September 11th 7 years this Thursday!!!!

Well to think that it has been 7 long years since we were under attack form people who hate us for being a free country.I have watched in the years as they pasted that the flag flying has gotten less.Fire and police and ems were praised.Patriotic people were on every street and car but we have gotten quite again.Lets fly the flags again on the cars and trucks let get the proud feeling alive again.Let us not forget the people that lost thier lives and the one that gave thiers to try to save people in the towers and pentagon that fateful morning.Just some thing to think about we are not promised tomorrow so live life to the fullest and enjoy our freedom.Freedom to go where we want and buy what we want.Well that is my feeling on september 11th and we are still losing firefighters each day to cancer.I have talked with Engine house 234 they are in brooklyn and one staion house has had four guys develope cancer in one station house.
One from 234 house had to take retirement due to cancer at 43 years of age. He was shocked that when I told him I had cnacer and I will return to the truck. My blief and faith in god has gotten me through the rough times so far.Its not always good days for me sitting around gives your mind to much to think about things.Well I am rambling and I will end with Please on Thursday fly the FLAG on your car show our support to troops the lives lost and for our freedom to be able to do so.

God Bless and Have a wonderful day or evenning depending on the time you read this.

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Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on September 7, 2008 at 11:44pm
I also will never forget those lost on September 11th. My prayers go out to the families of those lost.
Comment by rfdjumper on September 7, 2008 at 9:43pm
My prayers go out to those lost on September 11, 2001, and to the brothers still suffering from results of that day.

I will never forget!

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