Jim Brunelle Jr.
  • 54, Male
  • Hudson Falls, NY
  • United States
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Jim Brunelle Jr.'s Friends

  • Marlin Olson
  • Ashley Rivers
  • burgel fabrice
  • Fireman Larry
  • Zack Cross
  • Caitlin Gambee
  • Ric Stafford
  • Joel Archambault
  • Neil S. Hafner
  • FireDaily.com
  • kevin leroy goodell jr
  • Anthony d. brownell
  • oreo
  • James Weir
  • Justin Scott

The purpose of life is not to show up at the end quietly in a well preserved body, but to come in sliding sideways saying "Holy Crap What A Ride!"

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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
22 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Kingsbury Vol. Hose Co. # 1, New York
Years With Department/Agency
20 years
My Training:
Way too many to list all.
About Me:
22 yrs of fire service, all with the Kingsbury Vol Hose Co. # 1. Held ranks of Captain, 4th asst chief, 3rd asst chief,I am currently serving my second time as chief of my company. Member of HVVFA, FASNY, WCVFA,NYSAFC,AND S.A.F.E.
Day Job:
Crane Operator/Welder
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family Buisness, love the lifestyle and brotherhood.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping others,the adreniline rush.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Firefighter Safety, Retention & Recruitment, Funding.

Your Firefighter Nation : Firefighter EMS and Rescue Social Network Box

Great to be part of such an excellent group of men & women who share the same interest of fighting fires and saving lives.
I log in every chance I get just to see who is here and swap comments with friends. Feel free to add me to your list of friends or drop me a comment about my little piece of this place, I'm always looking to make new friends and chat with old ones.
Feel free to scope out my company's web site www.kingsburyfire.net and let me know what ya think. I'm always looking for cool stuff to add to it so don't be bashful.
To all my brothers and sisters here.... be safe, be smart,and be strong.
And one other thing.....when you get in the rig be it big or small remember.... buckle up, it could just save your life!
Just a few places I like to hangout, The Visiting Fireman, 1st Responders Wireless Broadcast(NY960),Yahoo IM(Firecar380).
SEE YA !!!!!!!!!

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Jim Brunelle Jr.'s Blog

New Suicide Technique Could Kill US.

Posted on March 11, 2009 at 7:00pm 6 Comments

Subject: Fw: "Person Down" in Vehicle - New way to commit suicide

Person Down in Auto/New way to commit suicide

Recently a new way to commit suicide has been discovered by mixing two chemicals that can be bought over the counter at local stores. They are Bonide - a sulfur spray used as an insecticide for fruit trees and hydrochloric (muriatic) acid. Once mixed, the chemicals produce heat and a flammable, noxious gas that causes the subject to pass out and the… Continue

Giving Credit Due To My Bro's.

Posted on December 13, 2008 at 12:00am 5 Comments

Well another season of harsh politicing for the best and worst postitions a person could want have come to a close.

Yes, I'm talking about running for anything from a chief's position down to the appointment of captians and other officers.

So this year had a bit more of a twist since I was running for chief of my department.And I was running againt an older somewhat more seasoned firefighter who has alot of leadership skills and a list of credentials a mile long. What was my edge?… Continue

Thanks to everyone here at the Nation...."We" Are Firefighter Of The Year!!!!!!!!!

Posted on September 22, 2008 at 10:03am 7 Comments

WE DID IT! WPYX106 just called and notified me that I was voted FireFighter Of The Year, I know that that it was the support from all my brothers and sisters here at the Nation that made this possible. And a very Special Thank You to Mary Ellen Shea, aka" FASNY Training" for the nomination as well as all the PR that she put into it.

I am very proud to be able to make the claim of being a member of Firefighter Nation and this without a doubt is the biggest example of why I have that… Continue

Another Plead For Seatbelt Use --- Why Aren't We Doing It?

Posted on July 29, 2008 at 3:13pm 16 Comments

Seatbelts: Enough is enough. Buckle up.

On any given day as United States Fire Administrator, I receive an abundance of information regarding the nation's fire service. As one can imagine, some of the information is good — and some is tragic.

It is the information I have been receiving over the past weeks which motivates me to comment today regarding the use – or, more importantly, the lack of use — of seatbelts. It is a tragedy when we lose a firefighter to a… Continue

I have decided to keep a rolling list of injuries due to "NOT" wearing a seatbelt. Maybe one day we'll Learn.

Posted on April 4, 2008 at 10:30pm 8 Comments

OK, so maybe we need a little more enlighting on this subject since it is still happening, people we need to use our heads here, and for godsake take two seconds to "CLICK IT"! This is where I will post bad things that happen for not wearing a seatbelt. These post are mainly from "The Secretlist "@ Firefighterclosecalls.com.

I have posted thier disclaimer to relieve any legal issues and to eliminate the possibility of being deleted for illegal… Continue

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At 9:07am on July 6, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.uа
At 3:49am on December 16, 2010, burgel fabrice said…
hi jim!
you didn't answer me!
did you received my helmet????
At 6:19pm on September 15, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Jim!!
Thanks for responding....you bet I wanna swap patches.....I do not have T-shirts for now but let me work on it...where do I send the patch?? My address is:
Daniel Garvin
4399 Viau Street
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
H9H 3B1

Thanks bro and remember to stay low and be safe!!!
At 6:02pm on September 12, 2010, Kent said…
Hey Jim,

I have a patch to trade if you are interested. The patch is South Metro Fire Rescue from Colorado. Email if you are interested kentheg@yahoo.com

Stay Safe,

At 2:21pm on September 9, 2010, Justin Scott said…
just stopping by to say hello. stay safe
At 9:38am on April 2, 2010, Caitlin Gambee said…
Haha! Oh yeah the infamous BD girls! I'll work on that one!
At 6:46pm on March 31, 2010, Zack Cross said…
thanks chief, i will do my best believe me, this stuff is in my blood.
At 3:27pm on March 31, 2010, Caitlin Gambee said…
Was wondering if you would know who I am! Hope you are enjoying the boots!
At 10:28pm on February 11, 2010, Ric Stafford said…
what do you mean? Give me a call.
At 12:07am on August 30, 2009, James Weir said…
Hey: Yup, we are the FD with the Blue Fire trucks way up north almost in Canada... If your ever up this way stop in and I'll show you Big Blue, Brutus, and The Beast. Take care, stay safe,

Jim, 2702.

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