Kimberly McDonald
  • Female
  • Wytheville, VA
  • United States
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Kimberly McDonald's Friends

  • Joshua F. Carter
  • Kenneth D Hodge
  • Melissa Eastwood
  • Kendra Eastwood
  • Donnie Widner
  • Jeff Hodge
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)
  • Anita King
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter, Fire Buff / Fire Enthusiast
Years in Fire/EMS:
< 1 (But make up for it in CONFIDENCE/ATTITUDE)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Wytheville Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
< 1 year (But feels like so much more for them!)
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
First one... arent they lucky!
My Training:
Haz Mat ops, Communicating with kids, and FIREFIGHTER I.
About Me:
I am married and have a son who is 4 named Andrew. I love firefighting it is a blast. I am the proud owner of a new 2009 RED SCOOTER!! Nice ride! Work a lot, I am a night owl so late night fires are always good for me. Travel a lot, but when I am home I am just waiting for the pager to sound!!
Day Job:
Owner of TNTResorts, LLC and rePete Technologies, INC
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Duh, the RED LIGHT on my truck!! The awesome uniform is always a plus, love the flashlights, and of course how cool I look wearing my pager!! Oh and yeah to help people that is cool too!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
If I could only pick 1... hmm would have to be the helmet flashlight! So fun to use and looks AWESOME!!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
People who dont know how to move when they see red lights in their rearview mirrors and those crazy laws that say I am not suppose to HONK at them!!

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Kimberly McDonald's Blog

Traveling to Deliverance for a Fire

Posted on May 16, 2009 at 9:53am 4 Comments

Well I am still all pumped up about this last call I went on and yes after 1 hour of being out there I have admit I NEVER even made it to the call. It all began as my pager goes off as I am ready to drop off a returned movie at walmart. I am stoked I hear blah blah blah "oriole dr" blah blah blah exploded propane tank blah blah. I type in the address in my gps AWESOME it pinpoints it and says 8 MILES!!! WHAT!! I know crazy but i start hauling it down the road red lights a flashing. After the… Continue

Thought for the day

Posted on March 30, 2009 at 10:16am 1 Comment

I dont have a lot to enter today... but heard this the other day and thought was worth sharing.........

A firefighter was working on the engine outside the station, when he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the sides, and a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle.

The girl was wearing a firefighter's helmet. The wagon was being pulled by her dog and her cat.

The firefighter walked over to take a closer look. 'That sure is a… Continue

Hanging up certificates

Posted on March 4, 2009 at 10:18pm 3 Comments

Tonight I was sitting in my office and remembered I needed to hang up my fire certificates that have been sititng in my desk drawer for a month or two. I excitedly ran to the tool box to find a hammer and nails. Of course I missed the stud in the wall the first 2 shots but who cares that will be under the frame when I am finished and 3rd time was my luck .. bamm the 2 nails were in time to HANG!! However quickly I realized that I had a problem.... you see I had two certificates one for… Continue

A little shout out

Posted on March 2, 2009 at 7:30pm 2 Comments

Well thought I would drop a few lines... since I am not out doing what i should be doing this evening. Yep no fires here! Nothing... my pager sits in its charger base just waiting for me keep checking it making sure i didnt unknowningly pass out for a few minutes and miss one of my ever anticipated calls. But no i push the little button and hear one single beep. The saddest noise in the world, the sound that no you have no calls yet! So I will sit here getting work done and playing around on… Continue

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At 7:31pm on July 21, 2010, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…
I'm Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 5:12pm on June 22, 2010, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…
Great pictures!
At 4:43pm on April 11, 2010, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…
Kimmy, I love the picture! those sleeping pills really work.... Hahahahaha
At 10:33pm on December 9, 2009, Melissa Eastwood said…
Glad to see that you are back. I saw the limo in town last week. Coool.
At 7:25pm on December 1, 2009, Anita King said…
Hey Kim, I hear your new "ride" is really sweet. Ronnie was all pumped up about it.
At 1:49pm on November 22, 2009, Melissa Eastwood said…
Good to have you back.
At 9:41pm on November 10, 2009, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…
Kimmy, I hope your fever is gone. GET WELL SOON!
At 8:08pm on November 7, 2009, Anita King said…
Hey Kim, I hope you are feeling better. You looked a little on the sick side Thursday night. Just not our Kimmy!!
At 1:54pm on November 3, 2009, Melissa Eastwood said…
You missed a structure fire last night.
At 6:53pm on November 2, 2009, Melissa Eastwood said…
Are you home this week?

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