All Blog Posts (7,007)

1st blog

well it's monday morning. not much happened this weekend, dont know if that's a good or bad thing. Seems like my community has a rogue trash can burner out there. past few weekends at least one trash can or dumpster was on fire in the middle of the night. fire was put out pretty wucik and no one got hurt, which in my opinion is the most important part. I like that fact that i am always learning something new. LIke the cheif explained about us using the scba's and face sheilds on the trash… Continue

Added by Jay on August 4, 2008 at 10:12am — No Comments

People who comment on Other Blogs

u know im sorry but i get realy annoyed when people comment on other people's blogs that have nothing to do with the topic of the blog u know like some one will ask the question what is ur preferance on Truck color. But there is always some Jack Ass that feels he has to be Above everyone else with his nose held high and say "Well as long as it gets the job done does it realy matter". My take on that YEA because we all Like differant colors like me i personally think trucks shouldnt be anything… Continue

Added by Irishtruckie12 on August 4, 2008 at 8:11am — No Comments

NFA.....State Weekend

I just got back from State Weekend at the National Fire Academy....WOW that was fun. It was my first time there. I took Leadership 1 that was a good start. we had a great time. the Memorial Service was really somthing to see or participate in. I didn't bring my Class A's But I will Next Year. I met Alot of High Ranking ppl there, some of the Best Instructors In the State Including Randy Isenburgh ( I hope i spelled it right) he is one of the instructors that wrote the new Haz-Mat 472 program… Continue

Added by Greg....aka Midge on August 3, 2008 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Cancer update!!

Well I have started my chemo drugs once every two weeks.I can't have cold drinks or stick hand in cold water or freezer or fridge.The side effects and worse with the cold I get six bags on monday then a shot of 5FU then they pump me on a pump of 5FU for 48 hours. Then tuesday I get 1 bag of chemo and a shot of 5FU.I have six more treatment like that and i will be done.

Added by Robert Nichols on August 2, 2008 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

Another reason to hate the Dodgers...

As if I needed another reason to hate them, now they pick up Ramirez. He is a whinning, slacking infection on every team he plays on. So my only hope is he will infect LA also. The fact that he played for Boston gives me another reason to root against him. Hopefully both LA and Boston will be watching come playoff time.....

Added by Medicine Man on August 2, 2008 at 7:12pm — 1 Comment

IAFF #333 Kicks Butt.

After winning just 2 times in the regular season, The IAFF local 333 (Springfield, Ohio), ran the table in the city softball tournament last weekend winning 5 staight games only to lose in a heart breaker in the championship 10-9. (on a bad umpire call I might add, but i will leave that for another time) We brought home the hardware with a 2nd place trophy. Now it is on to the state Tournament this weekend Aug. 9-10 in Dubin. Hopefully we will play as well and bring home some more hardware. I… Continue

Added by Medicine Man on August 2, 2008 at 7:06pm — No Comments

You know ur a firefighter when..........................

You know your a firefighter when..

1. ... You refer to a car fire as a "car-beque."

2. ... You think Backdraft is a comedy… wish every fire I was on had no smoke!!

3. ... Every vehicle in your family's fleet have the little fire helmet sticker on them

4. ... When you get pissed watching other cars ignore an apparatus going code 3..

5. ... When your 4 or 6-days are always spent at the river

6. ...If you've ever made a campfire and told everyone, "Trust me, I… Continue

Added by John on August 2, 2008 at 2:33am — 7 Comments

Dodging Johnny Law

I'm a law abiding citizen, in general, with one exception.....I love fast cars and I love to drive fast.

Double clutch used to be my middle name when I had the pedals to merit the name (my '72 Barracuda).

Up until recently I wasn't driving anything speed-worthy, and frankly, I'm stil not driving my dream car....but it's far zippier than what I was cruising around in lately.....


Tonight I'm on the Northway southbound; it's late, I haven't had anything to drink so… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on August 2, 2008 at 12:30am — 17 Comments

Places where I worked before

After my initial Firefighter training I worked at CFB Edmonton for 4 years "now and army base". Followed by a tour at sea on HMCS Assiniboine.…


Added by Dano on August 1, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments



Added by D.MAN on August 1, 2008 at 10:06pm — 6 Comments

mva in handcock,ma

i'm writing about an bad mva in handcock,ma that i was at last night july 31 2008. the call came in at 15:30 and i was a call for richmond fire and richmond emt to respond to the rt 20 side in ma in hancock. i was on the truck with the jaws of life and i was the co pilot we were responding fast then over the scanner we heard we nead the jaws , so i know it was a bad one they close off the whole mt. of rt 20 and when i got there there was two cars with there fronts smashe in one of the cars… Continue

Added by michael paul on August 1, 2008 at 6:57pm — No Comments

Do you work the Night Shift? Enter the Night Shift Heroes Contest and win prizes! Hurry, before Aug.8

Hey Everyone:

If you or someone you know works the night shift, here's your chance to get recognition and some cool prizes...

