All Blog Posts (7,006)

The meaning of the success

To laugh often and much

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children.

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.

To appreciate beauty.

To find the best in others.

To leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy…


Added by Mari York on January 6, 2008 at 5:34pm — No Comments

Fallen Brother

It's with deep regret that i anounce the passing of a great brother, friend and long time fireman Donald G. Paterson of Kimball Twp. Michigan, Don passed away shortly after returning home from a call.

Don was a 35 year vetrain of the Kimball Twp. Fire Department and was involved with American Redcross and a loving husband, father, and friend Don passed away Tuesday January 1 2008 and was laid to rest January 5 2008 in Kimball…


Added by firemedic27 on January 6, 2008 at 3:08pm — 5 Comments

Drive Defensively

This is a short one...the linked story is the real story; keep your wits about you while on the road, because while you might be able to account for YOUR actions while driving, you can't account for the other drivers' actions, particularly when alcohol is involved.

The 1st Asst. Chief of Wilton Fire Department (Upstate NY) was involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver while pulling out of his station. He'll recover, but we all know that this outcome is sadly not often the…


Added by Mary Ellen Shea on January 6, 2008 at 12:45pm — No Comments

Update: Tax Incentive for Volunteer Firefighters and EMS workers

Recently I have found out there is an NY State tax incentive that you can file for. When filing your NYS income tax for 2007 remember to use form IT-245 to claim your $200 or $400 Tax Credit for volunteering as FF or Ambulance Worker. You can find this form at or Thanks for your time.

Added by Alexandra Sutton-Pyle on January 6, 2008 at 11:30am — 1 Comment


Dont ya all just love agency politics? Next week is elections for our department I am so not looking foward to it.

Added by John Thomson on January 6, 2008 at 11:03am — No Comments

State Paramedic Pratical

So I passed my MA state practical test for my medic ticket. Now all I got is clinical, ride time and my written test, half way to my medic. I'm pretty happy. Awesome way to start off the new year. Just one step closer to getting on a department Full time.

Added by SurfCoreSe on January 6, 2008 at 10:25am — No Comments

Job etc.

One of my fellow fire station volunteers who just recently started working at DPSC (dispatch with fairfax county) has said that she's going to talk to HR on monday to get my application pushed through ASAP!!!! this is really exciting due to the fact that if I get the job, once my apartment lease is up in august I will have accrued enough monies to get a house out in the boondocks!!!!!



Added by Marie on January 6, 2008 at 12:17am — 2 Comments

RIT Team Rescues 7 Delaware Firefighters

Saving Our Own
by Lou Angeli

(Wilmington, DE) – January 5, 2008 -- An early morning Delaware blaze may have turned deadly for 7 firefighters if not for mutual aid pre-planning and a superfast…

Added by Lou Angeli on January 5, 2008 at 11:51pm — 1 Comment

My First Auto Extrication

About a week ago, I performed my first auto extrication. Last Friday night, we were called to an intersection where someone had pulled out in front of a sheriff deputy. Both drivers were injured, but the deputy was able to get out without having to be extricated. The person in the other vehicle, wasn't so lucky.

Our rescue truck came with a crew of three. We got the assignment of extrication. When we got on the scene, the driver raised the stadium lights, while the person in the…


Added by BTFD604 on January 5, 2008 at 10:56pm — 2 Comments

Haven't been here in a while...

Been busy with my documentary and working through the holidays in retail (so much fun!). Anyway, I just added a new slideshow to my page. Please take a moment to view it and let me know what you think!

Be well & stay safe out there, everyone.



Added by Erin Blackman on January 5, 2008 at 9:18pm — No Comments

911 Fitness Challenge

Well it's almost here.........on Monday Jan. 7 we weigh-in for the 2008 911 Fitness Challenge. Last year was the first year anyone in our department participated. It was a team of 5 guys. Apparently one of the guys realized he needed to defect from his original team because he asked me and my friend to be on a team with him. So this year we have 2 teams. One team 2 girls and a male (ABS-olute EMS) and then the all male team (the Clogged Arteries). After the weigh-in we will be hitting the gym… Continue

Added by Laura on January 5, 2008 at 8:02pm — 1 Comment

New update

Well, it's been awhile since I updated my blog so here goes........

Fire wise, not too much happening. Had a BS car wreck Christmas night, followed by a good car fire. Nothing since then though. It must be a sign of how quiet it is in my parts when that car fire was te first time I've had to pack out for a call in almost a year. Apparently, the only time southern Orangeburg county gets a good fire is when I'm at work or doing my Army weekends. Good refresher though.

Life wise… Continue

Added by Dan Campbell on January 5, 2008 at 6:05pm — No Comments

Losing weight and my mind

Well I found something to write about sitting here watching tv, surfing the net for diets LOL what a great combo? I’m trying to get motivated and keep myself in track to start working out this coming Monday. I’m set a goal to lost 30lb in 6 months, I’m that type of person that always starts and stops the whole workout and diet crap thing, I’m trying to get in better shape so when I go to the beach this yr i’m not mistaken for a beached whale and the locals come out… Continue

Added by Dork02 on January 5, 2008 at 4:40pm — 2 Comments

Quiet as a mouse thats dead in a trap.

Blog time again and I really have nothing to write about, it’s been a slow week at the house, oh one update on the truck from earlier,(you know the xmas week from hell). I narrowed down the issue and I had to go and buy a new computer for it, wow that hurt the wallet $245.00. With everything I’ve done in the last two weeks I think I spent mor that the truck is worth, but I love that truck so I guess it’s worth it I’ve…


Added by Dork02 on January 5, 2008 at 4:21pm — No Comments

Lights & Sirens

Thanks to everyone that has posted comments. We are all entiled to our own opinions. I do understand that it is not a given that drivers will move out of the way. Should be though-because who gets the crap when it is their loved one that needs Rescue!!!!! The good ole Fire Dept gets the complaint!!!

Added by Trish on January 5, 2008 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment

FEMA Grant

We have good news for our dept. We just received word that we are approved for 12 new sets of turnout gear for our dept. I know I am happy as the gear I have been in is from 1991 and showing it's age.

We have also sent out to a local company a request for grant money for some new pagers and radios. I have one of the oldest pagers, a Motorola Keynote. I can't complain too much as it still works better the the Minitors that we have.

On February 8th we are having a spaghetti…


Added by Charlie Jordan on January 5, 2008 at 2:33pm — No Comments

The Littlest FireFighter..

Next to Fire Fighting, and Saving Lifes, this is one of the most amazing writings i've found. I'm sure most, if not all have read this, but if you have not, you NEED to!

Enjoy, and Everyone stay safe out there!!


The Littlest FireFighter

-Author Unkown-

The 26-year-old mother stared down at her son who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also…


Added by Rachael on January 5, 2008 at 12:57pm — 2 Comments

Happy New Year!

Been a while...gotta keep up on this thing...hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year....things are going good back in Delaware....been quiet as of late though...but thats good.....I'm gonna try to keep this thing going and get on it a lot more.

Added by Cory Parson on January 5, 2008 at 12:15pm — No Comments

Welcome to "The Blog"


Added by TheOtherJohnGage on January 5, 2008 at 10:27am — No Comments

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