As I set here this morning, not being able to sleep, I keep thinking back to 7 yrs ago, So long ago but not to long for some. I worked that day and every year sence, except this year. I did not have anyone directly connecting me to 9-11 except the loss of emergency personnel lost for doing their jobs. I still feel a personnel loss as if it were my own family.

I get mad because people have forgotten, not just civilians, the fire service/ EMS/ PD there are no services, signs or ribbons, these are small concellations to the grand scene of the day. We went from responding to call and cars pulled over for miles ahead after 9-11 to getting the finger when we stop to assist someone in need, I do not understand how we go from one extreme to the other. I tried a couple of years ago to put up a sign to comemorate the losses, and the chief was unsure of what the public might think. WTF?????? The sign is in my pics if you want to see it and we placed it on a major highway for everyone to see. Every year I set my little boy down( not so little anymore) and ask him about today and what it means, not to scare him or make him feel bad, but so he can contine the message of why they died while doing their jobs, and when my daughter get of age to understand I'll set her down and explain it to her too. Please take time to remember all of the victims of 9-11 today in your prayers, and may someone walk up to you today and thank you for the job you do. It's the greatest feeling in the world, also please pass this message on to your children so they can carry it on because in the end you can only pass along your knowledge, your teachings, and your name.

Please let me know if I'm off base, or hitting the mark here. This is just my opinion.

Lt. Russell

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Comment by The God and Goddess on September 11, 2008 at 10:04am
I saw the link that Marc left for everyone to see and I got really angry and started to cry. I got even more angry when i saw the pictures of President Bush. Why you ask? If you ever had the chance to buy the 9/11 report book and watch PBS, you would comprehend what lead up to 9/11. Bush along with others knew that this was going to take place. What's even more upsetting is your two airlines that were used for these attacks brought was called if I remember right "pro-shares". Everyone involved in the making of 9/11 brought into these shares. Companies like "MERRILL LYNCH"!!! These shares were sent overseas to train Al-Qaeda.
Comment by Pam B on September 11, 2008 at 9:51am
I seems that the general public has forgotten.....and that is a great travisty. It seems that those involved in the fire service, ems service, etc are the ones that keep this going. You are definately right on target and I agree with Marc....this should be something that everyone should read!!! Including, the public. Thank you and God's blessings to all.
Comment by Marc Bouchard on September 11, 2008 at 6:35am
This should be required viewing for all members of the public so that we do not forget.

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