Written November 16, 2008. . .

Fire Department Mourns Loss of Chief James M. Andrews

I would like to honor a respected chief and friend this afternoon. Chief Mike Andrews of Clyde Fire Department passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, November 16, 2008. Mike was very instrustmental in helping his department acquire top knotch equipment. This equipment includes their 2007 KME engine and 2006 KME heavy rescue. Mike was a great advocate for training and firefighter safety. He always made sure his firefighters were well taken care of. Mike was extremely proud of his fire department and what they had been able to accomplish in such a small town. He certainly loved his fire service family. I can still remember the first time I met Mike Andrews. One of the firefighters introduced me to him at their open house a few years ago and said, "We should get her on our department!" The Chief replied, "Heck! I've got enough headaches on this department without putting a woman on it!" At first, I had some serious second thoughts about Mike, but over time, we both gained a respect and friendship between the two of us. Now, I must say, I have more respect for him than most chiefs in the fire service. He will be greatly missed by many in the fire service, including myself.

Chief Mike Andrews Mike leaves behind a wife and young daughter along with many friends in the fire service. Please keep your thoughts and prayers with them.

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