Alright Im finally gettin some time to relax. For the past three days my county fire dept and local emergency management have worked nonstop to protect the resident of the county. Tropical Storm Fay dumped over 15 in of rain into the area. The low-lyin areas quickly filled up with the rising water fro the rivers & swamps. Saturday night we were ordered to evacuate the low lying areas due to a possible surge of water. For several hours we made our rounds evacuating everyone. Some depts had to use boats to get to the river front properties. It made for a long night.Which added to the other long nights of the detail. We still have the threat of more water flowing in from the northern counties of the state & Georgia. I will never forget TS Fay, as will anyone else in my county.

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Comment by TCFR-R50 on August 26, 2008 at 12:42pm
We were busy too here in So Georgia, we had anywhere from 25-35 inches of rain, keep up the good work maybe we will run into each other on some mutual aid
Comment by Trey Taylor on August 25, 2008 at 6:42pm
It was rough. And if I heard right the storm is making a turn east back towards us. Plus there is atleast one more storm out in the ocean that may head this way. The waters are still rising and my work just told us that we may have to work 12 hr shifts and have to stay at the prison. Yeah I would rather work fires than these storms, but somebody has too. thanks for the support out there.
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on August 25, 2008 at 3:21am
Glad you made it through the storm ok... I think I would rather deal with wildfires or earthquakes instead of hurricanes or tropical storms that dump 15-inches of rain. Yikes!

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