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Up-Date on paid Fire Fighter...

Just an Up-Date no confirmation as of yet. I have an interview tomarrow @ 11:30am with the City of Schenectady Fire Department. I'm hopefull but nervous as all hell. I don't want to get too excited because I know I'm way down on the list-so I'm going into this thinking of it as just a formality. I really want it but at the same time I know I could just as easily not get it. Well I'll get back to you guys later.
Thanks and God Bless,
-Scotty Runx

Added by Scott Runkel on January 26, 2009 at 8:59am — 3 Comments


Any of you who have access to the Buffalo News from Sunday (12-07-08) should read the article on the front page of the Niagara Section. I sent the following to The Union Sun for the 'Guest View' but they wouldn't put it in.

In nearly sixty-five years on this earth, I know I must have received several slaps in the face, both literal and figurative. I can’t, however, remember getting three from three people all at the same time. This happened to me on Sunday, December 7, 2008, when I… Continue

Added by Peter Scarborough on January 26, 2009 at 7:54am — 10 Comments



By Al Mozingo


The leadership that one provides an organization, group or team is either effective or non-effective. This effectiveness is dependent upon the skills, knowledge, and abilities (SKA’s) of the leader. How are these SKA’s developed? They are learned. A leader learns from books and seminars, but they also learn from experiences is life, their… Continue

Added by Al Mozingo on January 25, 2009 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment


I am currently trying to design a patch for our communications center! Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Added by Elizabeth on January 25, 2009 at 7:50pm — 3 Comments

Engines,Tankers and Ladders on Medical calls, oh my.

I can see why FDs may want to, or have to, run medicals.What I wonder is why they would place apparatus and personnel at risk,wear and tear on apparatus and waste lots of fuel.
Can I have some Firefighters thoughts on this subject?

Added by Joe Brosius on January 25, 2009 at 4:39pm — 15 Comments

Darlington Twp Vol. Fire Dept Steak Fry

For any Steak lovers in the area On Feb. 28,2009 Darlington Twp Vol Fire Dept will be holding a Steak Fry for $13.00 you get 16 ounce Steak (porterhouse or t-bone) baked potatoe salad desert and beverage.
From 5pm-8pm Any questions feel free to post a comment.

Added by Keith Drabick on January 24, 2009 at 9:37pm — No Comments

You talk too much!!!! Part 2

Recently i wrote a post about a neighboring dept. who tends to have a BIG problem with their radio traffic. Usually its things like all their officers putting themselves enroute to station, not listening to dispatch information, etc...

Well yesterday it only got worse!!!!! Just like last time, I was sitting around the firehouse, it was a real slow day, and this same dept. gets a call for a rollover MVA. My ears kinda perked up and I started to listen their call on the radio just to… Continue

Added by Dustin J. Millis on January 24, 2009 at 6:03pm — 9 Comments

Just a small report :

Last weekend my Dept . was a little busy ,for once.We had a house fullof smoke , a heater fell over .Home owner was very lucky that they were still up . No major damage ,just smoke , used fan to clear it . I retuned to station1 w/tanker and ended up on a lift asst. w/ EMS , neede just 2 of us. Nice short run . I guess I better start writing this stuff down,LOL. Our busyest night came on Tuesday night 1-20-09 at 0023 we were dispatched to a working structure out in the County , I answered the… Continue

Added by morris washburn on January 24, 2009 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Asbestos Incidents

Taken from my response to Asbestos incidents on the forums. The firefighter safety section isn't viewed nor responded to enough so I figured the exposure on the blogs would assist in more people reading the information.

Asbestos, the almighty cancer causing bad crap. They have asbestos insulation, siding and a variety of other nasty stuff. Asbestos is a nasty creation that has caused numerous cases of Mesothelioma in people who have had very little exposure as well as… Continue

Added by Engineco913 on January 23, 2009 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...January 23, 2009
Today I received an invitation to my own graduation. I still have to take the written state test again. Maybe a good sign that I received the invitation (February 5th)? Still studying here in Morris Township.

