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a little about me

I became a firefighter because I wanted to help people and it is a family tradition. My father, four older brothers and oldest sister were all fire fighters even my youngest sister became a fire fighter until she got married and moved.

I joined when I was sixteen as a junior fire fighter.At twenty one I became a second LT. and rose threw the ranks to Captain. Was a Captain up until three years ago when I became Assistant Chief. I do a lot of training with the new guys' and ladies… Continue

Added by turk182 on January 2, 2009 at 10:46pm — 6 Comments

Marketing Your Fire Department: Opportunities and Tactics

I already posted this as a discussion, but felt it merited a blog post as here goes...

Unused Resources, Lost Opportunities

I’ve been struggling with something for a bit, and decided rather than trying to be politically correct, or trying to avoid sounding like I’m giving a good friend a shameless plug…..I’m going to give a good friend a shameless plug for all the right reasons, and if you don’t like it…..too bad; Freedom of Speech and all that.

Have… Continue

Added by Mary Ellen Shea on January 2, 2009 at 10:01pm — 5 Comments

oldest operating firehouse in united states is scheduled to close

As a resident of shelby county right next to the huge city of louisville, i really would rather not see engine 7 close down. Engine 7 started serving louisville in 1871 while ulysses s. grant was president. Mayor Jerry ambramson said this would help balance a 20 million revenue shortfall by louisville city government. Its estimated this will save about 1 million dollars annually and since there are 6 other firehouses in a 2 mile radius it should not pose a problem to response times.

The 24… Continue

Added by Jessica Travis on January 2, 2009 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

New Year's Resolutions vs. the Same Old Stuff

A lot of us make New Year's Resolutions to break bad habits, make positive changes in our lives, or to set a goal that we want to meet during the new year. We often see firefighters who make New Year's Resolutions to improve safety for their departments. These changes can be as simple as reminding ourselves to pay attention to details, to base our actions on size-up and not on thoughtless reactions, or something similar. They can also be as complicated as implementing a new safety program… Continue

Added by Ben Waller on January 2, 2009 at 4:54pm — 1 Comment

For the Old Timers: Colonoscopy Awaits You

A while back, Chief Billy Goldfeder wrote a little story in The Secret List urging everyone over 50 to schedule a colonoscopy. He didn’t need to convince me; after my father died of cancer in 2005, I went to the doctor and scheduled a complete physical examination. Doc suggested that I have a colonoscopy, so I resigned myself to the medical profession for the procedure.

I don’t recall that Chief Billy went into details about his experience, so I thought I would share mine for all of… Continue

Added by Joe Stoltz on January 1, 2009 at 9:15pm — 19 Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...January 1, 2009

Our company is preparing for our Officer's Dinner this weekend. It's fascinating being involved with the process. People on the outside don't understand that there are committees for everything and just like families you have the people that work hard and the people that just show up at the "party" and lend a hand then.

The other day I went to Costco with one of my friends at the… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on January 1, 2009 at 8:59pm — 3 Comments

our first call of the year ( fatal)

the first article is 99% correct the only mistake is the amount of firefighters that responded as mutual aid units

One Woman Dead in City of Tonawanda House Fire

Posted By: Rachel Kingston

One woman is dead following an early morning house fire on Stark Street in the City of Tonawanda.

Chief Charles Stuart says flames erupted in the rear of 86 Stark Street around 6:30 this morning. When firefighters arrived, the house was fully engulfed.

A male occupant… Continue

Added by steve price on January 1, 2009 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments


Why is it so easy to fall in love but so hard to be in love

Added by Megan on January 1, 2009 at 5:01pm — 8 Comments

Digital Dumpster?

Is it just me or does it seem that the photo album has become a dumpster for digital photos? I used to enjoy going through and viewing the recent photos and finding the interesting ones (scenes, fires, training, and the occasional member pix) now it's just too time consuming.

Not to knock anyone's pix, but does EVERY photo you ever took need to be downloaded?

Maybe I'm just a crochety, old, grey-haired, wrinkle-a$$...

Have a great / safe 2009!!!!!!!!