OSRAM SYLVANIA (they make high performance headlights) is running a contest devoted to night shift workers called: Night Shift Heroes by SYLVANIA.

Entering the contest is simple. Just fill out an entry form, write a short essay about how this night shift worker has made a difference, and send it along with your entry form to… Continue

Added by LorrieP on August 1, 2008 at 3:59pm — No Comments

Alplaus Fire District Info:

Hey All,

So I'm going to continue with answering your questions about the little Hamlet that is...Alplaus! Many of you have asked what are fire district encompasses: what kind of buildings we have, what we respond to, how many trucks we have, how many members we have, etc.

So Alplaus Fire Department is a part of the Town of Glenville Fire District, District #2 is our actual town identifier. The Town of Glenville is made up of 7 Fire Departments: Beukendaal, Glenville Hill, West… Continue

Added by Scott Runkel on August 1, 2008 at 7:38am — No Comments

Buried Alive

Few terms can strike such primal fear and terror as the words "buried alive". Burned Alive....Drowned....both terrible ways to die, but the idea of being suffocated under the weight of the earth in blackness, soil filling mouth, nose, and ears, reaches deep into our souls and stabs at the deepest pit of our stomachs.

For six hours last night, we toiled, shored, and dug for the man trapped in a 12 foot trench under 6 feet of hard, cold, clay soil. Sweat poured from under our helmets,… Continue

Added by Stephanie on July 31, 2008 at 5:55pm — 2 Comments

The Continuing Chronicles of the FNG(irl): "D'Oh!"

I’ll post a blog about my boot camp experiences later, after my thoughts have been published in The Volunteer Firefighter magazine, so stay tuned for that.

I participated in drill night with my department this week and I never cease to be amazed at how many ways I can find to make a complete ass of myself.

It’s astonishing really. Disturbing, but astonishing. At least this week’s antics didn’t feature any eight-legged crawlies.

I’m still on vacation, so I spent the… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on July 31, 2008 at 10:35am — 16 Comments

end of July

Wow it’s been a while since I have made it to the page to post any thing that’s not good to much work and not enough play makes the Chief a boring and cranky boy. So all you probies out there need to be on your toes. It has been a heck of a month some where around 30 calls this month and on top of unbelievable amount of meetings and yearly ladder and pump tests it has been truly crazy. We were all shocked to hear of the deaths of two Washington state firefighters this is truly a sad occasion,… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on July 30, 2008 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Attendance Policies with Volly Fire Depts.

How does your volly dept do there attendance policies? Right now are dept. has a 50% rule. We have to due calles, training and meetings. But we dont have very many members that are at 50%. I am looking new Ideas Thanks in Advance

Added by Isaac on July 30, 2008 at 9:45am — 5 Comments

Another Plead For Seatbelt Use --- Why Aren't We Doing It?

Seatbelts: Enough is enough. Buckle up.

On any given day as United States Fire Administrator, I receive an abundance of information regarding the nation's fire service. As one can imagine, some of the information is good — and some is tragic.

It is the information I have been receiving over the past weeks which motivates me to comment today regarding the use – or, more importantly, the lack of use — of seatbelts. It is a tragedy when we lose a firefighter to a… Continue

Added by Jim Brunelle Jr. on July 29, 2008 at 3:13pm — 16 Comments

My Hazmat team's web site

Hey all on FFN!!! I am the webmaster for my hazmat team's website. We were just recently featured on the History Channel show called Shockwave for our involvement in the T2 labs explosion here in Jacksonville, FL. There are many interesting photos and a video montage of the T2 disaster along with pics of the guys on the site. The url is . Please stop by and check it out and while you are there PLEASE click on the advertisers links every once in a while. This helps me… Continue

Added by Justin Murphy on July 29, 2008 at 1:45pm — 1 Comment

Back on deployment!!!

Hey guys, our fearless leaders are telling us it's time to deploy yet again. I will be gone on monday morning and i will be gone for a while. If you want to email me here is me ship email,
and here is my regular mailing address if any one wants to send other stuff.

ABH2 (AW) Finnelli, William
Air/ V-1/Crash
FPO-AP 96616-2876

Take care everyone and i will talk to you all soon.

Added by William Finnelli on July 29, 2008 at 7:25am — 6 Comments

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