I am 19 i live in Brockton, Massachusetts i just got my GED and its been my life long dream to be a firefighter. i did the high school thing and it didn't work out like i planned. So i got my GED and i am going to enlist in the army or the navy, it was going to be the air force but with a GED i would be waiting up to a year to even get to go too boot camp. So i went into the army recruiters office and he said the army and air force are starting to hire civilian firefighters and a job as a firefighter in the army or air force is hard to come by these days. So i went home and found out that the navy has a good firefighting program and they do daily drills. So i am going to talk to the navy recruiter next week and find out about navy firefighting. but my real question is after my time in the military i know veteran status will help me get a job as a firefighter but can i be a firefighter with a GED? Its funny the woman who was giving the GED exam said that the 2007 high school graduating class took the GED test last year and more than half of the 2007 high school graduates failed it and those are kids that just got their diploma. So now i don't feel too bad about not getting my diploma, even though i do plan on attending night school when i am done in the military.

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Comment by Jed Barton on December 3, 2008 at 2:55pm
Hey Matt,

Shoot me over an email. I have some tips that may help you.
My email is
I would be interested in hearing from you, and looking forward to sharing some advice.

Sincerest Regards,
Comment by Jay Nicholson on November 13, 2008 at 10:31pm
Couple of general answers. There is no FF specialty in the navy. I believe you would be a damage control specialist. There would be plenty of FF training though. Unless things have changed in the AF, you used to be assured of your primary specialty assuming you qualified for it. I'm not sure if this is true of the Army. I might recommend talking to a different recruiter in a different city for both of those services. Just see if you get the same response from them. With the economy the way it is now though, the services can afford to be a little choosier.
As far as education goes, get as much as you can while in the service. A lot of times this can result in free, or close to it, education. With a 4-year commitment, you could easily get out of the service with an AA degree. If this is the case, most dept. won't care if you have a GED or not. Good luck.
Former USAF FF
Comment by Bob H on November 13, 2008 at 9:30pm
I know a couple professional paid firefighters that were hired with a GED. They had to pass a firefighter written exam, but I was told that exam was the basic GED test.
Comment by Capt.Alex Arnold on November 13, 2008 at 7:23pm
That can tend to be agency specific. The majority of the time it is fine. I am a navy vet myself. They have a great firefighting program in the Navy! They (when I was in) were called DCs, Damage Controlmen. If this is a service that you want to get into then the Navy way is a great start. My advise to you is go into knowing that you have to work hard for it, but there is a return in it if you do work hard. Also, while there get your college degree also. The Navy has great extended learning programs. I am sure that you have heard of the University of Phoenix, That is where they started. They offered extended learning programs to the militrary. My advice for a degree would be in Public Administrations. This is the way that fire service is going in the future. If you get out of the service and have that degree, even if it's only an AA you are a hot commodity. I wish you lots of luck and remember, the military has alot to offer but you only get what you put in. If there is anything that I can do to help you, ie info on the recruitmant process, thoughts and ideas,yaddda,yadda,yadda drop me a line at alex@pofd3.org.

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