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Da Chief: Bestowed by the Fire Gods

Der Tannenbaum ist lit. Der blogmeisterberger ist lit too.

As we approach the end of the year, the crack staff here at FireDaily has taken advantage of the open bar. What better time than now to return to the thrilling days of YesterMonth for the third installment of “Two Thousand and Nine Favorite FireDaily Blog Posts from 2009”.

In case you missed the first two, you can find them here:…


Added by on December 17, 2009 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Horrible Barn Fire

In late November we got toned to a barn on fire in Hardwick Vermont on Rte 15 East, as I get to the scene I quickly noticed that this was a large barn burning.... This ended up being a 6 alarm fire in this small town, it's unfortunate that the owners had 140 cows ""CHAINED"" to 8 X 8 inch lumber in the structure & also had 2 ponies..... The chains that were used were logging chains which are extremely thick & heavy duty, the only way we could free these cows was to use 3 Jaws of Life… Continue

Added by Dan Leach 45K6 on December 17, 2009 at 10:49am — 2 Comments

Another Noose?

This morning I read about yet another noose being discovered in either the locker or the personal belongings of a black firefighter somewhere in this country. It seems this noose-making is an odd trend in the fire service, as this is probably the third time I've read a story like this in the past year.

Why is racism, particularly racism against African Americans, so common in the fire service? (Remember: First responders are held to a higher standard, so if you do something… Continue

Added by Cindy Devone-Pacheco, FireRescue on December 16, 2009 at 12:16pm — 23 Comments

Fire and EMS Recommended Literature

Prehospital Trauma Life Support by NAEMT

Air Management for the Fire Service, by Mike Gagliano, Casey Phillips, Phillip Jose, and Steve Bernocco

Firefighter Rescue and Survival , by Richard Kolomay and Robert Hoff

Rapid Intervention Company Operations by Michael R. Mason

Added by fire investigator 21 on December 15, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

The fat guy hits 200... or how I lost 45 pounds and lived to tell about it

The MNCG between Texas and Alabama marks a big day for me. It is the 1st anniversary of my quest to be a fitter, happier, healthier firefighter, dad, friend and person.

On January 8th 2009 I started eating better, working out (very slowly at first) and taking the supplements that have helped me fight the urge to binge on chips, fries, pizza, cake, etc. They have also given my body the nutrition I was not getting in my diet (not on a… Continue

Added by Allen Wahlstrom on December 15, 2009 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment VFDs Get Creative About Attracting Recruits

This blog links to an article from the Post Star in Northern New York State which outlines some of the creative steps their fire departments are taking to attract new members.

Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on December 15, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Near Miss Receives Record-Breaking 1,000 Reports in 2009!

The National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System reached a milestone this month when it posted the 1,000th report for 2009. This marks the first time in the program’s 4-year history that 1,000 reports were received in a single year. The total number of reports received since the program launched in 2005 is more than 3,100.

Chief Jeff Johnson, IAFC president and chairman of the board, credits the increase in report submissions to the growing acceptance of near-miss reporting at… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on December 15, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Happy Holidays

Here's to everyone out there have safe Holiday if you have to work,remember stay low & stay safe.
Also Happy New Year

Added by Mark on December 15, 2009 at 11:01am — 3 Comments

IAFC Go-Team Application Deadline Extended to Dec. 18

Two-person Go Teams are highly skilled and equipped chief officers in each national FEMA region who will help in the organizational response and recovery after significant emergencies and catastrophic events. Visit the EMC webpage (see the Toolbox area) for details and to print the application documents. Department approval is required so be sure to give yourself time to fill out all documents and… Continue

Added by Fire Rescue Magazine on December 14, 2009 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

If you're worried about getting cancer -- you probably shouldn't be a firefighter!

That's what I overheard a certain young fire officer tell a probie recently.

"If you're worried about getting cancer -- you probably shouldn't be a firefighter!"

I didn't miss-hear or mis-understand him, nor did I take his comment out of context. That's exactly what he said.

I nearly blew my cork. What an immature, ignorant, uniformed, reckless thing to say.

Here's all I have to say to him, "This one's for… Continue

Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on December 14, 2009 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...December 14, 2009

Yesterday was a busy day for us Morris Twp volunteers. Our pancake breakfast was a HUGE success. I mean HUGE. The weather towards the end was icy rain but it didn't stop over 270 people from coming to the breakfast. And of course a picture with Santa always helps!

