You are on a first-in engine and see that flames are showing on the second floor of a frame structure. Everyone is out except one member of the family. As you lead out and lead a line inside you find the missing occupant passed out at the top of the stairs.

What do you do?? Do you and your partner ditch the line and drag the patient out at least to the front lawn or do you notify command and have them send the first truck company in to get the occupant??

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Comment by Chris on March 2, 2009 at 12:56am
I agree Nathan but at the same time remember the two in two out rule. What happens if your partner is getting the victim out as conditions are worsening?? What happens if you come across another victim (not in this scenerio, but still)?? I agree that the life is more precious than the property. I would never leave my brother in the house by himself because then you maybe going back in there for your own. I would only do that if the victim was possibly in the first room by the door or maybe like inside the living room (depending on the floor plan of the house) that would be right inside the front door.

keep them coming!!! The input is AWESOME!!
Comment by Nathan Whoric on March 1, 2009 at 11:08pm
a life is way more valuable then any belongings. they can all be replaced, a person cannot come back from the dead. keep one man on the house to cover the other while he recovers the body. every second counts when u are trying to rescue someone.

have a good one and stay safe out there
Comment by Chris on March 1, 2009 at 6:35pm
Thanks for the input. Lately my district or our MABAS division as we call it in Illinois, have been getting a few fires more than we usually do and a few of them already have had reports of people in the building still. Our truck, since were a POC department, can be 5 mins out or it can be right behind us, but we always push an engine out fairly quick. As for me, this is a major concern, since that I have been on the dept for a few years now I do sometimes have no choice but to jump in the front seat and if me and the guy behind me happen to find a victim this way then I would not like to hesitate at this. Thanks for the info brothers and keep an eye out for some more blogs soon!!! It was a HUGE help!!
Comment by rfdjumper on March 1, 2009 at 6:11pm
I concur with Ben. What is a good knock if you lose a salvageable victim? A big loss IMO. I would confirm with the family that the patient was indeed the missing family member, and not some Joe Blow Good Samaritan who ran in and tried to play fireman. If EMS arrives and takes over the patient, reevaluate the progress of the fire, if applicable resume fire attack, if not set up for exterior attack.
Comment by Ben Waller on March 1, 2009 at 5:18pm
Backup drags the victim out, nozzleman backs the line out.
Once out, the hose team moves the patient a safe distance from the structure and stays with the patient until EMS takes over. If EMS is not on scene, then get the medical gear from the rig and treat the patient at your level of care/scope of practice until EMS arrives.
Comment by Doug on March 1, 2009 at 4:55pm
You can make an immediate rescue such as this while NOT ditching the line.

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