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Piercings & other thoughts

This is a reply I wrote to a discussion of "piercings". I thought it was worth repeating. You can agree or disagree but if you THINK about what I am saying, I have accomplished my mission. As always, this is my blog & if you don't want to read it, there is a little button there you can push so you can go back to another page & you don't have to read what I am thinking or how I feel about this topic.


Yes, I do know about steam burns, from experience. That… Continue

Added by Jenny Holderby on November 16, 2008 at 1:52pm — 2 Comments

Goldfeder: One LESS Firefighter Standing


With the operating conditions in Detroit, so many wondered what would eventually happen related to DFD, as far as their Firefighters being injured, or worse, killed in the line of duty. And when I heard about the comments so emotionally SCREAMED by a Detroit Fire Sgt today. "What a complete waste," ...he died.. "For what? For what? Some dump of a house?" The words hit… Continue

Added by Firefighter Nation WebChief on November 16, 2008 at 12:00am — 31 Comments

November 2008 Santa Barbara Tea Fire & So Cal Wildfire Update

Tea Fire Time Lapse Videos:…


Added by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on November 15, 2008 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Today I quit a job that I took for a very small wage to get my foot in the door of a company I thought I wanted to work at. I got reprimanded 3x for going to a structure fire on my way back from lunch. We were only in training and other people were told they would leave early to get their kids, etc. and could make up the time.

It was a judgement call. I was like 25 feet away when the call came in. I thought to myself...go back to class or… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on November 15, 2008 at 12:57pm — 5 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Last night was our last live burn at the Academy. For the next month, we are in the classroom. We did four evolutions. I have to be honest and my confidence went down a bit. When you put everything together like we did in a rolling response, and you have people yelling and crowded in small doorways, well it's entirely realistic and your mistakes jump out at you.

My first evolution was engine 2 and our six person team had to bring hoseline up to the 3rd floor. My partner stayed on the… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on November 15, 2008 at 12:38pm — 1 Comment

Inspire, Teach, Lead

Inspire, Teach, Lead

Todays Mental note:

I am in an asking and teaching mood today. I am asking for our officers and senior firefighters to step up. Lets be the teacher today. Help someone with less experience and training achieve something new. If they haven't learned something yet have the ability to say here let me teach you this it could help you and your crew in the future. Be a leader make yourself someone that people want to look up to. Show that you have the ability to… Continue

Added by Patrick Mullen on November 15, 2008 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Marshall Memorial Service

On November 14, 1970 Southern Airways Flight 932 crashed into a hillside near Huntington, WV. The plane departed from Greenville, NC where the Marshall University football team had played a game against Eastern Carolina University. All 75 people on board were killed including most of football team, the coaching staff, members of the media & several team supporters. It was a very sad day in the history of Huntington, and the entire tri-state area and one of if not THE biggest tradgedies to… Continue

Added by Jenny Holderby on November 15, 2008 at 3:56am — 3 Comments

Hello all

Hey everyone. My names Heather and im a FF/EMT for the Ebenezer Fire Protection District. I love it here. Ive been with them for about a month. I was with Willard Fire for almost 5 years. Lets see, to the good stuff! Im 28years old, and a single mom to a beautiful, healthy little girl. Its the most amazing thing ive ever been through, and im one PROUD MOMMY! Im trying to meet new people. If you would like to know anything about me just send me a message. Talk at you soon and Stay…


Added by Heather Pope on November 15, 2008 at 2:00am — No Comments

Training update

Well my first training excercise went great. Everybody seemed to enjoy it. We smoked up a house and run search and rescue missions. It was something a little different then what we had been doing in the past. I am just trying to get members interested in training again. Alot of people think book work is boring and I pesonaly learn more with hands on training. So all in all it was a great first training day for a new T.O. The best part for me was that I hade more than one member thank me for the… Continue

Added by Darrin Simpson on November 14, 2008 at 10:03pm — 3 Comments

Hundreds apply for 11 openings for Reading firefighters

By Holly Herman

Reading Eagle


- Prospects of high pay in a troubled economy attracted an overflow crowd of applicants Thursday to take civil service tests for 11 openings for city firefighters.

