Just turned in my first private squad application! And a gripe....

I just turned in my first application for a private ambulance company! I'd rather work for one of those than my current full time job... I'm sick of the bullshit that goes on in that damn group home. It's always a constant power struggle and is fully staffed by women except for the one 62 yr old man. Can you say estrogen ocean??? These women are constantly gossiping, and backstabbing each other. I try to maintain a low profile because I'm there for one reason and one reason only. To care for the Clients who live there. They are mostly dependant on us for everything from eating to wiping their asses. It's not right that these so called GROWN women act as childish as they do. I've got women twice my age acting an 1/8th of it. I try so hard to get along with everyone, but truthfully that ends up burning me in the ass because then they all feel I should be on their side. Hate to tell em, but I'm staying out of the hen house cluck fests, and eventually I'm gonna fly the damn coop.... I'm tired of their drama and bullshit. Exactly why I prefer the company of men over women... And for the most part the only women I've found I can tolerate are the ones I've met through the field of EMS. I dunno if it's a personality thing or what. But women drive the ever loving daylights outta me. We are one species that just doesn't make sense. And thank god I found my husband.... He knows how to take a girl who likes to be around men without getting jealous, and he loves that I'm into sports, and derby's, and tractor pulls, and cars... He supports my choice to be in EMS and Fire. And in a way I believe it's rubbing off on him... Because now he is expressing interest, and he says he's catching the disease from me!!! LOL So basically in summary... I applied for a job, hate most women, and love my husband!!! Haa haa... Hows that for an interesting blog?

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Comment by Peter Lupkowski on December 3, 2008 at 2:24pm
Been there, done that, found another job...good luck.
Comment by Allen on November 16, 2008 at 8:12am
I ain't pissing her off:)
Comment by ROOKIELZ on November 15, 2008 at 3:03pm
I worked in a group home for five years; I know the frustration. The residents are sometimes more mature than the caregivers. Sad...
I moved over the a Nursing home; much larger staff but same backstabbing, boo hoo kind of female staff.

I don't know if it is because I have seen so much real disaster, pain and loss with the Fire and Rescue Dept. or if it is just my nature but I wish these people would quit nit-picking. It gets old quickly and most of it is not even truly justifiable. I long ago stated that they could vent to me but other than that, I wasn't going to get involved.
Even worse, some of the workers don't get along so they tell the scheduler not to pair them up together. And this is allowed. Obviously there are folks that I would rather not deal with or partner with but I have never said that I wouldn't work with someone. I just inwardly groan...
For the longest time, when someone wanted me to get involved with some petty argument I just came right out and told them I think it is petty and I can't be bothered. It didn't win me any friends but it kept me out of the fray and after a while they stopped trying to involve me. It was easier and more productive to drag someone else into their little scraps.
I am much happier working with men. Since I am not any kind of glamour girl, I seldom have any kind of problem with the guys once they get past the ÿou're a girl"thing. On the contrary, on the few occasions that I have put on the dress, makeup, hair, heels et al, it seems to throw them a little bit. They don't quite know what to do with me in that situation and it usually takes another incident before they can revert back.

I guess if I am accepted as "one of the guys"it would be kinda like one of them showing up in drag????
I don't know; but it is awkward for me to be treated like a girl by them. My husband is obviously use to the swtiching back and forth but sometimes I think it bothers him when the guys are joshing me. He doesn't say much because he knows all about the firehouse culture but sometimes I think he would rather not hear some of the things that his wife and guys banter back and forth. I think he is just glad that there aren't any personality confllict issues.
Comment by John on November 15, 2008 at 9:45am
I have heard that happens at group homes, good luck on the job apps, and may you find a pleasant place to work at. Plus good job getting your hubby intrested we always need more personnel.
Comment by FETC on November 15, 2008 at 9:41am
Best of Luck to you.

I have worked in Fire and EMS for a while. One private EMS gig was mostly women and was no different than the group home or working the ER... Also if you will find a job in a FT - FD, be advised small houses or fire department's that run only a few calls and live together usually have issues with everyone being in everyone's business. Regardless of men or women...

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