So I just got my first tattoo last week and I am already wanting to get another one. I want to get somethin with both a fire/military theme. does anyone have some good ideas or pics they have seen of some good tats?

thanks yall stay safe and have a good day

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Comment by robbie sledge on June 2, 2009 at 11:03pm
something like this
Comment by robbie sledge on June 2, 2009 at 11:03pm
theres one ive seen where theres this guy standing and half of him is in firefighting turnout gear and the other is in him military BDUs. maybe something like that
Comment by Mandi on April 3, 2009 at 4:21pm
I'm in the AF and was a volunteer FF before i came in. my tat was easy to include both military and FF because I'm now a medic in the AF, but being that your not a military FF you might not want to combine them! unless of course you plan on not making friends that are military FF. they tend to be a little to gung-ho about their job. and I'm sure army guys would be "nicer" than AF guys bout it to. :)
Comment by Guerrerita on March 1, 2009 at 8:07pm
A phoenix - think about it...
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on January 21, 2009 at 3:49am
Personally, I have nothing against tatoo's... but you sound like a young man, not sure if you are already employed full time as a career firefighter, nor do I know if you are aspiring to become one. But assuming you or someone reading this post is thinking about getting a tatoo, here's the most recent memo that just came out of my departments SOP Manual, verbatim... think before you ink!

For purposes of this policy, "tattoo" includes any tattoo, scar, branding, mark, or other permanent "body art" or modification deliberately placed on the body for purposes of decoration, ornamentation, or adornment.

Tattoos and other scar, branding, mark, or "body art" listed above are not permitted on the neck, face, head or on the hands of employees

Visible tattoos:

A visible tattoo is one that is on any portion of the body not covered by clothing.

Visible tattoos are not permitted on employees

Clothing allowed for the covering of tattoos shall be limited to typical department uniform as stipulated by department policy.

The only addition to the typical department uniform allowed for the purpose of covering tattoos is lightweight skin-colored sleeves ("compression garment"), however such sleeves must be removed when responding to fire incidents.

The only exception to the prohibition of visible tattoos is while wearing "PT" clothing while in the act of departmental physical training.

On a final note, the Los Angeles City Fire Department, for example, now requires a swim test. It has nothing to do with swimming so much as it does to expose any tatoos. Zero tolerance policy towards tattoos are being strongly enforced due to gang issues and the publics perception that it is offensive to have exposed tattoos.

Bottom line, if you want to get the badge and make a career for yourself, think twice about the tattoo's if you want to work on the west coast...

As for myself, when I retire and I am close to retirement, one of the things that I've always wanted is a tattoo of a woolly mammoth. It's probably kind of mute for me considering that I'm pretty woolly myself and you probably won't be able to see a tattoo anyway...

Good luck with your decisions and career path.

TCSS, Mike
Comment by Adam Box on January 21, 2009 at 1:13am

i'm sure you can find some ideas there.
Comment by Fire Chick on January 21, 2009 at 12:03am
o ya... i am scared to death of needles...but when i gettin a tat they bother me at first then i fine....
Comment by Nathan Whoric on January 21, 2009 at 12:01am
yea the rush is by far one of the best ive ever had
Comment by Fire Chick on January 20, 2009 at 11:59pm
tats r very addicting... i have 2 so far and there is atleast 4 more i want.... when u get one u just keep wanting more

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