  • 65, Male
  • De Pere, WI
  • United States
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Capkurt's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
32 I'm old!
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
De Pere Fire - Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Went through them all. FFI, FFII, Even when they had FF III, D/O Engine & Aerial, FO I, NIMS, IC, Haz-Mat Specialist and Asst. Team Leader. yadda, yadda, yadda. We're a small Dept. so everyone has to do just about everything. I still get to clean the toilets and take out the garbage in the morning. It's so glamorous being a Captain!
About Me:
BS from University of Cincinnati, Paramedic since 1985 from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Taught at NWTC for 20 years. Regional Haz-Mat Team for 10 years. Tech Rescue Team. Member of IAFF L1998. Couple of terms as President.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
While in college(1977), became dissatisfied with what I was pursuing and wanted to do something that could have an immediate impact on people. Liked it from the beginning and the rest is history.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
being able to make a positive impact when people are having their worst day.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of funding from Fed., State and Local Gov.

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Comment Wall (161 comments)

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At 5:41am on October 8, 2010, Lindsay Stout said…
haha, no way that would be a Steelers jersey!!
At 12:58pm on February 10, 2010, massin ludovic said…
ok!i'll be a pleasure to meet a firefighter from wisconsin!have you got a email adress?i can sent you some patches, tee shirt...(i'm a collector!) sory for my bad english language i'm training! =)
At 3:44am on February 10, 2010, massin ludovic said…
hello!do you know someone in paris?i 'll like visit a station in US but i don't know anyone!=( maybe firefighter nation can help me! i hope your spent a good moments in the most beautiful town in the world! stay safe too capkurt!
At 2:17pm on November 8, 2009, DARMUS sebastien said…
hello Capkurt! If you want meet some french firefighter in Paris or Rennes you go to see directly in the firehouse of this city! I think they will be very happy to speak with an american firefighter if they speak English you are a lucky guy (the officers speak english)!!lol!
Adress of Paris firehouses: (click on the small firetruck for exact address)
Adress of Rennes firehouses: (3 firehouses)
CSP2 Beauregard - Street Doyen Denis Leroy
CSP1 St Georges - ?? perhaps your daughter know where...
CSP3 Blosne- (14 Avenue du portugal)
If you go in the south of my county for an other traveling, my firehouse is open...(Alpes de haute provence Barrême city)
Good traveling, good luck! And welcome in France!!
Sorry if my english is not perfect I'm not officer LOL
At 9:35pm on November 6, 2009, Allen Wahlstrom said…
So... is it ok to be a Vikings fan on that side of the state???
At 7:29pm on November 6, 2009, Marie Franzen said…
my pleasure.....You've got some great pics, yourself. Great sense of humor. Love the sarcasm. lol
yeah, I'm a sucker for a view. Very blessed. Hope you have a great day n be safe.
At 7:18pm on November 6, 2009, Jennica Stout said…
Lol...yeah, but I try to use that 15 minutes to sleep. How sad! And no, I've gotten now response for the ad...maybe I need to tweak the bennies a little!!
At 11:57am on November 6, 2009, kathy letendre said…
hello, ive never been afraid of anything i look at it as another challenge. life is full of them right? well hey thanks for the comment and have a wonderful day and be safe.........
At 1:02am on April 28, 2009, Melissa L. said…
It's a late (few months) to comment back but Thank you.
At 9:27pm on February 19, 2009, Brian Grace said…
The tractor is my part time business and I shot a swimsuit calendar. So, to answer your question, yes the tractor has fought brush fires when my burn piles get away from me on windy days. I swear they did not need the third alarm, that was overkill. lol

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