All Blog Posts (7,007)

Egg Shells

I cannot wait til things around here settle down, lately my stepsons on again off again fiance had gall bladder surgery on Moday. She is home now but the thing that drives me crazy is that my stepson, whom got thrown out of the house has to be here to help with his son, which is good. The bad thing is I don't want him here, I don't trust him, and the way he acts. He already has cheated on his fiance more times than I can count going back 2-3 years. But now he has been saying his life sucks and… Continue

Added by John on April 15, 2009 at 10:14am — 4 Comments

Tax Day Tea Party


Since this is not a partisan event, even if the frakkin idiots at MSNBC and CNN think so, I am going to find myself standing with thousands of Americans who think the government has gone too far.

I am proudly conservative in my beliefs and convictions.

Does this make me a right wing whack job??? I think not.

Here is what I believe and try to live up to every day.

I strive to place god at the center of my and my… Continue

Added by Allen Wahlstrom on April 15, 2009 at 10:08am — 8 Comments

Not Getting any younger but still getting better.

I have to chuckle getting ready to post this blog, We had drill tonight at our station, It was nice actually it was somebody elses turn to lead drill so Our Asst. Chief did a drill on SCBA nothing elaborate but good practice. Now mind you he is about 10 years younger than me, Not that I am "Old" yet but not young anymore, anyhow, As an instructor and the Department Safety Officer I took my turn at donning my gear and Pack, making sure it was done properly no skin showing, etc. We carried the… Continue

Added by David Schnitker on April 14, 2009 at 11:50pm — 1 Comment

Preparing for training on Saturday

I've been teaching a FFI/II course which is almost finished (yeee haw - my wife will be sooo glad) While we have been doing alot of the practical skills as we covered the material, this Saturday will be a 1/2 day event to kind of put it all together.

I've been busy preparing the past few weeks, getting supplies and other insturctors lined up to help. I think that we will all have a very fun and EDUCATIONAL day.

I have search and rescue planned for upstairs. Will be setting… Continue

Added by Station10Capt106 on April 14, 2009 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...April 13, 2009

Today our fire department had a drill on rescue harnesses. See how someone can be lowered from a second story window was very interesting, especially how the safety person below could control how slow or fast the person was lowered. Although I didn't climb out of the window, I took the practical for me approach as being the backup person on the rope. I also saw equipment I never saw before. They were Figure 8 hooks.

Added by Denise Imperiale on April 13, 2009 at 3:34pm — 5 Comments

does anyone see a problem with taking pictures?

does anyone see a problem with taking pictures at a scene if it only involves taking pictures of yourself and other crew members? recently i have taken alot of heat for taking some pictures of myself and some other crew members and a couple of a home that was vacant that was on fire. i had no pictures of victims and or any possible evidence that may interfear with a possible arson investigation. tell me what you think.

what i mean by rehab is we were done with the fire and just… Continue

Added by Scott on April 13, 2009 at 12:30pm — 15 Comments

MDEMSP - Beach benifit 4/18

This saturday MDEMSP is having a Beach Benifit and ride. They are motorcycling to ocean city then back to Cancun Cantina for a PARTY

There are raffel tickets $5 each call/email/instant message if you would like to purchase one... please help me sell them & come see me this weekend!! I will be registering people for the ride driving to the beach and partying like a rock-star at cancun… Continue

Added by Cyn on April 12, 2009 at 7:43pm — No Comments

Velma Oklahoma fires

since thursday april 9, 2009 fires have burned through and destroyed land and homes in velma, ok along with the rest of eastern Stephens County. After fighting fires for 72 hours the rain brought it to a hault thank god... Prayers for all the people in Velma, Stephens county, and oklahoma all together that lost so much this week.

Added by Chaz Shults on April 12, 2009 at 7:31pm — 1 Comment

Avoiding The Dirty Dozen on the Fire Scene

Gordon Dupont wrote an interesting artcile on Human Factors and how to avoid the dirty dozen, in relation to the aviation industry.

Check it out at:

These are the 12 contributing factors that can set you up to make an error no matter what your occupation and can easily be adpated to the fire scene. Consider the… Continue

Added by lutan1 on April 12, 2009 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Flying the Flag at Half Staff

Good afternoon:

We as members of the Public Safety community are very mindful of the customs and traditions of our various services. Many of the traditions within the fire department have been handed down for, well, since 1736. 1736 was the year that Ben Franklin started the first fire department in Philadelphia.

