♥ I am a firefighter/emt ♥ tall is not a word ever used to describe me ♥ I have amazing friends ♥ PINK is my favorite color ♥ i couldnt function without my IPOD ♥ I love my EMT bear ♥ I am a total goofball ♥ i could eat pizza 24/7 yummy ♥ I love to cook and clean ♥ Hook & Ladder BEER is the best beer in the world, it benifits BURN CENTERS because there is a penny in every pint ♥ it is the only beer allowed in the fridge ♥ i love candles ♥ I am way to chipper in the morning ♥ i can be your best friend or your worst nightmare, the choice is yours ♥ Cali the calico cat loves me unconditionally and is probally the only one ♥ sometimes my life is great, sometimes my life SUCKS ♥
This saturday MDEMSP is having a Beach Benifit and ride. They are motorcycling to ocean city then back to Cancun Cantina for a PARTY
There are raffel tickets $5 each call/email/instant message if you would like to purchase one... please help me sell them & come see me this weekend!! I will be registering people for the ride driving to the beach and partying like a rock-star at cancun… Continue
hey thanks for turning me onto this site you are my best friend and favorite partner get me an app for reisterstown so i can come fight some fire with ya see ya at work monday
At 10:06am on November 4, 2008, jack lambert said…
Thanks for joining the web's new social network JUST for firefighters, EMS and first responders.
In just two months, we're approaching 7,000 members, 20,000 user-submitted photos, almost 1,000 videos, countless new groups forming, over 1,000 forum discussions, new blogs posted hourly, new job postings and connections to all of your fire service news, plus alot more. And this is just the beginning!
Be sure to update your profile, stylize it, create your own unique identity on the Nation!
You can help us grow. Invite your friends and co-workers in the emergency services to FirefighterNation.com. Just use the 'Invite More' link in the userbox at the top right of the site, e-mail every firefighter you know and tell them about the new site -- or add a bulletin to your Myspace or Facebook profile!
Check out the Groups tab and join any that are appropriate -- such as your state's group -- or start your own.
Want to find friends? Quickly find other members who you may know, simply go to the search box at the top right of every page on the site, type in a keyword such as your city name, and among the search results will be highlighted member profiles.
And remember it is easy to upload Photos to the site in bulk (including mass uploads from Flickr), start your own photo albums, share videos by uploading or pasting embed code from YouTube, Google Video and more. Be sure you check out our Featured Photo Albums showcasing a sampling of apparatus and incident photography submitted by users these first few weeks.
Plus get the latest fire service news, bloggers and news video from the 'News' tab or the latest firefighting and EMS employment opportunities from the 'Jobs' tab.
Thanks again, and check the site daily for new pics, videos, members and more! Feel free to post any questions or comments on my profile page at http://www.firefighternation.com/profile/webchief or e-mail dave@firefighternation.com.
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Welcome to Firefighter Nation!
Thanks for joining the web's new social network JUST for firefighters, EMS and first responders.
In just two months, we're approaching 7,000 members, 20,000 user-submitted photos, almost 1,000 videos, countless new groups forming, over 1,000 forum discussions, new blogs posted hourly, new job postings and connections to all of your fire service news, plus alot more. And this is just the beginning!
Be sure to update your profile, stylize it, create your own unique identity on the Nation!
You can help us grow. Invite your friends and co-workers in the emergency services to FirefighterNation.com. Just use the 'Invite More' link in the userbox at the top right of the site, e-mail every firefighter you know and tell them about the new site -- or add a bulletin to your Myspace or Facebook profile!
Check out the Groups tab and join any that are appropriate -- such as your state's group -- or start your own.
Want to find friends? Quickly find other members who you may know, simply go to the search box at the top right of every page on the site, type in a keyword such as your city name, and among the search results will be highlighted member profiles.
And remember it is easy to upload Photos to the site in bulk (including mass uploads from Flickr), start your own photo albums, share videos by uploading or pasting embed code from YouTube, Google Video and more. Be sure you check out our Featured Photo Albums showcasing a sampling of apparatus and incident photography submitted by users these first few weeks.
Plus get the latest fire service news, bloggers and news video from the 'News' tab or the latest firefighting and EMS employment opportunities from the 'Jobs' tab.
Thanks again, and check the site daily for new pics, videos, members and more! Feel free to post any questions or comments on my profile page at http://www.firefighternation.com/profile/webchief or e-mail dave@firefighternation.com.
Web Chief