All Blog Posts (7,007)

Real Love Isn’t Perfect

Real love, like real life, is never perfect, and happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. Somehow real problems always find us...... Sometimes angry words are spoken. Sometimes we just get on each other's nerves. But the important thing to remember is that our love is always there, full of forgiveness and understanding waiting for more happy times to share. Real love is powerful stuff. It doesn't need to be perfect to survive and grow. In fact, our love probably wouldn't be as strong as… Continue

Added by Alexandria on August 25, 2008 at 2:58pm — 1 Comment



The 26-year-old mother stared down at her son who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son's dreams to come true. She took her son's hand and asked, "Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew… Continue

Added by Alexandria on August 25, 2008 at 2:57pm — 1 Comment

The Creation Of The Firefighter

The Creation Of The Firefighter

When the Lord was creating Firefighters, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, "Your doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And the Lord said "Have you read the specification on this person? Firefighters have to be able to go for hours fighting fires or tending to a person that the usual every day person would never touch, while putting in the back of their mind the circumstances. They have to be able to move at a… Continue

Added by Alexandria on August 25, 2008 at 2:55pm — No Comments

FireFighters Quilt

My name is Alexandria, and I have been a Voluneteer fire fighter 1 year now. I am trying to get a quilt going with as many departments nation wide represented. I am working on getting patches put on a square of cloth 12" X 12" signed by your department, so that we can start getting this quilt off the ground. Also we would like to honor all of those who have lost their lives doing what they loved. If you can get me that information, that will be the center part of the quilt. I will take care of… Continue

Added by Alexandria on August 25, 2008 at 2:53pm — No Comments

Tired of Being a Sheltered Little Girl

Ok, I'm just so fed up with everyone's opinion about me being a firefighter. My aunt actually said that a girl on the fire department was cute. CUTE?! Is cute standing in the middle of a CRP field on fire with flames 10 ft. high trying to keep it from spreading to a farmer's house or crop fields?? Is cute chomping at the bit to go on a call, dreaming of fighting fires and keeping myself and my brothers on the fire dept. safe??? Maybe it shouldn't anger me, but darn it it really does that… Continue

Added by Ashleigh on August 25, 2008 at 12:45am — 9 Comments

Probably Going to be Unpopular

So, over the past week, I've seen the changes to FirefighterNation. Overall, up until now I've been very pleased with everything on the site. I've enjoyed the pictures, blogging and interaction ~ but ever since the introduction of the points system, it feels as though FFN has lost something.

Although the points aren't meant to be competitive, I have received 5-10 comments per day, as well as numerous frined requests. I've seen more one word and poorly thought out responses to blogs,… Continue

Added by LadyChaplain on August 24, 2008 at 11:19pm — No Comments

Live Auction: Fire Art and Collectibles to Benefit Fire Chief

As part of a large fundraising effort for Evans Center Firefighter Dennis Allen, a benefit scheduled for September 6, 2008 will feature a live auction of firefighter art and memorabilia. The benefit will run from 2-8pm and the live auction will kick off at 5pm.

Former Chief Allen received a double lung transplant on July 2, 2008 after suffering from the deadly disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis for more than two years. He is currently… Continue

Added by The Dennis Allen Project on August 24, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments

this morning

my asst chiefs house caught on fire this morning, he lost his home and both of their vehicles. Now the fd is trying to think of ways to raise money for them. As far as I know they don;t have insurance, and both of the vehicles were liability, PLEASE put them in your prayers and thoughts, They have three kids starting school tomorrow, without anything anymore. Just a little update!


Added by Sarah on August 24, 2008 at 7:48pm — 4 Comments

Tropical Storm Fay

Alright Im finally gettin some time to relax. For the past three days my county fire dept and local emergency management have worked nonstop to protect the resident of the county. Tropical Storm Fay dumped over 15 in of rain into the area. The low-lyin areas quickly filled up with the rising water fro the rivers & swamps. Saturday night we were ordered to evacuate the low lying areas due to a possible surge of water. For several hours we made our rounds evacuating everyone. Some depts had… Continue

Added by Trey Taylor on August 24, 2008 at 7:26pm — 3 Comments

Whooped Puppy

There are a few things that make you realize that you're not as young as you used to be. Running wide open for 48hrs is one of those things. I just don't recover as well as I did a few years ago. Although, I still think it's fun. It's just that I'm still young enough to get away with it, but old enough to know better. I had class during the day last shift. I know it sounds easy(and it was). GEMA school bus extrication. Power points and lectures. It… Continue

Added by Russell D. Henry on August 24, 2008 at 6:49pm — 2 Comments

my first web page

hey all i just made my first ever wabe page for my home town fire station its not done but check it out and let me know what you think. this is the link

Added by George t. Gerhold Jr on August 24, 2008 at 6:10pm — 3 Comments

Ring that bell Week!

