Ok,so alot has changed since I last blogged,I worked for a paid ambulance company an walked away after may issues both personal and work related.Big Mistake.My Child support got rasied a week before I left.My wife and I have gotten back togather,though at times it seems we may have been better off apart,but thats just apart of being married I guess.Recently I desided NOT to run for any position in my department.An apparently everyone was shocked I didn't,execpt me.But as it turned out my wife and family weren't the only ones to notice my "transformation"or as I've been told my maturization in the last year.Like I said alot has happened.I grew up,it's that simple.Not many people agree with my decisions,but who has everyone agree with them all the time when they're not getting paid by them.I am older and wiser,and more tactful,but not all the time.But I can't discuss that now.I actually got appointed E.M.S.CAPTAIN for 2009 by the Chiefs and Fire Captain,I'm currently looking at returning to the paid ambulance company,with a different partner,as my old one and I agreed before,he deserves a better one with all of his expereince(i know my spelling stinks).Hopefully everything will work out,so i can not only get my family off of welfare,but get a new car in the process.My Transformation is not yet complete I know that I got along way to go.An I'm Not Done.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on January 2, 2009 at 12:17pm
Good to see you out there putting the effort in.
Stay focused, man.
Believe me; the clouds will part and the sun WILL come out.
Just stick with your plan.

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