morris washburn
  • Male
  • McEwen, Tenneesee
  • United States
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  • Marshall
  • Patrick Chitwood
  • Michael Simpson
  • John Nelson
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  • philipp
  • Robert Canady
  • Rom919
  • Jason M.
  • Dominic Giovannone
  • Deputy Dog (Jay)
  • andrew
  • Jacob Washburn
  • Mike Moreland

morris washburn's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
McEwen vol. Fire dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Pike vol. Fire Dept.
My Training:
evoc, hazmat 1 ,pump and driver,ladders,fire essentiles. grandfatered in to FF1 FF2 ,ICO, Extracation,water supply officer,fire police .Ice water Rescue.
About Me:
Married 6 kids 3 girls , all married , 3 boys NOT married . 4 grand daughters. 2 in NewYork ,2 in Germany . I love FF. But love the wife more .
Day Job:
school bus driver
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
My dad was in , and it was another way to make a name and help my Community out .
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We all need more money and training . Equipment ,and more employees.

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Morris washburn's Blog

Just a small report :

Posted on January 24, 2009 at 12:01pm 0 Comments

Last weekend my Dept . was a little busy ,for once.We had a house fullof smoke , a heater fell over .Home owner was very lucky that they were still up . No major damage ,just smoke , used fan to clear it . I retuned to station1 w/tanker and ended up on a lift asst. w/ EMS , neede just 2 of us. Nice short run . I guess I better start writing this stuff down,LOL. Our busyest night came on Tuesday night 1-20-09 at 0023 we were dispatched to a working structure out in the County , I answered the… Continue

christmas and birthdays.

Posted on December 14, 2008 at 11:00am 0 Comments

This is the worst time of the year for me . I was born on Dec. 20 th a fews yrs ago . and since my 14th birthday I have always hated it . Chrismas is just as bad because I feel its not fair to get 2 sets of gifts that week, I remeber when my grandparents would come over and my dad was always at work ,when we had cake and home made icecream for me . But my dads parents never came over because of the weather .My dad whome I love dearly was always working plowing snow for the town,so we could have… Continue

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At 8:12pm on August 27, 2009, Rom919 said…
Well manpower has gotten to such a critical stage that everyone is running mutual aid. Our great legislators down in Albany just have a blind eye to what we need for help... Like a law that stops from employers from firing their employees for responding to a call. So things just get worse..... Thanks for the update... As for the danger of the mutual aid depts responding.. well they might be the first on scene, because you can't get a piece out these days..
At 7:48am on June 2, 2009, Mike said…
things have been pretty uneventful around here... nothing exciting happening. There was a fire in yorkshire on Saturday at the old Ames store. 3 kids ended up getting arrested for setting that one. That one was a y'all come if Ive ever heard one... they had everyone and their brother there.
At 12:57pm on May 3, 2009, John Nelson said…
Hey Morris, thanks for adding me. I know where McEwen is located, but don't get that direction too often. If you are ever up in the McKenzie area, let me know. I will be glad to show you around our station.
At 9:11pm on March 14, 2009, Allen Wahlstrom said…
Morris - Hey brother...drop me a message and Ill fill ya in. Yeah a lot of greens, but plenty of carbs and protein too. No crazy diet. Lots of miles on the that thing is amazing! Advocare has helped a lot too...

Im here so ask me anything yo want to ask.
At 9:20am on March 10, 2009, Mike said…
Hey there.. Funny you said hope he isnt chief... He is next in line for chief, and will be elected to position at our annual meeting next month. Ill be sure to tell him you say hello.
At 6:58pm on March 9, 2009, Rom919 said…
Thanks Morris for your comments on the CDL situation. Being you have had the great experience in living in NYS, your view was very helpful.. We just got some bad news recently. Our Allison MT-740 Transmission is starting to crap out, it is looking like a minimum $7,000 job. So here we go, ???????????, what are we going to do. Maybe LT, would like to add this problem to his spend money on CDL's answer .... lol Thanks again.. Tom
At 10:30pm on January 18, 2009, Chris Mcneil said…
whats going on old man! whats new in McEwen...
At 12:41pm on November 2, 2008, Ni said…
hey Man, just responding you your comment, Philly is actually exit 68 on I-75, about 25 minutes south of Knoxville.
And the Sheriff's Cruiser hit a tree... after swerving not to hit a dog, in the rain.
At 12:23am on November 2, 2008, Dominic Giovannone said…
thanks for the pic comment. stay safe
At 6:37pm on November 1, 2008, PFC Harmon said…
Thanks for the friend request. Stay safe.

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