  • Male
  • Bono, AR
  • United States
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Jonathan's Friends

  • Rick K.
  • Chad Furr
  • Ted Nowland
  • FireMouth1990
  • Mike McManus
  • James
  • hano
  • PA Firefighter
  • Caryn
  • Justin Wilson
  • Ben
  • Jenny Holderby
  • FireCat
  • Allen

Instructor :D

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bono Fire Protection District, Bono, Arknasas
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FFI, FFII, First responder, Hazmat tech, Driver operator,
About Me:
We cover a huge district, 3 stations in town and help cover another city's fire district so all and all wow alot of millage, up to around 2009 calls for 2009 in october i will be getting my instructors classes taken care of
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Why do we all do it? At first I had a choice a 3 year cert in heating and air or a diploma in fire science. I choice fire science the first few weeks where eye openers for me i had never been on a department never around it at all but soon discovered this was me!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
that warm fuzzy filling

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Jonathan's Blog

cars and fuel tankers, ems, and structure fire

Posted on May 14, 2009 at 1:30pm 2 Comments

Well I got to notice Tuesday afternoon just what happends when a loaded fuel tanker makes one hell of a mistake. It started off around 1530 When a fuel tanker carring 8600 gallons of fuel. Tried to make a right turn off the highway and ended up hitting another 18wheeler hauling welding gas cylinders like you know oxygen, acetyone in the upright 5 foot cylinders and a few oxygen tanks in 500 pound tanks. But thank god he didn't hit the trailer and only knock the tractor for a loop when the fuel… Continue

Just stuff

Posted on March 2, 2009 at 8:58am 1 Comment

Well this week is the week..... The week I find out if JFD well offer me the position as fire fighter for their department. All I can do at this moment is sit here and paitently wait (yeah right, but its a nice thought). Well thats whats going on with the whole fire department job. On my volunteer department I have been asigned to Westside station (yay... not really) our trucks never roll from this station mostly to do with the fact no one lives in this area thats on the department, but either… Continue

Something different for us

Posted on January 9, 2009 at 11:24pm 2 Comments

Well about a year ago we had a new addition to our district a small refinery holds around i think its either 500,000 gallons of unleaded or 5million i cant remember the tank sits around 60-70 feet high kinda nice view from the top haha and 250,000 or 2 and half million gallons of diesel, and a mixing tank and a super unleaded tank that holds 100,000 or 1 million gallons. Which is the closest station next to west memphis. and their is talk of building 6 more tanks the company who put this… Continue

388 runs for 2008

Posted on January 9, 2009 at 2:53pm 4 Comments

Well, my friend Jackie who enters all the run information into our computer totaled up the calls for 2008 26 or 28 structure fires, 199 ems calls 36 mva's 4 mva with extrication 2 down power lines 2 arcing power sources, 37 brush fires, 18 controlled burns 5 false alarms, and i cant remember what the other 57 were. My volunteer department for 09 we have 6 ems at the moment. this time last year we had 12 6 brush fires and 6 ems. One of the department's im trying to get on usually get around 400… Continue

Hospital Visit YAY

Posted on December 22, 2008 at 1:22am 1 Comment

Well tonight I left my pager/radio at home because it was going to be a night with the wife ( yea right ) so just make it into town when i see smoke to my left and being me i had to go check it out and to my surprise it was a house fire.... so i called the chief to let him know but we where already paged out so i gave him the size up (don't have my mobile in my new suv) so anyway we get the trucks all down this lil driveway when the tanker gets stuck... ok so i hook some chains to it and 32 and… Continue

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At 3:15pm on August 20, 2009, Rick K. said…
At 1:46pm on August 10, 2009, Rick K. said…
well we made it lastnight with fans on us! it worked but not the same as god ol a/c ! its stormin now so that helps out a bunch! suppose to get it looked at today sometime ! well better go have a wonderful day and be safe bro.
At 2:52pm on August 9, 2009, Rick K. said…
Thank You as well sir !! Thing's are ok here except the central air unit quit today and its very warm but we will make it !! Have a great day and be safe !
At 1:29pm on May 18, 2009, Chad Furr said…
thanks for the add hope to see you around tcss
At 11:23am on May 16, 2009, Chad Furr said…
You get more hands on exp in one month than I will in 5 years. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad. Would love to get "busy" for a while though. We have not had a real fire call for about 5 months. just piddly stuff that you can stomp one with one leg. LOL Take care and Keep safe. Maybe if I get down that way will look you up and see how the "bigboys" do it. LOL
At 11:46am on April 14, 2009, FireMouth1990 said…
Hey man, sorry its taken me so long to get back to you but i have just been bussy as hell for the past 3 months. All is well with me, how about your self?
At 5:46pm on February 11, 2009, Kevin Burks said…
Whats up ? Hope yall havent been to busy . We have been too busy for our little dept. the last big fire we had was about 2500 acres. with the help of many other departments we had it out in about 14 hours . talk to ya later
At 1:45pm on January 10, 2009, Kevin Burks said…
our coverage area is about 165 miles with most people living in the county. We only have a population of 636 that live in our small town. so i would say most of our calls are out in the county . be safe
At 7:22am on January 10, 2009, FireMouth1990 said…
Thanks jonathan, you to brother.
At 12:31am on January 10, 2009, Fire Chick said…
u 2

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