Fierce competition

Reading Civil Service Board: An independent three-member board appointed by the mayor and City Council to oversee the testing for firefighters to ensure applicants receive a fair test.

Written test: Two-hour test of… Continue

Added by l1tilr on November 14, 2008 at 6:36pm — No Comments

Just turned in my first private squad application! And a gripe....

I just turned in my first application for a private ambulance company! I'd rather work for one of those than my current full time job... I'm sick of the bullshit that goes on in that damn group home. It's always a constant power struggle and is fully staffed by women except for the one 62 yr old man. Can you say estrogen ocean??? These women are constantly gossiping, and backstabbing each other. I try to maintain a low profile because I'm there for one reason and one reason only. To care for… Continue

Added by Daniele on November 14, 2008 at 5:02pm — 5 Comments

Can i be a firefighter with a GED?

I am 19 i live in Brockton, Massachusetts i just got my GED and its been my life long dream to be a firefighter. i did the high school thing and it didn't work out like i planned. So i got my GED and i am going to enlist in the army or the navy, it was going to be the air force but with a GED i would be waiting up to a year to even get to go too boot camp. So i went into the army recruiters office and he said the army and air force are starting to hire civilian firefighters and a job as a… Continue

Added by matt lynch on November 13, 2008 at 6:56pm — 4 Comments

I might be on to something with this....what do you think?

Ok, so from looking at the replies, it's not just me. Looks like I might be on to something here. So, I'm sure your looking for rules #3 now right? Let's just start with a few sayings I heard as I "grew up" in the fire service. Now please understand, ALL of these saying I have heard at some point in my career. Sometimes is was from someone else, sometimes it was from my our mouth. If you've ever heard any of theses, please raise your hand.

"The fire had a head start." "We had to go get the… Continue

Added by Chris on November 13, 2008 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Safty vests

we were recently introduced to the new state law and safty requirements of the safty vests.We are to wear them on all calls ie fire's auto accidents and ems.I think they are a good idea myself.Not only to be seen but to protect yourself but also to ID yourself.I just wanted to know if anyone else uses them.

Added by Brad Carlson on November 13, 2008 at 10:12am — 4 Comments

Fallen Brother in the FDNY

I just thought the word should get out. I didn't know him, but he was part of the same smoke eating nation. check out the link. My prayers go to his family.

Added by Jason Luna on November 12, 2008 at 2:17pm — 1 Comment

Accreditation final product

As some of you may recall, I was writing a project plan for Saint Andrew's to become an accredited institution.
Here is what I have come up with.

accreditation of SAFD.docx

Added by Sarah Turner on November 12, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Training at Home

Just a quick note for anyone just wanting to get a little extra training at home on the computer, Fire has a thing called " training minutes" that have some pretty good content in them.

Added by John on November 12, 2008 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

Daily Dumbass: November 12, 2008

Taken from

Here’s a good example of “do as I say, not as I do.” A policeman who was picked as 2008’s Officer of the Year in Council Bluffs, Iowa, got a DWI. Officer Terry Cozad is now on administrative leave after his recent arrest. He even refused to take a breathalyzer test when he was pulled over. Ah….the irony.

Stay Safe,
Bruce Ziebarth

Added by Bruce C Ziebarth on November 12, 2008 at 9:47am — No Comments

Maybe...just maybe I'm on to something here

As I've been going around teaching and talking with various departments in the state. I am coming to the same matter if it's paid or volunteer, it's all the same stuff. I know what you're thinking and please close your mouth (your going to attract flies). Hear me out before you decide I'm just some ignorant firefighter.

As I go around and teach on various topics and I sit and talk with fire chiefs and firefighters I am beginning to hear the same stuff. Example: "We just can't… Continue

Added by Chris on November 12, 2008 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Sad day on Memorial Day.

Today was a day to remember the people from the wars, but today we lost one. Our compan chaplain was on his motorcycle riding and enjoying the day. A car was at a stop sign and didnt see him comming. He t-boned the car with his bike. He was flown out via "Lifereach" helicopter. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. This is all the info I have at this time, I will try to keep updates when I get the information.

Added by Thomas Doney on November 11, 2008 at 9:10pm — 1 Comment

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