Use of a taser in a gas filled house? safe or not safe

A department in my county went to a report of gas in the residence that was a two family house. When they arrived they the upstairs family who called met the Chief at the curb. The Chief asks" is every one out of the residence?" the family states "upstairs yes in down stairs no there is still a person in there". The Chief goes to the rear for the entrance to the downstairs apartment and is met by an intoxicated male who insists that he is not going to leave his residence and starts cursing out the Chief, the Chief turns to the guy to ask again to leave the residence the gentleman slams the door closed. The Chief the returns to his vehicle to make sure the Police unit is enroute and to advise of the non compliance of the resident.
Upon arrival of the Police unit the Chief escorts to officer to the entrance where they meet the gentleman again screaming and cursing at them that "it is his house and they can't come in and he's not leaving". After several warning's the officer draws his taser out of his holster and draws down on the belligerent gentleman; and starts to warn him to exit the building and marks the person with the laser part to show the person that he means business. He warns the person several more times, and gives the person the ultimatum, leave or I will taser you. The officer then turns to the fire chief and asks if I due this will this make the house explode? or start afire? The fire chief states I am not sure but I would not due it. The officer then holstered the taser and awaited his back up to try and talk the person out of the residence. While this was happening the gas company found the leak in the common basement area and fixed the issue. So my question if the officer fired the taser could that have made the situation worse??

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Comment by Tom Wheland on December 14, 2009 at 9:06am
I would vote for pepper spray in that case.
Comment by lutan1 on December 14, 2009 at 1:29am
As others have said, there's a few what-if's to consider, but my gut feel is that it wouldn't be safe...
Comment by Paul Montpetit on December 12, 2009 at 11:06pm
if the gas level were at the right level even a flashlight that wasn't intrinsically safe could cause a big portable radios.....makes one think doesn't it....?
Comment by Glen Garland on December 12, 2009 at 5:53pm
It would depend on the concentration of gas in the vicinity of the taser if fired. Only a gas meter would tell you for sure what the levels are in the building. My gut response would be to advise the PD officer against firing the weapon at least until the levels are known. Sounds like the occupant is a future canidate for a Darwin award!

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