A year ago I began the journey to get myself fit.

On Jan 8th last year I was 245 pounds, or a little more, honestly Im not exactly sure myself... the scale was not my friend, so I didn't tend to visit it very often.

I have blogged on my weight loss several times, so Ill be brief on this part.

I truly needed the weight loss. Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Pulmonary issues all run in my genetic family tree and I was well on my way to joining the 70's club as I call my grandparents. All four died by their 74th birthday, and I have a great desire to be there to walk my daughters down the isle, and shake my sons hands when they make that decision as well, and at the rate I was going, the odds were not falling my way to be there for all of them, if any.

So... January 8th this year I sit right at 200 pounds, a full kindergartener lighter than I was last January, and the weight continues to come off, at a steady if not world beating rate. But that is good, steady tends to stay gone... right?


So, last fall I befriended a great woman who has dedicated her life to helping our brothers and sisters in New York who are suffering from toxins encountered on and after 9/11. That led me to join her cause and begin work on a bike ride/race from Boston to NYC in Sept 2011. From that we have put the ride/race in the hands of an event organizer we believe in (and vice versa).

Since the ride is still nearly 600 days out, I looked at a way to get the idea and program in front of many in the cycling community and potential sponsors. What I came up with was a rebirth of Firefighters Cycling Association , a bike racing team that began in St Petersburg, Florida in the mid 1990's. Unfortunately that team eventually ended and we all went our separate ways...

Feb 2010 begins the second chapter of FFCA's history, and this time we do not ride for a shop, we do not ride for a Fire Department, or even a City. We ride to bring attention to our brothers and sisters who suffer in anonymity. We race to get their story out and bring attention to ride that will bring national attention to those heroes who answered the call and have given their lives for it...

Far too many have died since 9/11, and yet as a country these brothers and sisters are forgotten even by us their family. Well, no more!

The team will be open to all firefighters.

A team kit will be available for purchase, and for those who just want a jersey, there will be a
"9/11 Ride for Heroes" version available.

All proceeds will go to "September 11th Health and Fitness Foundation" to be dispersed to several charities we have chosen to support.

The Team

This is not just a bike club, this is a movement and when you join it comes with responsibility.

We will uphold the highest ethical standards
We will not use any banned substances
We will be Ambassadors for our brothers and sisters in the fire service
We will race as a team... period
We will spread the word
We will treat our sponsors with great appreciation

If this sounds good to you please contact me at firefighterscycling@yahoo.com

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Comment by cassandra vaughn on February 16, 2010 at 11:00pm
Hi how are you? Might sound silly. But im a 19 year old female rookie emt on the rescue squad. I weigh 250lbs. I already have diabetes heart problems all that stuff. How did u manage to ur weight down if u can give me any ways to help id appreciate it.
Comment by Brian Mackie on February 1, 2010 at 11:01am
Good job Allen. Good luck !
Comment by Melissa L. on January 31, 2010 at 8:06pm
Awesome. Truly awsome.

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