we were recently introduced to the new state law and safty requirements of the safty vests.We are to wear them on all calls ie fire's auto accidents and ems.I think they are a good idea myself.Not only to be seen but to protect yourself but also to ID yourself.I just wanted to know if anyone else uses them.
Comment by Brad Carlson on November 14, 2008 at 3:17pm
yes it is a fedral law and shold be worn on the road way I do agree highly on that.But when actually fighting a fire,yah it would melt it defeats the purpose.I see alot of them being worn here in the county in which i live not only emergency personal but state,city workers also.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on November 13, 2008 at 1:35pm
It is a FEDERAL regulation...actually, it is 50 feet from the centerline of the roadway if you are anal retentive...lol...only exception is if you are manning a charged line with an airpack on....they have a nasty habit of melting to your butt if they get hot....and we use the same addage...."Feet on the street...VEST on your chest" Stay safe..................Paul
Comment by Jenny Holderby on November 13, 2008 at 12:33pm
Yea, and I can see them melted alllllll over the place. I need to read all the fine points of that law. I read it when it first came out but I haven't studied it in some time. We have the vests now but with everything going on (reorganization, fires, new truck, etc. ) we haven't taken the time to do the training on them. It is just better to have them in hand while you are doing it.
Comment by Jenny Holderby on November 13, 2008 at 11:55am
It is a federal law that you MUST wear vests. The law has a specific type of vest that must be worn. This particular law does not say that you have to wear them on fires unless the fire is on a highway.
Does anybody have a quick reference to that new highway/vest law? I can look it up later if I need to.
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