The Dennis Allen Project
  • Male
  • Angola NY
  • United States
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The Dennis Allen Project's Friends

  • Rich Miller
  • Bradley c1507
  • Devil Doc
  • Mark Bernas
  • Jon
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.
  • Sarah Ross
  • Jennifer B
  • Kevin Jewett
  • Teresa
  • LadyChaplain
  • Mike
  • Andrew Poulson
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

Brotherhood in Action

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Evans Center Volunteer Fire Company
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
Dennis Allen is the past chief of the Evans Center Volunteer Fire Company. He retired as an active firefighter in February 2008 due to being stricken with the deadly disease, pulmonary fibrosis.
Relationship Status:

Brotherhood in Action

We're very happy to report that Dennis received a life saving double-lung transplant on July 2, 2008. He is currently recovering in the rehabilitation center at the Cleveland Clinic.


Live Auction of Fire Art and Memorabilia to Benefit Chief Allen. Click here to download the flyer: AUCTION FLYER-1PAGE.pdf


Chief Dennis Allen has been an active member of the Evans Center Volunteer Fire Company for almost 40 years, having served as a fire department officer for more than 30 years of his firefighting and EMS career.

Along with his wife Marlene and sons Scott and Marcus, this fire service leader has devoted his entire life to serving his community. After 36+ years of unselfish dedication to the fire department and the Town of Evans community, Dennis retired as an active firefighter in February 2008 due to being stricken with the deadly disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

This site is dedicated to honoring Dennis and to promoting the efforts of his brother firefighters, friends and family in raising funds to offset the overwhelming medical and living expenses that are created by this illness and the surgery that will save his life.

A Celebration Benefit to honor Dennis's contributions to the fire service and the community is scheduled for September 6, 2008 at the Evans Center Volunteer Fire Company, 8298 Erie Road, Angola NY 14006.

Save the date. Please stop back often and support "Brotherhood in Action: The Dennis Allen Project."

Thanks in advance for your consideration and support. Click or call with any questions or to learn how you can help.

- Tiger Schmittendorf -

Here's the blog I wrote about my friend Denny Allen:

Some people have character, and others are a character.

My friend Denny Allen… he’s both.

There are certain people in your life who are always in need of something – while others are always there when you need them.

My friend Dennis Allen is always there when you need him.


To make a direct donation, send checks to: Denny Allen Benefit, PO Box 422, Derby NY 14047.

For event tickets or other information, contact co-chairmen: Tiger Schmittendorf via e-mail: or 716-549-0022; or John Latimore: 716-549-3311 –

To donate auction, door prize, food or other items, please contact Lynn Krajacic at 716-341-9853 or

Denny Allen has responded to more than 10,000 Emergencies - 10,000 Calls for Help - in his 40 years of service. Our goal is to raise $1 for every emergency he's ever responded to. Please download and print these Life Saver cards, share with your friends and fellow first responders, fill them out and send back $5 for every sheet, or $1 for every card you fill out. The instructions and mailing address are on the bottom of the card sheets. Please help us achieve this goal of giving back to the 1 Life Saver who has responded to more than 10,000 Calls for Help.

Download: Life Saver Cards-BW.pdf

Please Download the: Dennis Allen Benefit Flyer.pdf and print, post and distribute it wherever you can.

Stay tuned here for more info and news of pre-event activities.

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The Dennis Allen Project's Blog

Live Auction: Fire Art and Collectibles to Benefit Fire Chief

Posted on August 24, 2008 at 10:30pm 0 Comments

As part of a large fundraising effort for Evans Center Firefighter Dennis Allen, a benefit scheduled for September 6, 2008 will feature a live auction of firefighter art and memorabilia. The benefit will run from 2-8pm and the live auction will kick off at 5pm.

Former Chief Allen received a double lung transplant on July 2, 2008 after suffering from the deadly disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis for more than two years. He is currently… Continue

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At 3:39pm on December 24, 2008, Aussie_Wildfire said…
In the last 3 years I have had cancer twice. my 14yo died of a heart attack
Yet, I have been voted into 2nd in charge of my local brigade. With support from my fellow volunteers they have given me cause to be happy and to go out and fight old man fire. It's what we do
At 1:35pm on July 8, 2008, Larry Shugars said…
Dennis hope you are doing well this my best buddy Yogi GETWELL SOON LET ME KNOW HOW YOU ARE DOING
At 12:11am on July 8, 2008, ERCVFD 842 C. Warren said…
Praise the Lord, Chief, God has truely BLESSED you and both of your family(fire and personal). IT's a heartwarming thing to hear a wonderful story like yours. Prayers and thoughts are with you and family for a speedy recovery, and I know your brothers hope to see you around the firehouse soon. GOD BLESS YOU Chief!!
At 4:50pm on July 7, 2008, Moose said…
God Bless you and your new lungs chief Allen, you are now in my prayers as well and I wish you the best of luck. Hope you have a speedy recovery and are back in the station soon brother.
Brian Jones
Cobleskill Fire Department
Upstate, NY
At 11:50am on July 7, 2008, Jim Seargent said…
I don't pray nearly as often as I know I should, but have been more lately. You can be sure that you are a part of them now. I wish you a great and speedy recovery. If I ever have a time where I could use a friend, I hope to find someone like you have in Tiger.
At 9:52am on July 7, 2008, Kimberly A Bownas said…
Glad to hear you received the transplant and my htoughts and prayers are going out to you for a speedy recovery...
At 9:22am on July 7, 2008, Jerry Mazurkiewicz said…
God Bless you and my prayers to you and your family for a speedy recovery!
At 8:45am on July 7, 2008, Tom Chmielowiec Jr. said…
Good luck, and God Bless... Get well soon!
Omnis Cedo Domus
At 8:26am on July 7, 2008, lloyd said…
Best of luck and a speedy recovery brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
At 4:04am on July 7, 2008, Teresa said…
Thinking of you for a speedy recovery...Wish to see you at the Hall Real soon..A Card will be sent really soon.

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