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Basement fires. Scary if you ask me????

What and how r some good, safe ways to attack a basement. or is there really such. Because i have taken over training at my department and i have had this very question come to me. I tell them very carefully but truely i dont know. So is there really a good way to attack a one way in and one way out fire?

Added by Jeremy on March 4, 2009 at 12:03am — 6 Comments

A call for submissions - The Handover Volume 2

Medicblog999's concept of The Handover, a blog carnival for pre-hospital and ER/A&E staff was a great success.

For those of you not familiar with a blog carnival, it's a kind of wrap up or overview of blog postings around a topic or theme. If 999's doesn't spell out the idea, check out… Continue

Added by the Happy Medic on March 3, 2009 at 11:48pm — No Comments

wildland fires

we had 5 calls today 1was a DOA and 4 wildland fires wood county is consideren issueing a burn ban friday. county had 7 depts running today on different calls all at the same time. what a day 10hrs out.

Added by Joe Caldwell on March 3, 2009 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...March 3, 2009
I never realized how helpful snow can be. Can't say anymore than that.

And this is all the food my CCD class collected.

Added by Denise Imperiale on March 3, 2009 at 11:15pm — No Comments

Burn to Learn

Pros's & con's

Are they environmentally safe? or even necessary.Live fire training does give the new firefighter a realistic environment for training. However simulations with smoke machines can be just as affective.Some say were hurting the environment,Others say live fire training saves lives by teaching fire behavior to new and exp firefighters.What's your thoughts and concerns on this… Continue

Added by Paul Johnson on March 3, 2009 at 12:20pm — 5 Comments

5 Keys to Leading in Crisis

Firefighter Nation users now have access to special Web-only articles and extras through FireRescue magazine's blog. Check back periodically for more great tips and tactics!


Leading in Crisis: Mastering 5 key skills can help you adapt to any situation

By Chief Jim Broman

In the 21st century, our nation and our world have been embroiled in a series of unsettling and often frightening… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on March 3, 2009 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Training way cool Last Night

Our training last night was way cool. Dayton Power and Light came down and had a mock up power pole and showed us some of the things that could happen. How with the fuse out there still could possibly be an energized wire how the tree branches can connect a circuit on the lines. They even showed us the electrical field and how far it will follow a conductor after it comes in close proximity to the lines. Thier mock up when the energized it had with the transformer and all was flowing 7000 volts… Continue

Added by John on March 3, 2009 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

Faced with Cuts? Layoffs? Let Firefighter Close Calls Know

The following is posted on behalf of, an advocacy site for firefighter safety.





Please tell us about it.... is compiling information on fire department cuts during these tough economic times.

Your information and who you are remains anonymous. We don't care who you are or what your e-mail address is, if you see any… Continue

Added by Firefighter Nation WebChief on March 2, 2009 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Successfully passed my NPQ skills

I have successfully passed my Firefighter I NPQ skills. It was a long day and my nerves were racked, but I along with everyone else (about 20) passed the skills part. We should have the results to the written part soon.

Added by Brandon Gillman on March 2, 2009 at 9:04pm — 2 Comments

Baptism by Fire

Recently, during a church service, my Pastor got me to thinking. He was preaching about baptism. He was explaining to us his belief that some faiths baptize at too early of an age. Now before you spout off how wrong he is, or whatever opinion you may have about baptism, or other faiths, here me out first as I try to relate and tie in what he had to say in terms of being a firefighter. I mean this not to be a lesson in religion as the pastor did, simply an analogy, nothing else. First off, you… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on March 2, 2009 at 8:44pm — 1 Comment

A little shout out

Well thought I would drop a few lines... since I am not out doing what i should be doing this evening. Yep no fires here! Nothing... my pager sits in its charger base just waiting for me keep checking it making sure i didnt unknowningly pass out for a few minutes and miss one of my ever anticipated calls. But no i push the little button and hear one single beep. The saddest noise in the world, the sound that no you have no calls yet! So I will sit here getting work done and playing around on… Continue

Added by Kimberly McDonald on March 2, 2009 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

Productivity......We TRY!

Well. lets hope some of you can relate to this. Others can ignore this and the rest of you can roll your eyes or twittle your thumbs if you wish.

I guess I might have learned something over a couple of years?( maybe.) When you go to practice or are at the station killing alittle time, BE PRODUCTIVE.

Anything that falls within the relms of your duties as a ff at the station. Wash the engines, pic up the floor, tidy(yes i said tidy) the club room( for us dingers)… Continue

Added by METALHEAD on March 2, 2009 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

ICMA Study

Has anyone’s city had an ICMA study done that came back supporting a stand-a-lone fire department and not consolidating the Fire and Police departments.

Added by Chip Zehner on March 2, 2009 at 1:05pm — 2 Comments

Very Exciting News

Hey everyone. Those that have read my last blog I mentiond that I passed my final written exam. Well im on here to anounce that I passed my practicals. I am very proud of myself and everyone in my class who have passed. Now all I have to do is pass the National Registry. I am sure I will pass it. Hopefully soon I will belong to a department. Wish me luck everyone.

Added by HoneyLee on March 2, 2009 at 10:47am — 4 Comments


Another weekend has come and gone, a slow one for us, which is both good and bad, good cause noone was hurt or suffered, and bad cause we didn't make any money (I would do this even if I didn't make any money LOL) The reason I am writing this though is that I usually do not get on the computer to much on the weekends, maybe a quick check of e-mai, but thats it. I am usually lounging and relaxing with my wife and spending time with her, that is til the tones drop, I for the most part stay on… Continue

Added by John on March 2, 2009 at 10:03am — No Comments

Just stuff

Well this week is the week..... The week I find out if JFD well offer me the position as fire fighter for their department. All I can do at this moment is sit here and paitently wait (yeah right, but its a nice thought). Well thats whats going on with the whole fire department job. On my volunteer department I have been asigned to Westside station (yay... not really) our trucks never roll from this station mostly to do with the fact no one lives in this area thats on the department, but either… Continue

Added by Jonathan on March 2, 2009 at 8:58am — 1 Comment


Please visit my page for more information!

Added by Tamie on March 1, 2009 at 11:17pm — No Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...March 1, 2009

Today is my daughter's birthday. When you turn 18 you should be thinking of boys, of driving, the senior prom, etc. I planted the seed yesterday and today telling her you will do those things but maybe just a little later, keep the faith. Teenagers just roll their eyes when you talk about faith.

Tonight I taught my 9th grade CCD class at Assumption Parish. I told them the story of what was happening with my daughter, and how… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on March 1, 2009 at 9:56pm — 1 Comment

Risk a lot to Save alot??

You are on a first-in engine and see that flames are showing on the second floor of a frame structure. Everyone is out except one member of the family. As you lead out and lead a line inside you find the missing occupant passed out at the top of the stairs.

What do you do?? Do you and your partner ditch the line and drag the patient out at least to the front lawn or do you notify command and have them send the first truck company in to get the occupant??

Added by Chris on March 1, 2009 at 4:16pm — 6 Comments

Firefighter chili challenge at cape cod

Hello to all fellow jakes just to let the local fire depts in the area know that on march 15th there will be a chili Cookoff at the resort and confrence center at Hyannis to benifit the mda this event raised over 14,000$ show your support any questions email me @

Added by steve jolicoeur on February 28, 2009 at 11:54pm — No Comments

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