Added by Daryl R. Brye on January 1, 2009 at 5:47am — 8 Comments

More Than Meets the Eye Part II

Ok,so alot has changed since I last blogged,I worked for a paid ambulance company an walked away after may issues both personal and work related.Big Mistake.My Child support got rasied a week before I left.My wife and I have gotten back togather,though at times it seems we may have been better off apart,but thats just apart of being married I guess.Recently I desided NOT to run for any position in my department.An apparently everyone was shocked I didn't,execpt me.But as it turned out my wife… Continue

Added by Tony Leonard,Jr. on January 1, 2009 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

does anyone know where to get blue turnouts from

does anyone know where to get blue turnouts from

Added by james young on December 31, 2008 at 10:07pm — 3 Comments

happy new years

i want to take a moment and say thank you to all that has me helped learn more about this website and the the fighting industy. im proud to serve my community as a firemen im thankful for all the lessons that i have been taught and all the comments from all my brothers and sisters some werent the nicest but i took that all in and i learned a valuable lesson from that and with that done its saved my butt many times in fires and ems calls so i want to thank all you guys and i want to wish you all… Continue

Added by unit 321 on December 31, 2008 at 5:29pm — No Comments

New year thoughts

Okay guys I am thinking of how long my night is going to be and how many things can go wrong tonight so in my narrow view of having to work tonight. PLEASE BE SAFE. I will remind you I carry big needles and long wide tubes if they are needed:) Have a wonderfully safe and happy NEW YEAR

Added by kari (kat) kotara on December 31, 2008 at 1:45pm — No Comments

Happy New Year to All

"Twas just hours before midnight, the station was dark,

the trucks were all polished and left in park.

All had gone home to sleep or watch Dick Clark on TV,

for home with the family was the best place to be.

The children were asleep, piled on the living room floor

after pleas of "just one hour more".

The family and I, all together we sat

while my turnouts made a bed for the cat.

When from my pager there came such a sound.

with all those… Continue

Added by Beverly on December 31, 2008 at 12:19pm — No Comments


I did find out on the 23rd of December that I passed the mandatory firefighter class. Glad that is over, now just have to get the HazMat out of the way and resume training at the department.

Added by Bradley Summers on December 31, 2008 at 9:51am — 3 Comments

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year wish to all my Brothers and Sisters, May we have an uneventful night with no calls. Be Safe
God Bless

Added by John on December 31, 2008 at 9:41am — No Comments

happy new year from us to you!

hey all jimmy, me and the kids want to wish everyone a happy new year and hope ur holidays have ben good to you. i have posted new pics on our myspaces so go check them out. i tried to on here but its having issues as anyway the kids are getting bigger and louder everyday. bladen is learning cursive writing in school and doing great- he also has glasses now too. wesley is learning to readand as usual we are still working on his fine motor skills and keeping his heels on the ground.… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on December 31, 2008 at 9:28am — No Comments

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to one and all from the first country in the world (New Zealand) to see 2009 arrive. The time here has just clicked over midnight.

I hope the new year brings your dreams to fruition and fills your life with the things you desire.

Added by Mark Montgomery on December 31, 2008 at 6:00am — No Comments

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter

Notes from a Rookie Firefighter...December 30, 2008

I failed by 4 questions. Heard that 1/2 my class failed. I took a long drive through Skyline Drive up to Greenwood Lake when I found out. I guess I'll be studying through New Year's. I thought of what I was doing the day I took the test, 12/17, and it was a day dealing with drama from my daughter, soon to be going away for residential treatment. Hopefully next time my focus can be better, and I can stop myself from re-thinking… Continue

Added by Denise Imperiale on December 30, 2008 at 5:56pm — 4 Comments

Open Your Eyes in 2009

From my blog at Firehouse Zen:

What have we learned in 2008? Are we better off here on the threshold of 2009 having experienced so much in the last year? Or are we destined to repeat our mistakes? Are we advocating better cardiac fitness for our troops? Are we beating the seatbelt issue into their heads on a daily basis? Are we telling them that it’s silly to fight fire without using proper PPE and… Continue

Added by Mick Mayers on December 30, 2008 at 4:23pm — 10 Comments

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