When we learn of a Line of Duty Death, we are quick to show our compassion, our grief, and our support of a fallen brother or sister. While we strive to follow… Continue

Added by Coach on April 12, 2009 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments

Old TV Shows

I know this has nothing to do with firefighting, but a bit of history on everything from TV shows to military history, many of us may know or not know and this is showing my age but though it would be nice for a change, let me know what you think.

As it was at the beginning

1960 Philco Predicta UG-4744

1966 1961 1967

The Beverly Hillbillies 1962 Howdy and Buffalo Bob 1955

Leave It To Beaver… Continue

Added by Bob Allard on April 12, 2009 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

A Little Lesson

As a member of our department for nearly two decades, having served as a reserve police officer and worked as a 911 dispatcher for nearly a decade, I've seen a lot and I've heard a lot, but nothing prepared me for February 12th, 2008.

Safety is critical and we all know that, but I learned a tough lesson that night that will live forever in my mind, my fellow brethren and my family.

The simple and short… Continue

Added by Chris Tomlinson on April 12, 2009 at 12:10am — 2 Comments

To evaluate progress, Take a SEET

From my All Hazards Contemplations blog...

During simple call like a room and contents fire, it's usually fairly easy to evaluate progress.

The black smoke turns to white steam, the fire goes out, the building cools down, we go home, and the invetigators take over. The next morning, the local newspaper reports the wins and losses...hopefully with a box score that… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on April 11, 2009 at 10:31pm — No Comments

Maersk Ship returns to port safely!!! Prayer needed for Captain

The USS Maersk Alabama has returned to port safely. The crew and everyone aboard is doing well and are in good health. However; The captain of this ship is still being held hostage by pirates.

As firefighters, we all know the feeling of not being sure if you will make it home safely from a call. I urge all of you to keep the captain, crew, and their familes in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Added by Dustin J. Millis on April 11, 2009 at 3:45pm — No Comments

FF I/II class coming to an end

I started teaching a Firefighter I/II class in January. It has been a very educational experience for both me and those in the class. While I felt my skills and knowledge were kept up to date I was amazed at the amount of little things I learned.

I've served on our volunteer fire department for 15 years and have seen and experienced quite a bit in all those years. It never ceases to amaze me how much one can learn. Even if it means covering the same thing you've covered umpteen… Continue

Added by Station10Capt106 on April 11, 2009 at 12:34pm — 4 Comments

Physical Fitness, Apparatus Accidents, LODD's,

Good morning.

As is becoming my early morning custom, I have reviewed a number of fire service boards, blogs, web sites, and news sites, searching for news items of relevance to me. Although there is nothing new so to speak from last night, most recent postings are following common themes.

Line Of Duty Deaths:

We continue to lose our public safety personnel at an alarming rate. One week ago today three Pittsburgh Police Oficers were ambushed, shot and killed. A… Continue

Added by Coach on April 11, 2009 at 10:52am — No Comments

Pittsburgh Police, LODD's, some local stuff

Pittsburgh LODD's

First I want to extend my appreciation to all the Law Enforcement Officers from throughout the nation who converged on Pittsburgh following the tragedy last weekend. Three of our police officers were killed while responding to a domestic call. Guys dog pissed on a carpet, momma wants him thrown out of the house. Jerk pulls on a balistic vest, loads his weapons (includng an AK47), and ambuses the officers when they arrived. Yesterday 2 of our officers were laid to rest.… Continue

Added by Coach on April 11, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

Stay Positive and Be the Change Agent

I was talking to some old friends that I had worked with when I had originally got hired as a career firefighter. We were discussing the “good old days” and having a good laugh. We all have moved on to different departments and districts since then, but we all agreed that those were some the best times of our careers. The pay and benefits weren’t great, we had our share of issues with the city, but we were a tight group and we had a blast on duty.

Most of us have moved on to bigger… Continue

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on April 10, 2009 at 11:49pm — No Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...April 10, 2009

I think this was the first time in my life I didn't reflect on the fact that today was Good Friday. I've been working so hard at my new part-time job, which I LOVE, writing webcontent for lawyers. Everything else is privileged so I cannot say more. I am, of course, still a realtor and tomorrow morning will be boxing up a tiny house for someone who died.

It's been pretty quiet around the firehouse. Last week was a our pancake… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on April 10, 2009 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Emergency Services Interactive Simulators

While I was searching around I found this FREE simulator looks good for free.

Added by Texas HazMat on April 10, 2009 at 2:03pm — 2 Comments

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