Well I found something to write about sitting here watching tv, surfing the net for diets LOL what a great combo? I’m trying to get motivated and keep myself in track to start working out this coming Monday. I’m set a goal to lost 30lb in 6 months, I’m that type of person that always starts and stops the whole workout and diet crap thing, I’m trying to get in better shape so when I go to the beach this yr i’m not mistaken for a beached whale and the locals come out and try to push me back in the water. LOL. Anywho wish me luck on this run and I’ll see you on the of side of 200 maybe LOL

L8r DoRK

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Comment by Dork02 on January 7, 2008 at 10:17am
X, thx for the words, today is the day and after this weekend i need it.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on January 6, 2008 at 1:02am
Don't sell yourself short.
I have lost 80 lbs, BP is no longer high, I can ride the bike 7 miles a day without getting winded, am starting to use free weights and would like to lose 10 more pounds.
I started out using the South Beach Diet by Dr. Agatson.
Get rid of sugars and starch, lower your carbs and you will be amazed at how quickly you will lose weight and you will look and feel great.
I had to buy ALL new clothes and I like nice clothes.
But well worth it.
Let me know if I can help.

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