Well I know that my last blog was complaining about having no action, I guess I spoke too soon. I mean it is never a good thing whenever we or any other fire company gets called, but this week has been eventful. An automatic alarm monday night, structure fire tuesday night, barn fire wednesday night, ems thursday, and an absolutley amazing experience last night.

Around 8 pm, we got toned for a fully involved barn fire on the out reaches of our district. Now I live exactly .6 miles from our… Continue

Added by Charley on August 24, 2008 at 10:42am — No Comments

I saw this on my friend *and fellow firefighter*'s myspace page and i felt the need to share it...

Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze and sleep for another 10 minutes.

The tone goes off at 2 in the morning he is on his way to a wreck with entrapment.


You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

Hes been awake for three days working at four different stations running calls all day and night and doesn't get to shower.


You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.

He gets… Continue

Added by Niki on August 24, 2008 at 12:52am — 9 Comments

The firema.... so sweat

the sweat


In Phoenix, Arizona, a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible.. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son’s dreams to come true. She took her son’s hand and asked, "Billy,… Continue

Added by jeff on August 23, 2008 at 5:52pm — 3 Comments

Firefighters prayer

firefighter payer

Whenever called to duty, whether sleeping or awake,

and hear those chilling tones go off, my heart will always quake.

Although I love my job, and have learned much from the past,

in my mind on every call, "I hope its not my last."

I always try to fight my fires, with all my courage and much strife,

and hope and pray to God above, that I can save a life.

I've seen a lot of pain and death, in my still young… Continue

Added by jeff on August 23, 2008 at 5:51pm — 4 Comments

I want to tell you lies


I Want to Tell You Lies.....


© Kalvere. All rights reserved

I want to tell that little boy his Mom will be just fine

I want to tell that dad we got his daughter out in time

I want to tell that wife her husband will be home tonight

I don't want to tell it like it is, I want to tell them lies

You didn't put their seat belts on, you feel you killed your kids

I want to say you… Continue

Added by jeff on August 23, 2008 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Sources of Strength

So I'm a short (5'3") Fire Fighter/ EMT and I get a lot of crap for my small stature. Hell... half of the crap I get I started.... I can take my punches... I can go with the flow and laugh at myself and admit when I can't do something... and I can dish sarcasm and retorts back as well.

I posted a blog a few days ago about how what somebody said to me had really gotten under my skin... I wasn't looking for sympathy or anything... just posted it as an anecdote of some of what's… Continue

Added by Liz Chase on August 23, 2008 at 1:10pm — No Comments

used turnout gear

any one selling or gving away thier still usable turnout gear..pls IM me thanx

Added by Michael tan on August 23, 2008 at 5:39am — 2 Comments

Treating PSVT

I had a call today that prompted an indepth discussion with my Lt. He is a paramedic with almost 20 years experience. I am a paramedic with about 10 years experience. I would like to hear your thoughts and recommendations on this.

Here goes: The patient called with complaint of chest pain and SOB. Upon arrival, the patient was an elderly male and was found sitting in a chair. The patient was obviously pale and c/o left, lower, lateral chest pain and shortness of breath which started at 2… Continue

Added by Big Jim on August 22, 2008 at 10:10pm — 7 Comments

Loving Fire and Rescue

Today once again I realized how much I love fire and rescue, even when it was running all the comercial building fire alarms that hit right at supper time! There's a certain pride in helping others when their day is at it's worse that I love. Most people complain about it, but I even love going into the assisted living home to check out the fire alarm that goes off several times a day. I just love to go in there and shake their hands and see their smiles. They are always begging us to come back!

Added by Abby Lawton on August 22, 2008 at 10:04pm — 4 Comments

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