just waiting, hoping, praying for someone to walk through the door just one more time.… Continue

Added by Dustin J. Millis on September 11, 2008 at 3:54am — 3 Comments

9-11 Memorial

As I set here this morning, not being able to sleep, I keep thinking back to 7 yrs ago, So long ago but not to long for some. I worked that day and every year sence, except this year. I did not have anyone directly connecting me to 9-11 except the loss of emergency personnel lost for doing their jobs. I still feel a personnel loss as if it were my own family.

I get mad because people have forgotten, not just civilians, the fire service/ EMS/ PD there are no services, signs or… Continue

Added by Stephen Russell on September 11, 2008 at 1:39am — 3 Comments

Never Forget - 9/11/01

In memory of those who lost their lives 7 years ago today.

Added by TJC44 on September 11, 2008 at 12:00am — No Comments


Tomarrow is a day to remember and not foerget those we lost not so long ago. And for this rookie to thank all the ones that put their lives on the line daily. Thank you from all my heart.

Added by Katherine on September 10, 2008 at 10:55pm — No Comments

FF in the National Guard!!!

Hello again back for a nother. Today it is our brothers and sisters that are supporting us not only through firefighting, but serving in our military. So far in our dept we have had one firefighter that served in Iraq. He was over there for what seemed like for ever. Even though it was only 9 months. Thank god he made it back safe and sound.

Now with all the huricanes coming ashore in the south, we have a nother brother who has been deployed. He is a reserve in the army. To be more… Continue

Added by Grant Kennedy on September 10, 2008 at 4:51pm — 1 Comment

First day of Medics

WOW the first day of class and my emotions are like "am I crazy, what am I doing" , but I am sure that I will give it my fullest attempt at doing well in the first quarter of class, its just going to take some study time and some extra time doing clinicals, and with a little luck and prayers I should get through this.
Thanks for the support in advance.

Added by John on September 10, 2008 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment


Hi i just wana know what you all do with your old equipments. after you get a new equipments. Do you sell them or give them away :D

Added by Michael tan on September 10, 2008 at 2:10am — 3 Comments


To all the new firfighters and EMS personnel out there..........Y'all be careful out there! I know that things are more dangerous than ever out there. Fire/EMS/Police are put further into harms way than I was in my 21 years on the job, and I could write a book on that. By the way.......Did say I was from the south?

Added by Steve Glass on September 9, 2008 at 5:50pm — No Comments

Structure Fire

Well we had another structure fire, this time it was at a school!! luckily it was around 1900 hrs and only a few kids were there and all made it out unharmed. The fire appeared to have started in an electrical room and was pretty much contained there. There was so much smoke from the fire it was almost umreal, it looked like the entire place was lite up, but it was all electrical smoke and stank to high heaven. some our crew did pull a bunny that was in a classroom out and we used a pediatric… Continue

Added by John on September 9, 2008 at 9:24am — 3 Comments

Happy Birthday Kevin!!!

Happy Birthday to my middle son, Kevin, who turned 16 on September 4th. He is going to be the "star" pitcher this year in his highschool baseball team. He loves to play baseball and he is very good at it. I am proud of him and all his accomplishments. Good luck Kevin in all your endeavors.

Added by Rebecca Marlow on September 9, 2008 at 1:55am — 1 Comment

In the ARMY now!!!

My son joined the Army and is going through Boot Camp. From his letters and talking with him, he is having a blast. He is learning new things and polishing some old things. I am very proud of him and his committment. It is his plan to go through Boot Camp, AIT, Ranger School, Prep School, then West Point. He has a goal and has set his sights on accomplishing it. I am very excited for him. To be so young, he is so mature. Congrats to Kyle!!!

Added by Rebecca Marlow on September 9, 2008 at 1:49am — 2 Comments

A Little Lost

Ok, so tonight was our monthly meeting/training and tonight was the first time that no matter how intently I listened, I was pretty lost. Our training was on water shuttle, going through tender scenarios and how to correctly jet siphon and recirculate the dump tanks set up. I just felt so stupid tonight because even though I caught the main gist of it, when our chief started putting us on the spot (his favorite thing to do) it's like none of it made enough sense to become practical. I'm not… Continue

Added by Ashleigh on September 9, 2008 at 1:26am — 3 Comments


To everyone on the nation.....hope you have a great day and always stay safe.Finally able to get kinda caught up with things in the cyber world.....Since I went back to driving cab again.....had quit....but had a really great offer to go back...I had forgotten how it was to drive 10-12 hours a day.....hopefully I can keep up on here.Well we had HANNA come blowing through here over the weekend......only had 2 tree calls...pretty good day.For those of you in the path of IKE, PLEASE BE SAFE, and… Continue

Added by CHRIS PUYLARA on September 8, 2008 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Firefighter Ministries Website Update- Photographers Still Needed

Firefighter Ministries has updated their website. We have a new t-shirt for sale from Never Tap Out. It's pretty cool!

We have also added some new articles and links as well.

We are still looking for photographers to contribute photographs of incidents to be displayed on our website. If you would like to contribute, please let us… Continue

Added by Wendy Norris on September 8, 2008 at 12:35pm — 6 Comments

Grief Through the Eyes of a Firefighter's Child

Several weeks ago I returned home after working one of the firefighter fatalities that had occurred over the 4th of July weekend. I have needed some time to regroup and to rest after this one. Over the many years that I have been running the TX Line of Duty Death Task Force, I have adjusted many American flags that drape the caskets of the fallen, I have held the hands of countless families as they grieved the loss of their loved ones, and I… Continue

Added by Wendy Norris on September 8, 2008 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

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