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  • Rick Franks
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  • Laura J Potter
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  • Heather Reickart
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Coach's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Monroeville Fire Company #6 - Monroeville/PA
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
PA Esentials, various structural burns, vehicle rescue (multiple courses beforetheState deciced to start awarding Con Ed and Certifications for them),EMT, Paramedic, ACLS, BTLS, PHTLS, PALS, IC, IC for EMS,
About Me:
Previous assistant fire chief, Safety Officer, Captain, Lt, Engineer and paramedic. Have been a department member for 31 years. On the administrative side have served on various Boards of Directors, and held Secretary position fo ra number of years. Current emphasis is on firefighter safety and fire scene photography
Day Job:
GM, fire and water disaster restoration company
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Initially fullfilled childhood fantasy. What kid doesn't grow up wanting to be a firefighter. Fortunately, I had a chance to live that dream.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
that those that do not do it, will never understand. How to explain adrenalin rush? Trauma Junkie? How to explain, from the mere sound of a siren miles away, that you know what unit it is.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety. Safety. Safety. Recruitment. Funding

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Coach's Blog

Pittsburgh asked to honor fallen Police Officers on Firefighter National Day of Mourning

Posted on October 3, 2009 at 9:37am 10 Comments

Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, and the Pittsburgh Police Department, have asked Steeler Fans to wear memorial shirts to Sundays nationally televised game against the San Diego Chargers. Three months ago tomorrow, three Pittsburgh Police Officers were gunned down in Line of Duty. See

I mean no disrespect towards the fallen officers, or the Pittsburgh Police Department. But why this Sunday? Why pick a day, which justs… Continue

Firefighter Safety

Posted on September 20, 2009 at 10:02am 0 Comments

When are we going to get serious about firefighter safety, education, and accident prevention?

I find it both ironic and sad that so few of our departments have a recognized safety program. Business and private industry have their own safety programs. Programs that are designed to both investigate, and prevent, employee accident and illness. Does your department have such a program?

Some questions, just to prompt some thought.

Does your fire department have a… Continue

Back in the Game

Posted on September 13, 2009 at 8:53pm 1 Comment

It just doesn't seem to stop. Too many news articles, stories, video links, etc of LODD notices and accidents/injuries involving public safety personnel.

Personally, I have not been on my own soapbox of late. Excuses are a dime a dozen, but life happens. Business obligations, personal responsibilities, and the fact that the day only has 24 hours in it limits what can be accomplished.

I don't know if it has been a single incident, or a culmination of numerous incidents of… Continue

Need I, or we, say anymore.....

Posted on September 11, 2009 at 8:03am 0 Comments

2,966 victims [2,998 as of Spring 2009]

All but 13 people died on that day. The remaining 13 later died of their wounds. One person has died since the attacks, of lung cancer. It is suspected to have been caused by all the debris from the Twin Towers.

There were 266 people on the four planes:

• American Airlines Flight 11 (crashed into the WTC): 92 (including five terrorists)

• United Airlines Flight 175 (crashed into the WTC): 65 (including five… Continue

Flying the Flag at Half Staff

Posted on April 12, 2009 at 3:00pm 7 Comments

Good afternoon:

We as members of the Public Safety community are very mindful of the customs and traditions of our various services. Many of the traditions within the fire department have been handed down for, well, since 1736. 1736 was the year that Ben Franklin started the first fire department in Philadelphia.

When we learn of a Line of Duty Death, we are quick to show our compassion, our grief, and our support of a fallen brother or sister. While we strive to follow… Continue

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At 4:35pm on April 11, 2009, Marie said…
haha no backflips yet, but I am working 62+ hr weeks with nooo problems with good ole steve the ligament!!
At 8:22pm on February 13, 2009, Marie said…
yep!!!! knee is doing awesome! and I have now had 4 shifts being a released medic at work :)................ wound up getting to adopt the dog, and the bf moved in a couple weeks ago so everything is absolutely amazing on my end!!!! How have you been??? I hope all has been well!

At 1:03pm on December 7, 2008, Marie said…
Heh, thanks!!! I'd actually say i'm absolutely back to 100% now. I'm a paid medic (FINALLY!!!) for a transport company so we're lifting patients all day every day and I haven't had any problems whatsoever :) Life is definitely looking awesome these days. I lost my nanny job since they needed a live-in in october and was worried with the economy the way it is I'd be in a lot of trouble but I was only jobless for a week before I got my medic job. It's nice to have a real people job that pays well and has full benefits now. I also have an awesome boyfriend now and we're HOPEFULLY going to be allowed to adopt a dog sometime this week.

Hows everything been on your end??

I really hope alls been well!!!

At 7:40pm on April 30, 2008, Jerry Moore said…
just want to say hi
At 8:17pm on April 17, 2008, Laura J Potter said…
My husband was stationed at McConnell AFB, KS; Guam;Tinker AFB, OK; Leavenworth, KS at military prison; Lowry AFB, CO; Torrejon AB, Spain & then To Bolling AFB, DC
At 8:01pm on April 13, 2008, tommy oliver said…
Ha my friend how you been doing tell everyone to take care stay safe.
At 9:56am on April 10, 2008, Peter Lupkowski said…
You're Everyone Goes Home notes were right on target. It has taken me several years to develop our safety program and earn the respect of my firefighters. Time well spent.
Stay safe
At 10:08pm on April 8, 2008, PAM CAMPBELL said…
hey, Thanks for the information,
At 11:47pm on April 6, 2008, Judy said…
Thanks for the welcome Badger, I appreciate the information. I get updates from F.F.closecalls and appreciate the information on how to keep the guys and myself safe.

I look forward to getting to know you.
At 9:23pm on March 27, 2008, shawn said…
hey bro wondering if you could add me as a friend im from vandergrift not too far from ya

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