Added by Denise Imperiale on January 23, 2009 at 9:21pm — 3 Comments

Chaplains in small towns

Being a Chaplain in a small town is very difficult.I say town, really I cover the whole county, 12 districts in all. Can anyone share some experiences of being the first Chaplain ever in a department? After 3 years I feel that most of the departments are warming up to the idea of having a Chaplain. But its my own call whether or not I respond. I have told various districts that if you don't hear me call in route and you feel I am needed on the scene, call me or have the dispatcher to call me. I… Continue

Added by Ted Gentle on January 23, 2009 at 7:53pm — 1 Comment

Disorientation and the Interior Firefight

by: Lou Angeli

(Anytown, USA) -- The fire service here in the USA is extremely fortunate to employ some of the bravest firefighters and most knowledgeable fire officers in the world. But firefighting is inherently a dangerous profession, and things will and do go wroong. When a firefighter loses his or her life in a burning structure it is usually a result of unanticipated or unexpected fire development, not the inadequacies of command or even a firefighter’s… Continue

Added by Lou Angeli on January 23, 2009 at 5:47pm — 7 Comments


I passed my NRE!
I'm excited to say that I'm now a certified EMT! :)

Added by Amanda Frymire on January 23, 2009 at 2:59pm — 1 Comment


Hi Firefighters,

I started this discussion because I need all your help I can get. For starters I am a volunteer in Managua, Nicaragua a third world country, second I volunteer in a Fire Station that only lives by supplies that are donated we can’t support the station neither does the government. Not only do we lack of material to work with most of us don’t even know how to work with them.

So if you could send me material to give classes to my partners. I need topics from… Continue

Added by Carlos Manuel Santos on January 23, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

The Continuing Chronicles of the FNG(irl): Close But No Cigar

So close, yet so far….we had a BUSY day at the department today.

First, I missed a fire call. No, not an auto alarm at the high school….nope…not a basement pumpout….it was an Honest To God, Mutual Aid, Smoke Showing, Signal “Real Deal” call. And I missed it. Not a bonafide structure fire, Not a ‘cooker” , but the closest I’ve come to one. Damn that paying job anyway…..

We were offered a recap of the call (chimney fire) during drill. Our chief ran down the “who-did-what's"… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on January 22, 2009 at 11:26pm — 15 Comments

Hopeful for hire

Im new to the field, the Brotherhood. I have yet to take my NPQ test (I test Feb. 28th). I am basically a brand new lump of clay to be molded into a good firefighter. I am trying to get hired on with Carroll County, GA (hopefully some of them will read this and help me out). They are among my first choices for employment and they have a great department. So to anyone who reads this, pray for my success. Thank you and God bless you.

Added by Brandon Gillman on January 22, 2009 at 1:35pm — 1 Comment

Another blog about my medic night

Medic shift came and went and once again the calls came separated just long enough to get about 2 hours of sleep WHAT A RUSH LOL but seriously we did have a good medic night no serious injuries or illnesses, and at least when we get the runs like we did it makes me feel like I am actually earning my paycheck, I really do not like just siting around the station and not doing anything, we get into work and check the medic over for supplies and equipment properly functioning, and a couple of house… Continue

Added by John on January 22, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Thankyou for the Warm Welcome : )

What I'm doing right now: Dispatching at work.

After finding my Aunt's post about FFN on facebook and remembering my Dad being on the site, I finally decided to join. Happy to meet you all and thankyou so much for the warm welcome : ) I'm still trying to learn how to use this website so forgive me if my comments back are slow.. hehe So anyways back to work.. I already had one code to day 5min after I arrived!! phew what a busy day so far, only 3 1/2 more hours to go!

Peace… Continue

Added by Jenny on January 21, 2009 at 10:32pm — 3 Comments

My Town

Here in Wilmington We just got a new Chief. He is really involved with the Jr. Program. Even though there are only 5 jr's its nice to know that some one is there to train us for the fires we must fight.


Added by Casey on January 21, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Changing Times

Compared to many of you I am still just a Rookie. I come from a small Department in upstate New York. I will be starting my 28th year this April. So I guess that means I have damn close to 27 years. Realizing of course that not only have times changed but we have as Firefighters, EMT's have changed as well. But my question to ponder is this. Has everybody changed? Or were we just different to begin with……

When I started it was not uncommon a couple times a week to go out and practice. We… Continue

Added by Chief4free390 on January 21, 2009 at 8:52am — 1 Comment

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