Ok, so from looking at the replies, it's not just me. Looks like I might be on to something here. So, I'm sure your looking for rules #3 now right? Let's just start with a few sayings I heard as I "grew up" in the fire service. Now please understand, ALL of these saying I have heard at some point in my career. Sometimes is was from someone else, sometimes it was from my our mouth. If you've ever heard any of theses, please raise your hand.
"The fire had a head start." "We had to go get the truck then respond." "We don't have all the people we need."
Rule #3: The fire ALWAYS has a head start!!!!
They don't call (with slurried speech & drunk) and say hhheeyyy, I am soooo dddrruunnnnkkk. I'm going to light this cigarette and pass out on the bed here and drop this thing on the floor. I should have one heck of a fire going in about 10 minutes or so...you guys will probably want to start heading this way.
The fire ALWAYS has a head start, I don't carry a magic fair wand on the truck and wave it around when I get there and put the house just back like it was. I know the fire has burned up part of the house....my question to you is this....what did you do when you got there. My shift was an aggressive shift, guys would come in and say, "Ya'll had a fire last night? How much did you save?" Our answer was always the same...."there's as much standing now as there was when we got there." I'm not sayin you should go in ever fire, but you should not turn every structure fire into a brush fire (you know after it goes to the ground and the grass catches up). Did you draw a line in the dirt and say....it will NOT get any worse than this. We will hold it to that room or maybe...we'll save this end cause that end is burnt up. So yea, it has a head start, what are you doin once you get there?
You had to go get the truck???.....how else were you expecting to put it out? Were you going to go there in a POV and piss on it? We know you need the pumper....and yes we know you have to go get it, but please see rule 3, what did you do once you got there?
Rule #4: If you don't have enough people......CALL MORE. You see that's the 2nd reason the dispatchers are there. They are there to call you and then......duh.....call more folks if you need it. So don't give me that crap...not if you want to cop up to the real reason you don't want to call them. I know, I know...but dude, they are inbreeders over there at ABC dept. They don't know anything....I mean let me tell you about this one time.
You know what, you might be right, they might be sister kissin, goat molesting, buck toothed inbreeders and you may be God's gift to the fire service. So let me ask you this........if you're so good and they are so bad, when was the last time you offered to help them? And the room goes silent...always does.
When was the last time you invited ABC FD over for a training session...now I don't mean you go up and say "Hey, you inbreeder want to come let us teach you something." If you do that I hope they punch you in the mouth. If you go let them know you are having a training meeting on pumping and see if they want to come over and they pop of at you then no big deal. You tried.
So now what's your excuse about not having enough help? Ok, so that's enough toe steppin for now...rule#5 coming soon. If you guys agree, please let me know, cause I think I might be on to something here.
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