Later on I went to our township thank you dinner at Rod's. What always impresses me most are the awards for 50 and 50+ years of service to the fire… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on December 14, 2009 at 8:07am — 1 Comment

Regionalization of Fire Services

I have always favored regionalization of services where it works, not just fire, but police and public works or municipalities themselves. In Pennsylvania we have many fire departments and many municipalities. I have talked about regionalization of departments in my county and ways it could possibly be accomplished effectively. The local Pennsylvania State Representative found out about this. The representative favors regionalization so he can funnel money to one or a few entities instead many.… Continue

Added by Michael A Freezer on December 14, 2009 at 1:53am — 6 Comments

Calling out for help please

Hello All

I Am a firefighter with a small department on Raccoon Mountain all together we have 25 firefighrers . .The department is small and funded by the members. The gear we have now is old and worn out and some without gear.

We need some help so we can try to get these firefighters in some gear and try to replace some of the old stuff so they can fight fires the only problem is we dont have the funds to get any gear at all .

We have filed for grants and had no luck so im… Continue

Added by christopher on December 13, 2009 at 7:31pm — 1 Comment

Tales from a tailboard firefighter, eyes wide open

In a good movie, in the first 15 minutes or so, there must be an inciting incident. This sets the theme.

In my career I had three in the first few months.

The first was an EMS call. The light unit was sent with me and a more experienced fireman: Code 3 to a nice house. A middle-of-the-night call to a difficulty breathing. At that time, we had not become EMTs yet and carried all our equipment in a small tackle box and a thing called a Flynn ventilator.

We were shown to… Continue

Added by mike simms on December 13, 2009 at 7:08pm — 2 Comments

Budget Time : Part 2

Well, Thursday night came and went. Basically, in my eyes, the entire budget process that the Commission I sit on worked on for almost 4 hours was a total waste of time. Yes, every department except 1 had a representative there to explain and justify their budget requuests, but some of the people the departments sent had no idea why they were there and had no clue what a line item buget is. To make matters worse, we did not even have enough Commission members there, according to our Bylaws, to… Continue

Added by Brady Matthew Grim on December 12, 2009 at 10:35pm — 2 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...December 12, 2009

I was feeling kind of sad all day thinking how it's the holiday season and because of my impending divorce my other half has lost all interest in decorating our home, buying a tree, and getting into the Christmas spirit with my sons.

I went to the firehouse feeling melancholy, and myself and two other people finished setting up the tables for tomorrow's pancake breakfast. When we were done, sans Christmas decorations, I… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on December 12, 2009 at 8:36pm — 1 Comment

Entering the world on Route 9

This is an article from todays issue of the McDonough County Voice. The newspaper from Macomb, Illinois....I just want to say congrats to the family and GREAT job by the Blandinsville Fire/Rescue Dept..

Blandinsville, Ill. -

In a story that seems remarkably similar to the one we celebrate on Dec. 25, a… Continue

Added by Noah Sheckler on December 12, 2009 at 5:16pm — 4 Comments

training hour paperwork problems

ok so in the last few weeks our junior firefighter hours have gone from being recorded on paper to being entered into the computer like a firefighters hours... i should have 60-70 hours of training but thanks to a person in my department we lost 15 separate trainings because he forgot to put the dang date on the papers.... so we dont have a date that the trainings were completed on and all we could do was throw them away... according to the fire commission i have 31 hours... I know i should… Continue

Added by Jessica Travis on December 12, 2009 at 1:53pm — 2 Comments

looks for frends

Hi my name is Sean. i world like to get some frends on here. So if u wont to be my frend p add me?

Added by Sean Henkels on December 12, 2009 at 8:19am — 1 Comment

Use of a taser in a gas filled house? safe or not safe

A department in my county went to a report of gas in the residence that was a two family house. When they arrived they the upstairs family who called met the Chief at the curb. The Chief asks" is every one out of the residence?" the family states "upstairs yes in down stairs no there is still a person in there". The Chief goes to the rear for the entrance to the downstairs apartment and is met by an intoxicated male who insists that he is not going to leave his residence and starts cursing out… Continue

Added by James on December 12, 2009 at 2:50am — 4 Comments

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